Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why Did I Get Married Too? (2010)

Why Did I Get Married Too?Gathered together in the Bahamas for their annual one-week reunion, four close couples eagerly reconnect, sharing news about their lives and relationships. But their intimate week in paradise is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of Sheila's ex-husband, Mike, who hopes to break up her new marriage with Troy and win her back. The others soon realize they too are not immune to the challenges of commitment and fidelity. Angela doesn't believe her husband, Marcus, can be faithful now that he's a celebrity television newscaster. Dianne and Terry's relationship is feeling the strain of raising children. And Patricia, a successful self-help psychologist, must finally reveal the deep flaws in her seemingly perfect marriage to Gavin. With their relationships hanging in the balance when they return home, each couple must choose between blame and forgiveness, doubt and faith, with life-altering consequences.

The truth of the matter is that I have mixed feelings about this movie. Am I glad I saw it? Yes! This is one movie I wouldn't mind seeing again (if only to watch Shelia). Did I expect something different? Yes and no. Did I enjoy the movie? Yes, I'd have to say that I did. The truth is that it is just a different type of movie. The first movie examined how individuals dealt with the problems in their marriages; the good, the bad and the ugly. And in the first movie, they all had better relationships and a greater understanding of each other as people. Now, the second movie addresses what happens when a relationship breaks down (literally) and how we as human beings learn to cope with the change, hardships and difficulties. See, not bad, but different.

I feel the mark of a good movie is when you forget you are watching it, and you get drawn into the story. And let me assure you that this will happen. I will admit that this movie had a lot packed into it, but it gives you a fresh look on how these characters have changed, or not changed, over the three years since the first movie. It is a very emotional ride at times, but it all pays off when Shelia embarrasses Marcus, or when Troy stands up for his wife, and Janet's character really shows her other side.

The location for the reunion was absolutely beautiful, and get to see the conversations between the men and the women (in individual groups) and then see how the stories match up as the movie continues beyond the weekend get-a-way. There really is no need to describe the story any further because each person will experience it differently. Personally, I thought the movie began a bit slowly, however when it got to the end, I was happy for the slow parts it gave me time to catch up. Overall: if you like Tyler Perry movies, you should see this movie. It is worth the ride, very enjoyable.

"Why Did I Get Married Too" reunites the four couples again for their annual marriage retreat, this time in the Bahamas. It's pretty much the same scenario and plot from the first installment, but this time it's just not that interesting to watch. Sheila's ex-husband shows up alone and unexpectedly to the retreat just to "diss" Troy (Sheila's new hubby) and make everyone uncomfortable. Angela is talking trash once again, and provides the most laughable moments. Lou Gossett, Jr. and Cicely Tyson have a cameo appearance as an elderly couple who still love each other after years of marriage. Their story provides probably the only endearing moment of the entire film.

Then there's the usual dialogue about marriage the guy talk, the girl talk, some drinks, some jokes, some insults and then when the couples return home, that's when all of the trouble begins. I won't go into all of the details, but it's just not plausible that four couples, who are friends, would have so much extreme drama going on in their lives at the same time. This movie was just drama for the sake of drama, and it added nothing to the first "Why Did I Get Married?" which was an excellent movie. I don't know why Tyler Perry even bothered to make a sequel other than to perhaps keep Malik Yoba employed and to show that Janet's acting skills have slightly improved.

Like everyone else, I love Tasha Smith's "Angela" character, but she was just way over the top this time. (No man would stay married to a woman who clowns like that in public ALL THE TIME.) The ending was completely unnecessary, considering that this was supposed to be a "romantic comedy". It's obvious that TP didn't really know how to end the movie, so he kept piling on more & more drama until he finally ran out of ideas. (For example, showing up clowning on someone's job just to embarrass them after you've already smashed up the crib? Was this necessary?) I was exhausted after the movie ended. Just way too much melodrama within a 2-hour period. Hopefully, there won't be a "Why Did I Get Married 3?" (or "Why Did I Get Married Again?"), but somehow (unfortunately) I think there will be one.

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I give this movie 1 star it would have gotten half a star but that is not an option.

Tyler Perry's first problem was relying on Janet Jackson to carry the film. She is not the greatest actress in the world and I understand that her brother Michael Jackson died while she made this movie, but still shouldn't have relied on her. Her performance was better in this film than the previous but not by much. In the first film each couple had equal problems and shared equal screen time developing what caused the problems in their marriages. In this film only Patricia/Gavin and Angela/Marcus stories were really developed. The other two couples Troy/Sheila/Mike & Diane/Terry fell flat and not developed like the other two couples.

Angela & Marcus: This story was a little inconsistent, Angela blamed Marcus for catching VD when it was her who got VD first. Angela is checking pulse beats, mileage, and how many miles from point A to point B just proves she is too insecure and why is she in the marriage in the first place. She was the one who cheated first from the first film, yet she is harping on Marcus, first she got on to him in the first film for not having a job and now that he has one that pays well she is still unhappy. I don't get it. She needs to go drink herself into kidney failure. Why didn't Marcus call Angela out on her catching venereal disease first, he had to sit there and take her constant verbal abuse. Should have told her to take a midol and shut her loud, obnoxious ass up. She pulls a Patricia and embarrasses him at his job, could have gotten him fired, and she would complain again how he has no job and how it's his fault he got fired.

Patricia & Gavin: I guess since Gavin was going to be killed off, he tried to turn him into an ass, didn't work on me. The only wrong he did was burn the baby photos in a drunken stupor. Patricia gives out advice but can't take her own damn advice, did she sit there and write a pro and con list about Gavin since she told Diane and Angela to do that in the first film....hell no she didn't. How the hell can Patricia write a book about marriage and hers was falling apart. Then she announces the divorce in front of her friends without telling Gavin first, just blind sided him with that bit of important news. Patricia keeps everything bottled in and doesn't discuss anything with her husband and you could tell by Gavin's face that he just looked tired. She takes things too far and goes and embarrass the man at his job by having a gay man pop out of a wedding cake and playing "It's Raining Men." Sorry but Patricia was being a real bitch with issues. Sorry, wouldn't accept any marriage advice from Patricia yet alone read any of her books. Tyler relied on this story to carry the film but Jackson's acting was a no and all her lines were repeated over and over, sometimes in the same scene, she couldn't say anything else but repeat herself.

Terry & Diane: This story was the worst throughout the whole film. Diane is all happy and cheerful because she is having an emotional affair with a co-worker. It was never explained why she leaned on this co-worker and not her husband. It seemed that Terry tried everything to spend time with her and this and that. This story fell flat big time.

Sheila & Troy: Another underdeveloped story and a cop out. Why was it hard for Troy to get a job working in law enforcement, he has credentials when he was in Colorado. Then pull a Soul Food scene and have Sheila ask her ex-husband to get her current husband a job. Sheila asks the man that abused her both physically and emotionally to get her current husband a job, that makes no sense whatsoever and definitely a wtf moment. The story should have resolved around Troy adjusting the move from the North to the South and trying to fit in with Sheila's friends, since he left everything in Colorado. Mike having cancer was the biggest cop out I've ever seen.

Towards the end in the hospital was just dumb, Patricia telling everyone to fix their problems. Sorry dear, your marriage is screwed and not going to fix anything just cause you say so. One couple were dealing with issues that needed longer to heal that being Terry & Diane dealing with Diane's emotional cheating, cause that's a big thing. The ending was just horrible, yea The Rock makes a cameo, now he's going to be a witness to Patricia's bitchiness so he better get out while he can. She writes a book on healing, healing from what her selfish stank attitude, that caused Gavin to dive head first into traffic. Gavin's death wasn't believable because the driver hit Gavin's passenger side and his car wasn't that damaged. She caused two people in her life to die because of her selfishness. Her son because she was in a mad dash from rain water (seriously) to strap her son securely in a car seat. What if the water touched her was she going to melt, might as well since she is such a witch. Then her husband Gavin all over money saying he didn't contribute or write. Patricia obviously lost some damn brain cells because in the first film she writes her books solely on the couples retreat she goes to with her friends and isn't Gavin part of the retreat, she sure as hell doesn't go by herself. I just do not like Patricia. Now she kill Rock if she wants to, I'm punch her in the face and she can write a book on that.

This film was just a big letdown.

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I enjoyed this movie soooooooooooo much i can relate. They all did a good job and JANET man did she act the hell out of that part i think the passing of Micheal Jackson had something to do with itgood job on her behalf. I don't think i wanted it to end like that BUT Mr. Perry sure made of for it with a surprise guess at the end. I love Angelia and Marcus she maybe loud and sometimes ghetto be we all can relate she just voice what she is thinking. Jill Scott's character in regards to Mike Karma is a B..... some men just cant appreciate whats in front of them until its too late. I laughed a lot and it was fun a very good sequel. I can honestly say I would like to see a 3rd movie made.

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Taking place 3 years after the original, Why Did I Get Married Too? finds the same group of college friends on a week long retreat to discuss and improve their relationship/marital issues. Terry (Tyler Perry) and Diane (Sharon Leal) seem to have bounced back from their previous issues and are devoted parents to their young son and daughter. The loudly overdramatic Angela (Tasha Smith) and Marcus (Michael Jae White) are still fighting, although he's gotten a job as a sportscaster and finally has his act together. Angela is still obsessed with the idea that he's cheating and her irate behind screams out her suspicions to anyone who'll listen. After divorcing her abusive ex-husband Mike (Richard T. Jones), Sheila (Jill Scott) is now married to the more loving sheriff Troy (Lamann Rucker) and the two now have a baby boy. Last but not least are author/professor Patricia (Janet Jackson) and Gavin (Malik Yoba), married for 14 years and viewed as a model for the "perfect couple" (of course there's no such thing) among their friends.

Instead of going back to Colorado, the gang vacays at a lush Bahamas resort that seems like heaven on earth. Unfortunately, paradise gets ugly with the unexpected arrival of Mike. The unworthy fool wants Sheila back, but girlfriend's havin' none of it! She's not the passive doormat she once was and has no fear in standing up for herself. To make matters worse, Patricia announces to the group that she and Gavin are getting a divorce.

Much like the first film, the ish really hits the fan once everyone goes back home. The civility between Patricia and Gavin crumbles once Gavin stakes claim to the money made from her books. Pat's not going down without a fight and things get beyond nasty. Terry suspects his wife of infidelity, a deal between Sheila and Mike threatens to destroy her marriage to Troy, and Angela's antics get even more out of control. Can these couples get it together or will the drama do them in for good?

Before I go into the cons, I have to talk about Janet's performance. While the original showcased Jill's impressive acting chops, the sequel is clearly Ms. Jackson's and she shuts it DOWN! Especially once Pat drops her icy "keep it together although everything's falling apart" facade and loses her mind. "YOU WANT CRAZY?! I'LL SHOW YOU CRAZY!!!!" Her big brother Mike passed away in the middle of shooting and it's clear that the intense scenes were cathartic for her. The pain, anger, and sadness shine through and are at times hard to watch.

Now to the not so good things. Way too heavy on the melodrama for my taste. The strength of the first Married was how relatable and believable the issues were and how they were dealt with. This time around it seems like Tyler Perry had more drama than he knew what to do with and didn't know how to go about mending things in a believable way. The scene at the hospital was a poor attempt, I'm afraid. Angela and Marcus' fights were obviously used for comic relief, but didn't we go through all this in the first movie? It's such a retread and a time filler imo.

Despite the disappointments, the movie wasn't a total failure. The other cast members did well with their performances and I love Janet's ballad Nothing that's played as a short instrumental throughout the film and heard in full during the credits. The lyrics pull from the story ("Tell me what could the problem be, that's got you drinking way too much" .... "You can even have the password to my phone") and calls for a significant other to drop all "jealousy or insecurities" and know that nothing that come between them. Beautiful. In closing, Married Too isn't as good as the first, but it has it moments. Check it out.

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