Here's the scoop. Danny Krueger lives with mom and step dad. He knows how to handle high performance cars and he knows his way around under the hood. But he keeps getting into trouble. Not because he's a bad guy. It's because he overreacts when people egg him on. He's in trouble one too many times and mom sends him packing to live with his real father where he finds himself embroiled in yet another street racing culture where his buttons might get pushed and push him back in the dog house.
This is a fun movie. Danny's problems are set up early on. Then he has to make peace with his "on the wagon" dad who used to be a racing big shot. He also needs to show the local street racing hot shot (who's also a big wiener) who the better racer is, and get the girl to boot. All the elements come together in true Hollywood fashion.
Other than Sherry Stringfield and Matt McCoy, I didn't recognize any of the other actors. They all did a decent enough job. It's directed well enough with good attention paid to the race scenes. The editing and sound editing were very good. And it seems they brought in some real-life drivers to add a sense of legitimacy to the proceedings.
It is what it is. If you like this sort of thing this should do you up real good.This is a great movie for car nuts who want something more realistic than fast and furious. The story line is also great for young adults.
Read Best Reviews of Born 2 Race (2012) Here
Let me start by saying this movie is awesome! Just a couple of things though. They did borrow a lot of material from the fast & furious franchise however what sets this movie apart is the authenticity. They got it right when it comes to the look and feel of the cars and racing. Also this is a great cast with some cute kids. This a fun movie that every car enthuisist will enjoy!Want Born 2 Race (2012) Discount?
I honestly came into watching this expecting crappy acting, a F&F-type clone, and some crappy rice rockets. It turns out that it seems the crew did their homework. The acting was a fair bit heavy-handed at parts, and a bit cliche, with nothing really original (although there are a few quality lines, to be sure), it actually comes away as a decent movie. The themes, again, are nothing newboy screws up, has to live with outcast/former drunk dad, they find common ground and reconcile... but the way it takes a theme (street/drag racing) that has been mercilessly abused (F&F movies ruined street racing's rep, which is duly awful [as any illegal sport should be, of course], and made all tuners look like idiot-criminals instead of car enthusiasts), and actually injects (har har) some life into it, with the street racing son actually going legit at the end, with an NHRA scholarship. Some VERY obvious marketing in this, but it doesn't take much away from what turned out to be a pretty good movie.Certainly worth a rent, and I'll be keeping this in the collection. I liked it so much, I even wrote this review! :) Check it out! Mark W.
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