Enter Worlds on Fire I'm still several thousand miles away, but after watching the DVD for the first time (very, very loudly) I feel like I just walked out of the last venue I saw the band in. The video does have the MTV-style edits, but the camera angles, framing and really superb editing just comes together so very well. It's one thing to hear Weather Experience...it's quite another to see Milton Keynes pulsing with lasers while the synths play that melody. Man I just want to sit watching the DVD all night! Yeah, there's a standard-def camera on the drum set, but can ya expect them to be putting a pricey camera there when the guitarist is bent on destroying the drum kit towards the end of the night??
One warning you're not buying this for the CD. You're buying this for the DVD or Bluray. The CD is good, but just good. I think they could have done a better job with the downmix from 5.1 to stereo...they've lost some of the presence, vocals sit on top of the music, sounding like they were just slapped on top of a studio recording of the music.
Liam, Maxim, Keith and Paul Dugdale thanks for an awesome release!Some electronic-type artists do a fantastic job translating the studio music to live shows. Great examples of live CD's where artists have tweaked the album experience for the better have been Daft Punk and Justice. While Prodigy thinks they're doing it here, the actual live components of the entire act only slightly improve the album experiences.
I expected a masterpiece as I always do when Liam is involved. I expected him to come out with some crazy revisions and new basslines to some of the tracks. With the exceptions of "Thunder" and adding a beat to parts of "Firestarter" it's pretty void of tweaks. I do like that they added the live percussion and guitar for the live shows. As previous reviews have said, the show contained no tracks from "Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned". Most of the focus is on "Invaders Must Die", as it should be.
Maxim pretty much carries the show and works to maintain a good energy on stage and with the crowd. I realize it's a concert, but I'm not sure what 200 "F-Bombs" add to the show. It made Maxim look silly after awhile, not "hardcore" or whatever he was trying to do. Keith didn't add much but shaking his hips. I don't know what's going on there.
As much as I want to give the CD/DVD five stars, I can think of better live performances by groups of similar styles and genres. The DVD 5.1 is the best experience. The audio of it is excellent!
Buy Live Worlds on Fire (2011) Now
The music is great. The film-production is horrible. This is a missed opportunity for what could have been a great Blu-ray. I was really looking forward to watching this, but once I saw the film-editing technique used during the first song,I thought 'Oh my God! I hope they don't do this during the entire video!'Alas, they did. The entire video is constant camera shake and bounce from camera to camera, so fast, it makes it unwatchable. What possessed them to do this? Did they not realize how much better their video would be without the camera bounce? I wish there was an option to watch this without the constant camera bounce. It's as if they change camera angles to match the tempo of the music, i.e. fast and frequent. It's absurd. There are long periods of time in the video, where they do not hold the same camera angle for more than half a second. The Prodigy are too good of a band to be taken in by such a ridiculous method of film production. That's why I consider this a missed opportunity, because the material is there to make a great video, perhaps one of the best Blu-ray concert videos available. instead, they chose to go with the camera bounce, which makes it virtually unwatchable. A Big Disappointment!Having seen Prodigy in concert at the Ultra Festival in Miami I had an idea of what to expect on this DVD. This DVD far surpasses my expectations. For starters I am not a fan of Music Video DVD's that have quick cuts to different camera views ever 3 seconds or less. It gets annoying and detracts from the performance. On this DVD the editors have not only used this style, but put it on steroids with shaky camera effects, and rapid fire camera cuts. Somehow, in this case it just works. I can honestly say the producers wanted to do their best to try and translate the energy of the live performance to video and they have done so. Try to watch this without dancing or at least bobbing your head. Try to watch this without cranking the volume, go ahead I dare you! I actually enjoyed this more than the concert since I had a better view and did not have to deal with moshing and not being able to see, etc. I purchased the DVD version (not Blu-ray) but the quality is excellent. This is a very nice package containing the full concert on both CD and DVD plus additional bonus videos taken from various shows on the tour.OK people, this review is for the Blu-Ray version of Worlds On Fire LIVE. The first thing I will say is that this package comes both with the Audio CD of Warriors Dance Festival live performance on 7.24.2010 and it is awesome!!! The Blu-Ray contains Warriors Dance Festival as well as Invaders Alive. If you are a Prodigy fan and love the Invaders, Omen, Voodoo, Smack my..., Colours, Firestarter, etc. like I do, you will love this live album. You will immediately love the additions and changes they made to the beat. Some of the songs have added electronics beat sounds to the album versions of the songs and the live drums and guitar is awesome. Listen to a sample of the songs, you'll see what I mean. The Invaders Alive is a compilation of performances they have done around the world, England, Brazil, Ireland, Scotland, France, etc. and you'll get an idea on how funny these guys are! Sort of like outtakes with music.. Hope this helps. BUY IT!!
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