Saturday, October 19, 2013

WWE: The Best of in Your House

WWE: The Best of in Your HouseSimplistic Yet Brilliant

Bret Hart vs. Hakushi

In Your House * May 14, 1995

Intercontinental Championship Match

Jeff Jarrett vs. Shawn Michaels

In Your House * July 23, 1995

Hey Yo

Intercontinental Championship Match

Razor Ramon vs. Dean Douglas

In Your House * October 22, 1995

Arkansas Hog Pen Match

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Henry O. Godwinn

In Your House * December 17, 1995

A Sloppy Masterpiece?

WWE Championship Match

Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog

In Your House * December 17, 1995


Memories Flooding Back

No Holds Barred Match for the WWE Championship

Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel

In Your House: Good Friends, Better Enemies * April 28, 1996

WWE Championship Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind

In Your House: Mind Games * September 22, 1996

That's Why They Play The Game

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

In Your House: Buried Alive * October 20, 1996

Buried Alive Match

The Undertaker vs. Mankind

In Your House: Buried Alive * October 20, 1996

Crowning a New Champion

Four Corners Match for the Vacant WWE Championship

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart vs. Vader vs. The Undertaker

In Your House: Final Four * February 16, 1997

Back in the Saddle

10-Man Tag Team Match

The Hart Foundation vs. Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust & The Legion of Doom

In Your House: Canadian Stampede * July 6, 1997

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

Ground Zero: In Your House * September 7, 1997

A Slobberknocker

Non-Sanctioned 8-Man Tag Team Match

Stone Cold Steven Austin, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie vs. HHH, The New Age Outlaws & Savio Vega

No Way Out of Texas: In Your House * February 15, 1998

WWE Tag Team Championship Match

Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker vs. Mankind & Kane

Fully Loaded: In Your House * July 26, 1998

Intercontinental Championship Match

Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind

Judgment Day: In Your House * October 18, 1998

Victory at All Costs

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship

The Rock vs. Mankind

St. Valentine's Day Massacre * February 14, 1999

A Trip Down Memory Lane



Todd Pettengill Outtakes

In Your House Sweepstakes Winner


#1 Contenders Match

Bret Hart vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

In Your House: Revenge of the `Taker * April 20, 1997

Match to crown first WWE Light Heavyweight Champion

Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher

D-Generation X: In Your House * December 7, 1997

WWE Championship Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Ken Shamrock

D-Generation X: In Your House * December 7, 1997

D'Lo Brown vs. X-Pac

Fully Loaded: In Your House * July 26, 1998

In Your House was the only WWE PPV i've only purchased, as it was only $15. While I do like the fatal 4-way match finally making it onto a dvd set, most the rest of the set has been released elsewhere. People can say well it's unedited but I say earlier matches weren't that bad to watch just the bleeping of WWF. I would have prefered earlier matches like Ramon-Kid Crybaby Match or the rare Vader-Ramon match. Pettingall outtakes should be fun. Disappointed by the content of the set but will buy no matter what.

While I'm happy to see these ppv matches being released I wonder why the WWE doesn't release the entire PPVs in an anthology set? Todd Pentengail is a nice addition and should definitely bring some entertainment to this DVD. I assume if this does well we will see another one but why not pay a little more for set of the PPVs in their entirety? In saying all this I look forward to the release.

Buy WWE: The Best of in Your House Now

In present day WWE we have a pay-per-view event every month of the year but back from the late 80's to mid-90's, there was only 5 including WrestleMania & Royal Rumble & Survivor Series & SummerSlam & eventually King Of The Ring however that all changed in 1995 when WWE wanted to have a PPV event every month to combat WCW's heavy PPV schedule creating the events that have evolved into events what we now know today as Extreme Rules or Night Of Champions & formerly known as Backlash or Judgment Day but started out as a 2 hour PPV called In Your House. WWE's broadcast announcer from the mid-90's Todd Pettengill returned to host this set looking back at matches from the start of the concept in 1995 to the final ones in 1999.

Matches Include:

Bret Hart vs. Hakushi This was the opening match from the very first "In Your House" PPV and one of two matches Bret was scheduled to wrestle that night as he also had a match against Jerry Lawler & for those who don't remember Hakushi, he's the japanese wrestler who would also wrestle under the name Jinsei Shinzaki & probably most remembered for his classic tag team match he had against Rob Van Dam & Sabu at ECW's Heatwave PPV in 1998 (on ECW: Unreleased Vol. 1 DVD). This match was a different one than Bret usually has since Hakushi had a different offense than other WWF wrestlers at that time since he was very athletic & used various aerial moves like the Asai Moonsault & a tight-rope walk on the top ropes similar to Undertaker's "old school" while also working over Bret's arm & utilizing his manager Sinjin whenever he could to break the rules. This was a nice encounter but really seemed like it was missing something to really make it standout or memorable.

May '95

[Bret Hart: The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be]

Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett vs. Shawn Michaels This started out with each man trying to show off & "one-up" each other such as Jarrett doing HBK's pose on the top turnbuckle & Shawn doing Jarrett's strut resulting in Jarrett tried to break Shawn's momentum by constantly stalling on the outside & breaking the referee's 10 count at 9 to avoid a count out. When the match continued, Roadie tried to get involved only for Shawn to not only toss Jarrett onto Roadie on the outside but also dive onto both men from the top rope. Jarrett was able to regain the momentum when he back dropped Shawn over the top to the floor opening the door for Roadie to get involved as both men choked Shawn on the ropes, connecting with his own clothesline off the apron, and causing Shawn to lose his balance on the top rope allowing Jarrett to hit a superplex. Both men continued to trade momentum but Roadie got involved one too many times that not only resulted in a Sweet Chin Music that not only knocked Jarrett out for a three count but both men out of the WWF for the time being. This is a very underrated match in both men's careers due to the fact that it happened during a period that WWF was very low on viewership & crossover appeal along with the fact that it didn't happen on one of their bigger shows but this was definitely a "lost classic" encounter in both men's careers with a funny side note here but there was a moment when Vince's headset wasn't working with Lawler having fun at his expense.

[Heartbreak & Triumph: The Shawn Michaels Story]

July '95

WWF Intercontinental Champion Dean Douglas vs. Razor Ramon A couple of notes here in that Shawn Michaels forfeited the championship to Douglas due to being attacked days earlier while this was Razor's second match of the night. Razor was dominate with his trademark punches & heavily working over Douglas' arm with armbars & stretches while constantly knocking Douglas to the outside before Douglas was able to get some offense in taking advantage of where Razor was in the ring before Razor quickly took it back countering Douglas offense both coming off the top rope & in the ring. Despite the ending being very confusing at first, this was pretty much a dominate performance by Razor that's only memorable for how history was being made on more than one occasion throughout this entire scenario with the Intercontinental Championship.

Oct. '95

Hog Pen Match: Henry Godwinn vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley A couple of notes here in that Helmsley was still undefeated in singles competition at this point, Hillbilly Jim returned to the WWE to be the special referee here while Jerry Lawler spent a lot of time on the commentary doing Jeff Foxworthy jokes about Henry Godwinn's hometown. Godwinn went to slop Hunter right from the start only to miss & end up getting the ring announcer & front row but eventually did get Hunter when tied up in the ropes which only caused Hunter to get very aggressive with his offense only for Godwinn to be able to get aggressive himself sending Hunter into the outside steps. They made their way to the hog pen various times with both men either being thrown against it or one instance where Hunter landed on top of it only to come off it with an elbow drop. While the match stipulation was very comedic (as they usually were during this time in WWE), they made the best of this here.

Dec. '95

[Triple H: King Of Kings]

WWF Champion Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog It took over 3 years but this is the rematch to their famous encounter from SummerSlam '92 however the circumstances in this match were completely different than their previous one as Bulldog was a full time heel managed by Jim Cornette & Diana Hart (Bulldog's wife & Bret's sister) was mutual at SummerSlam but in complete support of her husband for this match while it should also be noted that although Lawler tried to point out that Bulldog wore the exact same tights that he wore at SummerSlam, they weren't. Bulldog used his strength to wear Bret down various times like throwing Bret into the ring ropes from the superlex position, delivering his famous powerslam on the floor, and Jim Cornette taking a cheap shot. Bret resorted to some high impact offense of his own like the piledriver, superplex, suicide dive to the outside, and even tactics like crotching Bulldog on the guardrail & holding the tights during a pin attempt as this match was also one of the rare times during this period of WWE (and Bret's career in general) where there was a heavy amount of blood as Bret was busted open & heavily bleeding after going face first in the steel steps on the floor. While their match at SummerSlam is more memorable, I actually enjoyed this encounter better as they just flowed better here.

Dec. '95

[Bret Hart: The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be]

No Holds Barred Match: WWE Champion Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel The buildup to this match was very unusual & different than what we've seen in WWE pre-Attitude Era as far as Diesel having a "shoot" persona where he openly acknowledged Vince McMahon as the owner instead of just the color commentator while threatening to come for him after the match based off his frustration of changing him into a "corporate puppet" while champion while Shawn was out for revenge for Diesel turning his back on him & attacking him with a chair. HBK took the fight to Diesel right away showing his athleticism with a top rope moonsault to the outside while also showing he can get dirty too using a boot from the spanish announcer before Diesel took advantage of the match stipulation taking out anyone he felt got in his way & using weapons like a belt & chair while delivering to low blow before sending Shawn through the announce table that even Vince at ringside felt was going too far but both men continued to just use whatever they could get their hands on from a fire extinguisher, a chair, and something from wrestling legend Mad Dog Vachon at ringside that you have to see to believe. I said this earlier in that this match was pre-Attitude Era & ECW was still not known to a national audience so it was rare to see this type of match using the weapons & punishment they gave each other during this time so this match was definitely a classic for it's time & still stands the test of time to this day.

"Good Friends, Better Enemies" Apr. '96

[From The Vault: Shawn Michaels; OMG: Top 50 Moments]

WWE Champion Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind Paul Bearer pushed a casket with Mankind inside of it before the match & you got the tone of what this match was going to be within the first few minutes when both men took it to the floor with Shawn stomping on the outside mat with Mankind underneath it, delivering a flying crossbody to the outside & whipping his head back onto the concrete floor. This match quickly evolved into a brawl with both men throwing fist & going back to the outside with Shawn targeting the leg after delivering a suplex that resulted in Mankind's leg slamming into the steps followed by driving the leg into the casket & various submissions. Mankind fought back working over Shawn in corner with two double axe handles in the Tree Of Woe but also took punishment as his knee once again ran into the steps, took a drop toe hold to the face, and his head wrapped between the ropes but still able to catch Shawn in the Mandible Claw which caused Shawn to focus on that hand as he attacked it using a chair multiple times & stomps. Both men traded momentum from here with both taking the punishment together such as a superplex through the outside table & Mankind getting a superkick to the face with a chair on the top rope before various associates got involved. Foley stated that this was the best match in his career in his first book, Shawn would later state that this was his favorite match during his first WWE Championship defense during the "Boyhood Dream" run, and various people claimed this to be the match of the year for 1996 as this was a standout encounter in both of their careers.

"Mind Games" Sept. '96

[From The Vault: Shawn Michaels; Mick Foley: Hard Knocks & Cheap Pops; Mick Foley: Greatest Hits & Misses; History Of The WWE Championship]

Steve Austin vs. Hunter Hearst-Helmsley Almost 3 years before the would have their more famous feud over the WWF Championship, they met here for the first time in a match due to Savio Vega's injury that made this a rare match at this time with two heels facing each other. Both men tried to intimidate each other with shoves & slaps including one slap that knocked the other guy down before wrestling a back & forth encounter. However the bigger issue here was Mr. Perfect, who was already scheduled to face Hunter the next night on RAW in his return match, coming down causing a distraction to Hunter but also ended up getting into a confrontation with Austin as well. This was a good match seeing how both men were heels at the time but was more about hyping up the match for RAW the next night & as a side note that if you know the storyline between Jim Ross & Vince McMahon at the time then you'll get a laugh at the commentary.

"Buried Alive" Oct. '96

Buried Alive Match: Undertaker vs. Mankind As usual when it came to whenever these two men fighting each other, this was a brawl that was hardcore before the word "hardcore" was ever used in WWF as they went all over the place from the ring to ringside & through the crowd down to the actual grave. They used everything they could get their hands on from microphone cords to a sharp object that Paul Bearer brought into the match. Other objects were used like Mankind giving Undertaker a chairshot before Taker would later use the chair to give a legdrop onto Mankind's face along with the steel steps being driven into Mankind's back & face. Just like Undertaker's later encounters like the Hell In A Cell vs. Shawn Michaels & the Inferno Match vs. Kane, this was a first for it's kind and something to watch from beginning to end and even after the match.

"Buried Alive" Oct. '96

[Tombstone: History Of The Undertaker]

WWF Championship/Final Four Match: Bret Hart vs. Undertaker vs. Steve Austin vs. Vader This was a very unique type of match in WWE history that was setup under unusual circumstances which we haven't seen since as Austin was eliminated in the 1997 Royal Rumble but the referees didn't see it causing Austin to come back in & eliminate the other 3 men to win the Rumble causing this setup to happen where they would all meet with elimination happened by pinfall or submission or going over the top rope with the winner now becoming the WWE Champion due to Shawn Michaels forfeiting the title earlier in the week. This match was non-stop chaos from the opening bell as there was a moment where everyone fought each one of the other competitors at one time or another making for various highlights like Vader getting a chair & steps thrown into his face within' the opening moments causing him to wear the "crimson mask" throughout the entire match, anything they could get their hands on being used as a weapon including the guardrail & chair & steps & the title belt itself, fighting in & out the ring to the isleway & in the crowd, Steve Austin's non-stop obsession with Bret Hart, and everyone resorting to desperate tactics to win such as the amount of times Vader was on the receiving end of a low blow. It was a unique match for it's time & would still stand the test of time today against most "Fatal Four Way" matches that have happened since but more importantly, this was the standout performance for Vader that hasn't been seen since his match with Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam months earlier.

"Final Four" Feb. '97

Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust, Legion of Doom vs. Hart Foundation The Hart Foundation returns home to Canada for this main event where they were received a hero's welcome from the crowd with members of the Hart Family sitting front row ringside. This was a wild & emotional tag team match just based off the environment alone that had various highlights like Austin & Bret starting out, Austin constantly showing that he thought Canada was #1, Pillman mocking Shamrock & paying for it, Bulldog showcasing his power various times, the constant teamwork of the Hart Foundation including classic tag team moves from the original Foundation in Bret & Niedhart, Austin resorting to using a weapon to take out Owen Hart only for Bret to give a receipt, Pillman making an ass of himself at one point, all out brawling between both teams in & outside of the ring, and Austin trying to fight the entire Hart family. This was a great tag team match from the action in & out of the ring to the hot crowd throughout the match to the emotional aftermath with all the Hart family in the ring together which Bret Hart has testified to himself saying it was the last time their entire family was united together.

"Canadian Stampede" July '97

[Brian Pillman: Loose Cannon; Hart & Soul: The Hart Family Anthology]

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels Although these two are most remembered for their later encounters like Hell In A Cell & Casket Matches, this was the rare forgotten first one-on-one match they ever had against each other. This was one of those crazy encounters that just started off wild & never stopped as Shawn was heavily trying to avoid & running away from Undertaker at all cost to the point where Taker got heavily impatient & threw the referee over the top rope onto Shawn. To steal a line from Steve Austin, Taker "opened up a can of whoop-ass" on Shawn Michaels from that point forward by beating him up the ramp, on the stage including a press slam that you just knew had to hurt, down the ramp to the point where Shawn was begging for the referee to stop the match but there was one problem...the match didn't even start yet. This match was just crazy from start to finish with Shawn heavily trying to rely on his partnerships with Triple H, Chyna, and Rick Rude while the referees kept getting abused & wrestlers had to come out from the back to try to separate these two before Taker delivered a "highlight reel" moment just to get more of Shawn.

"Ground Zero" Sept. '97

[Tombstone: History Of The Undertaker]

Non-Sanctioned Match: Steven Austin, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack, Chainsaw Charlie vs. Triple H, New Age Outlaws, Savio Vega This was originally set to be a preview of the upcoming WrestleMania with all four men having issues with members of the opposite teams but Shawn Michaels didn't participate due to injury causing Savio Vega to replace him. You knew what direction this match was going in when all the members of Triple H's team came out with a weapon while Cactus & Chainsaw came out with a cart full of them as this match had close to 10 minutes worth of just out of control fighting with the weapons (too many to try to list) in & out of the ring while also delivering some harsh punishment like a two man powerbomb through open chairs & Austin launching a trash can from the apron to Billy Gunn in the ring that knocked him down on impact. The match settled down for a bit with Triple H's team focusing on the older Chainsaw Charlie before things picked up again & got wild again such as Billy Gunn thrown into the corner where Road Dogg was underneath a piece of table, Cactus being covered in barbed wire, and unprotected chairshots. This was definitely "hardcore" for it's time in WWE but stay tuned afterwords as you got quite the visual of who Austin gave the last stunner to.

"No Way Out Of Texas" Feb. '98

[D-Generation X]

WWE Tag Team Champions Mankind & Kane vs. Steve Austin & Undertaker While this type of match setup has been done various times in recent years, this is the first time I remember it actually happening where the current singles champion is teaming with his future challenger to face the tag team champions as Austin & Undertaker were already set to meet at SummerSlam for the WWE Championship but had to team here against two men they've been having issues with for months in Kane & Mankind while everyone was unsure if Kane & Undertaker had an alliance together. Undertaker had arrived to the building around a half hour before the match & went to confront Austin during his entrance in the isleway before Kane & Mankind attacked from behind bring the match to the ring as we saw that Austin & Taker kept having their issues against each other with both men giving each other the finger, having staredowns during the match, kept trying to fight both men by themselves, and not reaching for a tag when his partner was down while Kane & Mankind showed teamwork by working together, making multiple tags, and having the partner work on the opponent on the outside while the legal man had the referee distracted. This was a good tag team match not only by the action inside the match but the story between the partners of Austin & Undertaker as well.

"Fully Loaded" July '98

WWE Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind Mankind came into this match with his fingers taped up for the first time in a long time like how he used to when originally applying the mandible claw as Shamrock took control heavily working over his arm with an armbar takedown followed by various stretches like the hammerlock while being able to remain one step ahead of Mankind countering his offense including the mandible claw. Mankind was able to get an advantage on the outside sending Shamrock into the steps but was able to regain the advantage when Mankind tried to interject a chair into the match while still working over the arm. Mankind was able to finally start gaining some momentum with a double arm DDT, attacking Shamrock in the tree of woe, and his trademark Cactus Jack offense of a clothesline taking both of them over the top rope followed by the elbow off the apron but Shamrock was able to regain the advantage on the floor with a powerslam that send Mankind's legs into the steps. This was a nice back & forth match.

"Judgment Day" Oct. '98

Last Man Standing Match" WWE Champion The Rock vs. Mankind Mankind came into this match with a bad knee due to Rock attacking him earlier in the night as Mankind purposely turned his back on Rock allowing him to get the first punches in before he retaliated using the championship belt. The fight went to the stage & technical area where both men took hard falls like a DDT through a table & suplex on the concrete as they made their way back to ringside where he had a few comedic moments from The Rock on commentary to Mankind's "Mr. Elbow" & later some "SmackDown Hotel" before they got more violent using whatever was near them such as the announce table, chair, and the steps including one moment where Rock dropped the stairs out of the ring onto Mankind's knee on the outside causing Lawler to comment, "It's getting out of hand now." This match followed the formula of their previous matches in this feud (I Quit & Empty Arena) where it was a physical hardcore brawl where they beat each other until they had nothing left...literally.

"St. Valentine's Day Massacre" Feb. '99

[The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment]

(Blu-Ray) Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart While Bret & Austin had numerous matches against each other before, this one was under a completely different set of circumstances as Bret recently turned his back against his American audience & reunited with Owen Hart & British Bulldog as the new Hart Foundation while Austin was the fan favorite going into this match & was also attacked earlier in the night. Both started out trading fist with Austin getting the early advantage sending Bret into the outside steps & guardrail before briefly going into the crowd while Bret had to resort to tactics like using the referee & a chair to regain the advantage. Bret targeted Austin's knee using the figure four in the ring & on the post while also removing his brace while Austin kept trying to fight back as the match got taken to the outside once again in the crowd & ringside while Austin was showing the effects of Bret's work on his knee. Both men proceeded to almost try to out-cheat the other throughout the match as Austin used tactics like like a low blow, choking Bret with tape, and using his knee brace while Bret did a low blow of his own & attempt to get help from his fellow Hart Foundation members before Austin retaliated using a chair himself & catching Bret in his own Sharpshooter various times. While this wasn't a classic like their Survivor Series & WrestleMania encounters, this was still a quality match with both men.

"Revenge of the `Taker" Apr. '97

(Blu-Ray) WWE Light Heavyweight Championship Match: Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher This was the beginning of WWE's attempt to counter WCW's highly praised crusierweight division with their own Light Heavyweight Championship tournament with this match being the finals. Brian had the power advantage tossing Taka around early while Taka showed he had superior speed with his dropkicks followed by going arial with a springboard crossbody to the outside which Brian tried do himself with a top rope dive to the outside but ended up landing on the guardrail that busted open his lip. Both men traded back & forth with Taka's quick flash offense such a tornado DDT, frankensteiner, springboard moonsault to the outside & various dropkicks to the back of the head & face while Brian responded with a full nelson takedown, sitout powerbomb, along with receipts to the dropkicks to his face & back of the head. This was a sign of the potential the division had as both men worked a fast paced high flying style that definitely stood out.

"D-Generation X" Dec. '97

(Blu-Ray) WWE Champion Shawn Michaels vs. Ken Shamrock Shamrock showcases his superior strength early with a hard kick that knocked Shawn right to the outside, tossing him across the ring & an irish whip that was so hard that he sent over the top rope into the isleway before Shawn was able to get some punches in only for Shamrock to keep shoving him off performing various body shots while once again sending Shawn to the outside with a clothesline. Shawn had to resort to taking advantage of the referee along with Triple H & Chyna attacking Shamrock on the outside to regain the advantage while performing such moves as the top rope crossbody & splash off the apron while grounding Shamrock in the ring with a sleeper hold but Shamrock started to build momentum by countering & reversing Shawn's offense while also delivering some of his own like a frankensteiner. This was a good match between the two as both men had different styles but were able to mesh well here but the more important issue was after the match when a "nugget" from Shawn's past came back to haunt him.

"D-Generation X" Dec. '97

(Blu-Ray) X-Pac vs. D'Lo Brown This was a non-title match as the feud between DX & The Nation was in full swing during this time with Pac looking for revenge for The Nation stealing the European Championship away from Triple H with both The Godfather & Chyna in the corner of both competitors. Both men started off exchanging takedowns with Pac getting the better of the exchanges taking D'Lo down with his various kicks but D'Lo was able to whip Pac hard into the corner with his neck having a whiplash effect leaving an opening for D'Lo to focus on the neck with grounded holds like the chinlock along with impactful moves moves from a stiff clothesline to dropping his leg & elbow across the neck. They would go on to have better matches trading off the European Championship months later but this was still a good encounter.

"Fully Loaded" July '98

Blu-Ray extras (which only last around 4 minutes) are outtakes of Pettengill hosting this set & archival footage of a tour of the house given away by WWE on the very first PPV with the kid who won it.

One thing you'll notice right off the bat when looking at this set is that a high majority of the matches on here have been released in the past on another DVD set which would be a problem for heavy collectors but only one of them have been released in a DVD set within the over the last 3 years while others haven't been released in around 5-8 years so it was time to have them released to a new audience with WWE not putting the same matches from recent sets on here while also including some rare forgotten gems. The action itself is pretty much quality from top to bottom while this was the most tolerable Todd Pettengill has ever been in WWE hosting this set including making some jokes at himself (it could have been worse & see Michael Hayes revert back to Dok Hendrix). Your not going to get every single quality match from all these series & I doubt we'll see an anthology so as proven by the sales of the "WCW Monday Nitro" & "ECW Unreleased sets" that there's always room for a volume 2 if enough people buy this. In the end, this is one to add to the collection.

Read Best Reviews of WWE: The Best of in Your House Here

I would be praising this Blu-Ray release, but explicably both the Shawn vs Diesel and the Bret vs Austin vs Taker vs Vader matches have been trimmed about a minute plus for each match. In both matches, the omissions involve a wrestler being strangled with a belt or cord. Why the WWE is afraid to show their matches uncut all of a sudden is beyond me! It's pro wrestling, guys, not kindergarten time! Vince should recall this release, restore the missing footage and offer a replacement for those who've already purchased it! Enough said!!!

Want WWE: The Best of in Your House Discount?

I saw some of those matches on different DVDs and but i was glad to get this one because you don't see these any more on TV.

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