Disney Nature Earth (Blu-ray / DVD Combo)
Disneynature: Oceans (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)
Disneynature: African Cats (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging)
Disneynature: Crimson Wing The Mystery of the Flamingo (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)
These nature documentaries are some of the best around... my favorite is African Cats!
I know that the films "Earth" and "Oceans" did recycle some footage captured by the BBC team on "Planet Earth". So if you already own that set, you will probably recognize many of the key shots in these films.
The video/audio quality on all of these discs is above average. These would be excellent demo discs to show off your home theater. While many would prefer to see the majestic sights without commentary, these films are all narrated. I will say that the narration is informative and entertaining, and is particularly suitable for younger kids.All movies come in blu-ray sized packaging. In addition to the blu-ray disc, a standard DVD version of the movie is also included.Just a quick note for anyone who thinks, as I did at first, that the "Earth" film here is actually "Planet Earth" put out by the BBC & Discovery. A lot of the footage is, in fact, the same; but this is a different, much shorter production: Planet Earth = 550 minutes; Earth = 90 minutes. So proceed to either buy this package or not buy it with that knowledge!So I must agree with the other review saying all of this is recycled from Plant Earth and other BBC documentaries. In addition I wanted to point out that this "collection" is just the four blu rays shipped together (four separate cases wrapped together). There is no collector's box or anything like that. In addition I want say that my family owns pretty much all of the recent BBC nature documentaries on Blu Ray (not just the well known ones like Planet Earth and Life but also The Galapagos, Wild Pacific, Madagascar, Rift Valley, etc ). That being said, Earth had no new material. We only started watching Oceans but we're pretty sure that's all recycled material too.
Crimson Wings was pretty much all new material. The only problem is it's really slow and this is coming from a family that loves nature documentaries. After watching it, we all came to the consensus that it would have been much better if they had edited it to about half the running it actually was but then people would probably complain it wasn't worth the money for such a short doc.
African Cats was pretty much all new material with some recycled shots we think but it didn't matter because it was much faster paced and whole family loved it. We've already watched African Cats multiple times.
My recommendation is if you don't have many other nature docs, you could consider this collection. Though, I would recommend the longer BBC ones over Earth or Oceans. But they are longer and more expensive. In hindsight had I known what I'd be getting I would have just got African Cats and maybe Crimson Wings if it was on super sale. I don't regret having the longer BBC docs. Having seen them, Earth and Oceans just doesn't have as much material.My grandson loves these movies. He gets so enthralled with them it is difficult to pull him away! I love the educational aspect of them. Nice change from the everyday movie or cartoon.Most importantly this package deal is a rip off. You can buy all four these Blu-ray/DVD combos individually and the total is less than $65.00 this is well below the $95.40 listed for this movie collection. Ordering this collection is paying the person who merely put them into a box and mailed them an extra $30 for their effort.
It is not often I am disappointed with Amazon, but this is one time I am very disappointed with this Amazon offering.
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