Pat is an underachieving substitute high school history teacher who has just been released from the Karel Psychiatric Facility after spending an eight month court-ordered stint for nearly beating the history teacher to death when he finds him in the shower with his wife. His doting, eternally optimistic mother brings him home hoping that the worst of his previously undiagnosed bipolar symptoms are under control. But his refusal to take his meds and an unfortunate incident concerning Earnest Hemingway and a window quickly dispels that optimism. Pat is in fact clueless, living inside a self-delusion bubble in which he reunites with the truly unattainable object of his obsession, his wife Nikki. Two more mismatched souls the world has never seen but he is the only one who doesn't realize it. He plods doggedly on in pursuit, oblivious to everything and everyone else around him. His illness has removed the normal barriers that prevent him from expressing the unfiltered truth as he sees it, making for some awkward, cringe-worthy, often humorous exchanges. Pat is hardly ready for the real world.
And he certainly is not ready for Tiffany. Pat's best friend invites him over for a homecoming dinner which turns out to be a blind date with his wife's recently widowed sister, Tiffany. Tiffany suffers from severe depression and her mood swings run the gamut volatile, bitter, vulnerable, stubborn, sexy, and sweet all thrown randomly into a mixer and blended at high speed. Everyone is a little afraid of her. Her depression results from her guilt over her husband's death which she attributes to her loss of sexual interest in him. She sleeps with everyone in her office in an attempt to anesthetize herself from her emotional pain. She is dead inside, just breathing air. And into this web steps the unsuspecting Pat.
From the moment they meet sparks and barbs fly indiscriminately between them, much to the horror of their hosts who believe they are witnessing a train wreck in the making. But these two lost and damaged souls immediately connect, kindred spirits seeking respite from the storm. Pat is overwhelmed, unable to come to grips with guilt over the intensity of his attraction to Tiffany and the incident sends him into an uncontrolled manic episode. Tiffany feels the same connection and it jolts her far enough out of her stupor for her to see the possibilities. When Pat turns down her offer to sleep with her the flame sparks higher, her curiosity is piqued, and her pursuit begins in earnest. As she starts to nurture and guide Pat, she develops such a flaming torch for him that it would blister the skin off any ordinary guy. But he is oblivious, content just to follow her around like the lost puppy he is. She grabs the opportunity full throttle, dragging the perplexed, not-quite-ready-for-reality Pat along for the ride.
The cast is simply brilliant. Bradley Cooper is a revelation as the bipolar misfit whose philosophy consists of working hard and staying positive to find the silver lining in everything. He and Jennifer Lawrence have such electrifying chemistry together that you find yourself rooting for them to find a way to be together from the moment they meet. Robert DeNiro comes alive in his Oscar-nominated role as Pat's Eagles-obsessed, superstitious, OCD bookie father. Chris Tucker deserves special mention as Pat's equally optimistic fellow psychiatric inmate and friend Danny ("Black it up Pat!").
But make no doubt about it this is Jennifer Lawrence's movie. At twenty two she is the real thing. Her performance here is transcendental. Even with the marvelous supporting cast holding the bar so high the movie would not work without her. She is visceral caustic and vulnerable in the same breath. Her facial expressions hide nothing she is fearless, willing to expose Tiffany's raw emotional core to everyone around her, warts and all as she juggles staying one step ahead of both Pats obsession as well as her own. The transformational changes that occur are put into motion and propelled forward by her. She bets everything with no guarantee that he is capable of giving her what she so desperately needs, willing to run the risk of diving off the emotional cliff for a chance at the real thing. Her character is the lynchpin of the story. And Jennifer Lawrence is nowhere to be found here. The success of the movie rides on her shoulders and she is brilliantly up to the task. Her talent is embarrassing.
The film is unapologetically romantic but dismissing it as a simple romance is missing the point. It deals with family, friendship, truth, sacrifice, and love as imperfect ideals worth fighting for regardless of your place in the world. It is a brave film. Do yourself a favor, go see it. It is ultimately a joyous affirmation of life's possibilities. And who doesn't need a little of that?David O. Russell's "Silver Linings Playbook" is a big hearted and nearly irresistible concoction that presents one of the year's most unlikely romances. I've been a huge Russell fan since his debut with "Spanking the Monkey" and "Flirting With Disaster" is one of my favorite flights of outrageousness. Russell can have an edgy cynicism about his eccentric characters, but he knows how to make an audience identify with even their most offbeat characteristics. Make no mistake, "Silver Linings Playbook" is loaded with an expected array of troubled souls. But the most remarkable thing about this film (and its screenplay) is the amount of compassion it shows to just about everyone. With a stellar cast including Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert DeNiro, Jacki Weaver, Chris Tucker and John Ortiz, the movie boasts easily one of the best ensembles of the year. Each of these actors is given a fully written character and each makes a huge impression in the screen time allotted. That's what impressed me most about the film. It embraces its large cast and allows every member to shine!
Cooper plays a man being released from institutionalized care after a violent episode got him into trouble. Having lost his job and his wife, he is taken in by his parents (Weaver and DeNiro) who must contend with his bipolar condition. Cooper is single-minded in his pursuit to get back together with his wife, to the point of obsession. When he meets an odd young widow (Lawrence) dealing with plenty of personal demons, the two seem like they've got a lot in common. Of course, they seem perfect for each other but Cooper remains oblivious for most of the movie. Cooper and Lawrence have a great chemistry, even in confrontation (which is most of the time), but their verbal exchanges and smart dialogue are really what distinguish this piece. On paper, "Silver Linings Playbook" sounds like it might be a bit of a disaster. It might be filled with cliches about mental illness and stock romantic subplots. But Russell travels off the beaten path. The movie speaks volumes about family and commitment with unexpected plot detours that include gambling, football, and even competitive dancing.
Every character in the movie is a mess! Really! But you still root for them to come together. Cooper shows new acting chops, while Lawrence is smart and appealing. DeNiro has one of his best supporting roles in years, he's playing an actual character and not just a caricature of himself. His estrangement with Cooper fuels much of the movie. The saintly Weaver is so good, worlds away from her Oscar nominated turn in "Animal Kingdom" as the evil matriarch. And Ortiz and Tucker really score in smaller roles. The movie might follow standard romantic comedy conventions in its primary plot, but you've never seen them orchestrated in quite this way. The big finale, in fact, has one of the most uncomfortable (and biggest) laughs of the year as our leads strut their stuff on the dance floor. This is not all comedy, nor all drama, but an appealing blend that feels both fanciful and real. Russell obviously loves these characters and I think you will too. About 4 1/2 stars. KGHarris, 12/12.I didn't expect to like this film since I've disliked Bradley Cooper's past roles and because the script sounded shallow and formulaic. Initially, I thought they'd included De Niro as a come-on. In fact, the only reason I saw the film was because of Jennifer Lawrence, whose sophisticated performance in WINTER'S BONE convinced me I'd seen the breakthrough of a gifted actress.
Well, I was wrong about Cooper, wrong about De Niro's inclusion, wrong about a formulaic script, and dead-on about Jennifer Lawrence. Simply stated, this quirky, brilliant story of the evolution of love between two world-worn, emotionally troubled people -against the chaotic background of family madness -was one of the most satisfying, funny and affecting movies I've seen in recent years. In terms of clarity, continuity and heart, it surpasses the book on which it was based.
Since others have described the plot on this page, I will say that millions of viewers who have not seen the film will find parts of their emotional lives in the trials of the lead characters. They will marvel at Bradley Cooper's jaw-dropping portrayal of of a man shackled by the manic phase of bipolar disorder. They will wince at those moments in which the love between the principals starts to emerge, and falters. They will discover a performance by Lawrence that is comfortably sensual, and an actress who is equally powerful whether she is mute or screaming.
The script is complex and masterfully written, with surprising outburst of pathos and hilarity. The climax of the film -and I won't enter a spoiler here -caught me by surprise. I wept at the beauty of it, the director's mastery of realism, and the restoration of originality and complexity to American comedy.
It may be that we're all fundamentally "crazy" and that these two lovers legitimize the chaos we feel inside. It may also be that the art direction, score, supporting performances (De Niro is simply wonderful) and choreography are jaw-dropping. In the end, it's the confluence of so many virtues that make this film as fine as it is. For Bradley Cooper, it's a career-defining moment For Jennifer Lawrence, it's confirmation of what the wise always believed, and hopefully she'll be spared casting in horror films in perpetuity. She is one of our very best, and her beauty, grace and innate power to inhabit the souls of her characters -are most unusual.
While I've enjoyed it once, I plan to view it again tomorrow evening, will continue to discuss it with friends, and add it to my list of favorites.
That's not bad at all.
SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK is a gift. Prepare to receive it because it delivers.I have to be honest and say that i didn't hear very good reviews on this movie. But, because I am a movie fanatic i must always see for myself. First off, I am a huge fan of Jennifer Lawrence and that was exciting in itself. The movie was hilarious, witty, charming, crazy, confusing and in all good ways. Robert Dinero oddly made me cry of course. The overall story was amazing. Love does not always come like in fairy tales and this movie proves that. Sometimes the pain can bring two people together, and sometimes the people we need the most are right in front of us, even if we cannot see it right away. All i can say its suprizing-ly entertaining and you will not regret watching it. I suggest you watch this when you arent distracted by noise because everything that they say ,,,trust me you want to hear! I bought it the next day. GREAT movie!An absolutely great movie. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence have two outstanding performances for which Lawrence won the Best Actress Oscar, not too mention the supporting jobs done by Robert De Niro, Jackie Weaver, Chris Tucker and many others.
Set in Philadelphia, the movie shows Pat Solitano (Cooper) returning home from a stint in a mental institution after a domestic incident with his ex-wife highlighted his struggle with bipolar mood swings. Pat moves back in with his parents (De Niro and Weaver) as her tries to get his life back together, hoping to reunite with his ex-wife. Things get very interesting when Pat meets Tiffany (Lawrence), a young woman with issues of her own.
If nothing more, the movie shows that life is not always perfect. Things can get out of control and spiral. All the same, with family and friends in our lives, it's always worth moving forward.
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