Friday, February 21, 2014

WWE: Elimination Chamber 2011 (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

WWE: Elimination Chamber 2011WWE


The event that is the last stop on the road to Wrestlemania and what a fun event it was, full of action and surprises. We would see two great Chamber matches as well as some other great moments and matches. One chamber was for a title and the other was to see who would get a title shot. There was also a title match were the Miz would take on The King Jerry Lawler, as well as a return.


1.ALBERTO DEL RIO VS KOFI KINGSTON-I have to say that this was an excellent opener and the I-C title wasn't even on the line. Still they went at it like it was with Kofi flying all over the place and going after the Rumble winner. Missile dropkicks and all kinds of offensive maneuvers nail Del Rio but this is a back and forth match up. Del Rio works over Kofi from start to finish wearing him out like putting him in a body triangle. Which if you know anything about Jiu-Jitsu you know the pressure that puts on you for real. The match is fast paced but Del Rio lock in that arm bar and gets the win.

2.ELIMINATION CHAMBER [WORLD TITLE]EDGE VS BIG SHOW VS KANE VS DREW MCINTYRE VS REY MYSTERIO VS WADE BARRETT-Edge came in as the champ and as such had to start the match off with Rey Mysterio. Both of them go at it with everything trying to eliminate the other before another person comes in. Barrett would be the next to come in and started going to work immediately. Kane was the next and like Booker says he was "working that uppercut". Drew was next in and he went on a rampage, his first order of business was throwing Rey through the glass. Following that he took Kane out with Barrett only to turn on Wade and send him through the other side of the glass next to Rey. This match is just none stop action from start to finish and that is even between new people coming in. Once the Big Show gets in there he goes right after Wade Barrett, and although he tries to get away from him Show still slams him through the glass.

After that Show gives Wade the knock out punch and Barrett is gone, which personally upset me because I wanted him to win. Show is the next to go after every one goes after him, Kane choke slams him and Show is gone. Right after that Drew feels the pain of a choke slam from Kane and he is gone. Rey and Edge have to work together kinda to take Kane out but after a cool spear from Edge Kane is gone. Kane takes them both out after he is eliminated and leaves both of them laid out. Finally we are down to the final two and it is the two guys that started the match off. I mention all of that because after the first elimination they just happen one after the other. Rey and Edge battle it out with Edge nailing the spear at various times and Rey keeps kicking out. That is until Rey comes off the top and gets hit with the spear. But after Edge keeps the title Del Rio hits the ring and lays into him locking in that arm-bar. But Christian returns after a long lay off to help out Edge and go after the man that took him out.

After that match we get an interview with Jerry Lawler about his match and the passing of his mother. Another thing about the interview is that it is conducted by Matt Striker and that just reminds me of the fact that I miss him on the broadcast team.

Following that Booker T comes to the ring to introduce Trish Stratus back as they talk about the new season of "Tough Enough".

3.[WWE TAG TEAM TITLE]SANTINO MARELLA & VLADIMIR KOZLOV VS THE CORRE [JUSTIN GABRIEL & HEATH SLATER]-this is actually a very good match and one of the best over all in my opinion. I like all of the guys involved and the match was quick paced. The action was great and there was never a boring moment with four of them putting on a great showing. In the end we have new tag team champs as the Corre starts their climb to the top.

After that match we get an awesome interview with the Miz followed by Vickie coming out talking about Dolph getting fired. Teddy Long comes out and tells her Dolph is not getting rehired but Kelly Kelly did. After she goes after Vickie LayCool attacks her, which of course brings out Trish.

4.[WWE CHAMPIONSHIP]THE MIZ VS JERRY "THE KING" LAWLER-I was looking forward to this match so than any of the others. I love The Miz and I love Jerry so this one was going to be good no matter how it ended. I of course knew that Alex was going to get involved in this match and he does of course. It didn't matter too much though as the ref sends him back to the back. But the match its self was very good and one of the King's best showings in a while. This would be one of many times these two faced off in a match and it is one of the best. King really dominated a lot of this match and turned it into more of an old school style match and a some what brawl. Of course Cole was going off the whole time on commentary until Jerry sent Miz into Cole over the announcers table. Lawler was close to victory on many occasions with all kinds of near falls. But after Miz takes all The King can dish out ends up pulling off the win and keeping the title.

After that we get an interview with John Cena prior to the Elimination Chamber match.

5.ELIMINATION CHAMBER-JOHN CENA VS RANDY ORTON VS JOHN MORRISON VS R-TRUTH VS CM PUNK VS SHEAMUS-Sheamus and Morrison start this match off and what a great way to start it. These two have a great rivalry going on so it was perfect, Sheamus used the cage well here. Orton was the first man released from his pod and went on a rampage, even throwing Morrison through a pod. The most upsetting thing about this match is what happens to CM Punk, who is the guy I wanted to win was attacked by Orton while he was stuck in his pod. They couldn't get the pod open so Punk was stuck between it and was attacked. This of course leads to an RKO and Punk being eliminated, but thanks to the GM he is put back in the match, awesome. Cena was next to enter the match and was immediately rushed by Sheamus. R-Truth was next to exit his pod and was ready for Sheamus as he tried what he did to Cena.

Truth was ready though and took it to him until a few minutes later when he ate a big boot from Sheamus and he is the first guy eliminated. The action is all Orton for a while until Punk is released into the match, and after a quick go to sleep Randy is sent to the back. After that just like is Spiderman like performance at the Royal Rumble Morrison did another Spiderman like maneuver to take out Sheamus. After that it is not long until Morrison is taken out by the great CM Punk, by seconds later Punk is taken out by Cena. This was a fun match like one would expect from a match like this.

This was actually a very good event and better than I was expecting, don't know why I was doubting. Maybe because I knew my boy CM Punk was going to loose, still it was a really good event. Also you get another RAW episode [basically since it is most of the matches and the Rock's return, and also Cena's response form the next week]. This is an excellent set that I say go buy right now, the DVD/Blu-Ray combo is excellent.

Elimination chamber:

1. Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston: This was a very good way to start the show, very fast paced, some good high moves from kofi, excellent work from both guys ***1/2

2. Edge(c)vs Rey Mysterio vs Kane vs Big Show vs Drew Mcyntire vs Wade Barret WH Title Smackdown Elimination Chamber: What a match, just unbelievable, wasnt expecting this, such a great match, the match flows smoothly, rey takes a beating, the chamber comes to good use, each wrestler is given the right amount of time in the ring before being elimianted, and the last 10 minutes of this match is special, a must, must see match ****3/4

3. Santino Marrella/Koslov(c) vs Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater WWE Tag Team Titles: It wasnt given enough time, but this shows how much the WWE cares about the tag team division, this match is given 5 minutes and is a throw away match, worst match on the card **1/4

4. Miz(c) vs Jerry Lawler WWE Title: I didnt enjoy this match as everyone else, I thought it dragged and had a predictable ending, great to see jerry battling for the title and he put on a good show but Miz shouldnt be champion **1/2

5. CM Punk vs Randy Orton vs John Cena vs Sheamus vs Jon Morrison vs R-Truth Number 1 contender for wwe title at wrestlemania RAW Elimination Chamber match: Morrison was the star of this match and I was preying that he would win, he does some mental dives off the chamber, Punk cuts open his leg which looked cool, predictable winner but still an excellent match, again, every wrestler is given a chance to do their thing, a great main event ****1/4

Match of the Night: SMACKDOWN Elimination Chamber match

Worst Match of Night: Tag team title match

Moment of Night: Christian returns to attack del rio

Overall PPV: 8.5/10

Best PPV since wrestlemania 26, really enjoyable show!

Buy WWE: Elimination Chamber 2011 (Blu-ray/DVD Combo) Now

I enjoy these elimination chamber matches and see who will last in there. I also like see the other matches as well.

Read Best Reviews of WWE: Elimination Chamber 2011 (Blu-ray/DVD Combo) Here

The Alberto Del Rio-Kofi Kingston match was a pretty good bout even though the IC wasn't on the line. Both Raw & Smackdown Elimination Chamber were both hardcore and hard-hitting showstealers. The WWE Tag Team title match between The team of Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov against The Corre's Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater was not great but pretty good. The WWE title match between The Miz & Jerry Lawler was like the movie:Judge Dredd,hardly a classic but still passable. I give this event a 7 out of 10.

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Before I get started, it should be noted that the current SmackDown commentary team of Booker T, Josh Matthews, and Michael Cole did the commentary throughout the event. We also had various segments throughout the night to push various storylines (Kelly Kelly/Vickie Guerrero/Teddy Long) & promote the upcoming revival of Tough Enough with both segments featuring the return of Trish Stratus.

Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio Eventhough Kofi is the Intercontinental Champion, this was a non-title. Kofi was real aggressive here & went straight for Del Rio by taking the fight to the outside early. Alberto was working over Kofi's abdominal section with various moves like a body scissors, gutbuster, and countering Kofi's top rope splash with knees to the ribs. Kofi delivered various loud stiff kicks throughout the match such as a stiff one to Rio's back, a "Christian-like" double face kick in the corner, a spinning & a missile dropkick from the top rope. This was a real good back & forth opener with the unexpected twist of Alberto Del Rio getting some cheers from the fans.

Elimination Chamber Match: World Champion Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Wade Barrett vs. Drew McIntyre With Dolph Ziggler being fired on the previous SmackDown, Big Show took his place. As expected, this match was full of various highlights such as Edge sliding Mysterio out of the ring to the chamber walls over the grated chamber floor, Kane's dominance including throwing Mysterio head first into the glass, Wade Barrett being cheered by the crowd, Big Show's chop to McIntyre that was so knocked the wind out of Josh Matthews, Barrett getting tossed through a pod by Show with one hand, everyone realizing they had to work together to take out the biggest threat in the match, Edge's double spear, and the showdown between the final two. The standout performance here though came from Drew McIntyre as we saw a more aggressive side of him than we've seen before as he had no problem getting in everyone's face before going into the pod, spearing Mysterio into a chamber pod's glass like a dart, throwing Barrett though another glass pod, and targeting Edge because of Kelly Kelly getting fired. Josh Matthews described this match perfectly, "Car crash after car crash!" Stay tuned afterwords as not only did the road to the World Championship match at WrestleMania start but we also saw the return of someone who also had unfinished business.

WWE Tag Team Champions Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre Ezekel Jackson was at ringside for this match as it was pretty short & not noteworthy past doing it's purpose in putting the belts on The Corre but I'll give this match credit in that it's the most watchable match I've seen from Santino & Kozlov.

WWE Champion The Miz vs. Jerry Lawler Lawler went into this match with the story being that as long as his career has been & ever since he's been in WWE (since 1993), he's never been the WWE Champion & never wrestled at WrestleMania (he would have in 2001 but that's another story) however a week earlier, Lawler's mother passed away so he definitely came into this match as the sentimental favorite. Lawler tried to get quick falls early & was constantly in control before Alex Riley had to keep getting involved for Miz to get the advantage. Even Michael Cole got involved with his constant bickering towards Lawler was he punished Miz for it using the announce table & even using Miz to finally shut Cole up. At the end of the Day, Miz was able to overcome Lawler for the victory but it was a fun match eventhough I swear that Michael Cole's commentary was getting so "X-Pac Heat" annoying that I put it on mute.

Elimination Chamber Match: John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. Sheamus vs. CM Punk While the other match determined who would be a champion in one match going into WrestleMania, this determined who would the challenger in the other WrestleMania match. Various highlights here include Randy Orton throwing Morrison through a pod while later giving Sheamus a hanging DDT on the steel grated floor, what happened to CM Punk when it was time for his turn to exit to pod, the RAW GM getting involved in the match, Sheamus taking the fight to John Cena & having his moment of dominance, Cena getting an RKO on the steel floor, John Morrison showcasing his par-kor all over the chamber (and I do mean ALL over), Cena & Morrison doing a throwback to the Road Warriors/Legion Of Doom, and CM Punk getting slammed on the steel floor with an A.A. One thing to pay attention to for those who think that these type of matches are "watered down" just because WWE has a PG rating & it isn't a bloodbath, just pay attention to Punk throughout this match as you see the effects of the chamber take it's effect on him as he was bruised on his upper elbow while also injured his inner thigh as well. This was different than the previous Chamber earlier in the night but quality in it's own right.

In the end, this was a huge improvement from last year's event as I enjoyed everything on the card here so this is definitely an event to add to the collection.

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