Friday, January 3, 2014

World Without Sun

World Without SunOf the three Cousteau movies readily available, this is the best. The Silent World has too much animal cruelty and Voyage to the Edge of the World is kinda dull and sad. Although Cousteau gives his trademark dry narration, he is hardly seen in this one (and no Calypso!), instead we follow Albert Falco and the Oceanauts. There is some interesting and beautiful wildlife footage, but what really carries this is the novelty of an underwater laboratory and its old school charm (underwater smoking, color coded diving suits, lame attempts at staged humor, etc.)

The picture and sound quality are good and its original full frame aspect ratio is preserved. If you're like me, you were wondering if this product is legit. It is. It was released by A&E and works just fine, but there are no special features.

Super. What is most amazing is the quality of the videography and a view of how beautiful the coral reefs used to be like. I am a dive video nut and this is a keeper. I am so glad it was produced in Blu-Ray.

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Not what I expected but what the hec. I finally got through it. JC was so far ahead of his time.

Read Best Reviews of World Without Sun Here

As I wrote for another of the three Cousteau films converted to Blu-Ray discs, I wish more of Cousteau's work were available. I would purchase them all.

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