Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Resident Evil: Degeneration (Blu-ray Steelbook Bonus Disc) (2008)

Resident Evil: DegenerationThe Resident Evil series has become one of the top selling titles for video game company CAPCOM. Known in Japan as "Biohazard", the series has sold over 34 million games and among the series, one of the most popular titles was the 1996 Sony Playstation game "Resident Evil 2' which introduced us to the characters of Racoon City rookie police officer Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield (sister of "Resident Evil 1' hero Chris Redfield).

The two were popular characters that fans enjoyed and in 2005, "Resident Evil 4' featuring Leon Kennedy became a huge hit earning "Game of the Year" by various publications.

With the popularity of the character of Leon Kennedy, how fitting was it when CAPCOM announced the reuniting of both Leon and Claire. As a fan of the video game series, I was definitely excited and couldn't wait to see the film. "resident evil: DEGENERATION" takes place seven years after "Resident Evil 2'.


Picture quality is pretty good. The film is entirely in CG and was created in Maya. The CG was well done but not as fluid as "Final Fantasy: Advent Children" but still looked very impressive. The rendered character models were just great to look at (especially at the beginning when you see the airport or even the WilPharm HQ. Both look very realistic!) and Leon, Claire and Angela Miller model renders were just very well done. If anything, there is slight jerkiness when it comes to a close up of a character and trying to make it do natural and realistic movements during a conversation. But during the action scenes, the movements were very nice and overall, the CG was very well done.

If anything, fans of the video games will more than likely enjoy these CG rendered scenes.

As for audio, the audio is featured in Dolby Digital 5.1 and during the action scenes (which there are many), sound does come alive and sounds very good on my system. Dialogue is quite clear. As for the music, the ending theme "Guilty" is by Japanese music artist ANNA TSUCHIYA.


The DVD features quite a few special features which include:

* The Generation of DEGENERATION featurette This featurette interviews Makoto Kamiya and other CAPCOM staff and their goal with the film, why they used the actual English voice actors in terms of the motion capture (including having them learn how to hold a gun) and more behind-the-scenes footage on the creation of the film. Also, fan reaction at San Diego Comic Con.

* Character Profiles Profiles feature a text blurb on each character and you can access a video or photography profile (from parts of the film).

* Voice Bloopers This is more or less bloopers but not sure if it was intentionally created or if it was actual bloopers. One featured Leon Kennedy telling the others about his "fee". Quite funny to watch.

* Faux Leon Interview I'm not quite sure what this feature was about. A man is interviewing one of the motion capture actors and the actor is talking about working with Kamiya-san and others on the film.

* Resident Evil: Degeneration Trailers Trailers for the film

* Resident Evil: Degeneration Tokyo Game Show Trailer Tokyo Game Show trailer

* Resident Evil 5 Special Game Footage Promotional video for the upcoming Playstation "Resident Evil" game.

* Resident Evil 5 Game Trailers Trailers for the upcoming Playstation 3 video game.

Let me first say that I am a big fan of the "Resident Evil" series and I own nearly all the US releases. "Resident Evil 2' really was innovative when it first was released for the Sony Playstation and was my favorite R.E. game until "Resident Evil 4' was released and that video game was just incredible.

So, that being said, watching this film had me smiling because I absolutely adore both the characters of Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield. How this film furthers the storyline of the two characters but also builds on certain situations that may have major ramifications for future video game releases is quite exciting.

So, with that being said, I enjoyed the film because the creators really wanted to pay homage to "Resident Evil 2' and "Resident Evil 4' video game series and its fans. But I realize that many people who are not familiar with the video game series are wondering how the context of this film is to the live-action film series featuring Mila Jovovich.

There is a relation by name and of course, the virus that turns people to zombies but really, this film was created for the fans of the video game series in mind.

Also, with this being a video game-related film, many who crave a deep storyline with character development of who is Claire and who is Leon may feel disappointed. The reason why video gamers who played the video games is that through those video game moments of playing these characters for hours, there was a vested interest.

I would assume that many viewers not familiar with the video game series won't pick up the importance of Claire or Leon to the actual "Resident Evil" storyline. In fact, some may wonder why they should care about these characters especially at the end with the politics surrounding the viruses.

So, with that being said, "resident evil: DEGENERATION" is an awesome film for those who followed the video game series. The film features plenty of non-stop action, bloody violence courtesy to the zombies and you even get a scene with blood that splatters on to the camera. But the enjoyment comes from those who had the experience of playing "Resident Evil 2' and "Resident Evil 4' and to see Claire and Leon again.

The CG looks great and there are some moments that I was just really in awe but at the same time, there are some movements that were jerky and robotic at times. But overall, the model renders were good and Leon and Claire look very good. So, the bottom line is that this film is just total fan service for "Resident Evil" video game fans. So much that I highly recommend this DVD.

For those who are not familiar with the video game series, you may enjoy it but if you are expecting a continuation of the live action films, then this DVD may not be for you. In fact, some may be disappointed because there is no strong plot for them to truly enjoy these characters especially without playing the video games. So, I can understand if they don't get into it.

Again, if you are fans of the "Resident Evil" video games, you can't help but have a smile on your face because there is now a "Resident Evil" film that was created with the RE video game fan in mind. And for that, I recommend this DVD for you!

I love Resident Evil and really enjoy the video games a lot even though I am not to much on the live action movies. With that said I was surprised that I liked this movie even though I didn't love it.

The video quality is pretty awesome in the blu ray version with pretty thing I noticed wasawesome sound. The one thing I noticed was the close up of faces are greatly detailed but from far away look like they have kind of a plastic coating or something that reminded me of Advent Children. I enjoyed certain scenes of the usually overdone slow motion, like when Leon throws Claire a handgun in the airport or Leon shooting a mutant in the face in the facility are really great. The animation is great but not really an as advanced as I hoped from when Advent Children. I did notice more vibrant colors and the flame effects are very good with fantastic lighting and rich blacks.

I was hoping for more of an open movie instead of being in claustrophobic atmospheres and Leon has too much perfect hair. Even at the end of the movie no one seemed roughed up to bad and their hair and faces remained intact unless you suffer from a case of zombiefacationism of course. Like I said earlier this movie surprised me that I enjoyed it. I wish it felt bigger and on a larger scale but the whole thing just felt small be it the amount of the immediate cast or the location. The only open part being the airport at the beginning and thank goodness they didn't make the whole thing based in the airport. The whole movie could have been a bunch of cut scenes from a video game like a new Resident Evil game and why so serious all the time Leon. I think I enjoyed this better than the current Resident Evil trilogy and wonder why this isn't the route they took instead of live action. The story doesn't feel like a movie but more part of a mini series which is why I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have by the end.

Fans of Resident Evil should watch since it is a nice inclusion and it didn't hurt the series or make it look bad. The blu ray is fantastic to show off its capabilities since it just looks so pretty even if sometimes character movements aren't always fluid and an occasional plastic texture face. Special features aren't the greatest but still nice to have and I guess they will have a special edition later. Though it is three stars for me I still enjoyed it and its a 5 star just for its picture and audio quality but that's not enough to warrant a purchase. Rent it if you love than give it a buy.

Buy Resident Evil: Degeneration (Blu-ray Steelbook Bonus Disc) (2008) Now

I watched Degeneration in NY Horror Film Festival. At first I didn't expect a lot from this movie, cause the live action trilogy is very disappointing and I just didn't dare to expect it would be good, but it is. If you're an RE fan, it's a must-see movie. You won't be disappointed. Luckily the movie doesn't focus on fighting zombies too much. It is a drama/thriller. The movie successfully combines T & G-virus storyline fans are familiar with. Although not much character development, you can enjoy the story. CG part in my opinion is not as good as Final Fantasy. Characters' facial expression is a little stiff, and their "stares" are dull. Women look like they had plastic surgery. But these are not serious problems, just the technical parts they need to improve. Degeneration story is much better than FF. After watching its premiere, I can't wait to buy the DVD.

Read Best Reviews of Resident Evil: Degeneration (Blu-ray Steelbook Bonus Disc) (2008) Here

Going into Resident Evil: Degeneration I wasn't sure what to expect, but I did have slightly low expectations; the first Resident Evil game was classic and I was never hooked on a game like I was with that. I would spend hours and hours playing that game, but never played the rest until Resident Evil 4. Well I played a couple of levels of Resident Evil 2. It's not that I didn't want to it's just something I never really got around to, but I really enjoyed the first and fourth game a lot. As for the film franchise, which this has no connection with Degeneration, I thought they were alright. All 3 movies are watchable, but very forgettable and on multiple viewings they tend to get worse.

If you've never played the games before you can still enjoy Resident Evil: Degeneration, while knowing the games would probably help you enjoy this a little more when all is said and done you really don't have to know the games to enjoy the movie. I've only really played two of the games, none in which had Claire, but Leon is in Resident Evil 4 so I don't really know Claire's character, but yet it didn't take away from the movie for me at all. But knowing the games again will probably help you enjoy this a little more, but it's not a must.

Even though Degeneration has no connection to the live action series I still went in with slightly low expectations and Resident Evil: Degeneration is far better than the live action series and overall far better than I thought it would be it still falls a little flat. The movie gets off to an amazing start with some good suspense and tension. The first act is set in an airport and the scenes were great. As I'm watching it the first thought I had was this is the best zombie movie to come along in ages (not counting the 28 Days/Weeks Later movies since by right they aren't zombies).

But after the opening act Resident Evil: Degeneration does start to decline a little bit, but always stays entertaining it just wasn't able to keep the high level of the first act. As stated before the opening act is very solid. It has a great build up and is filled with suspense and tension. But as we get more into the G-Virus it loses a little steam and the zombies pretty much go MIA for the remainder of the movie except a couple of scenes; while the plot is pretty good it does sort of feel like it drags in some spots.

Writer Shotaro Suga does a pretty good job for the most part; the characters are all solid and entertaining, but not all works. The opening act Senator Davis (Michael Sorich) plays a pretty big part and his character seemed like it would be crucial, but after the airport scenes he barley plays a part. I think there was some potential there, but nothing comes about. The script isn't perfect, but gets the job done and is far better than the three Resident Evil movies written by Paul WS Anderson.

Director Makoto Kamiya early on creates a lot of suspense and tension and the set up is excellent, but Degeneration as I stated before does run out of steam, but Kamiya is able to keep the movie fairly interesting despite the sometimes lack of action. Kamiya manages to get some the suspense and tension back for the final act, but it never reaches the level of the opening act. But overall he gets it done and crafts an enjoyable if not slightly lackluster of a movie.

Fans of the game are probably the best audience for Degeneration, but non-fans can still watch this and enjoy it; if you're disappointed in the live action series this while not great or anything if overall a lot more enjoyable and worth checking out.

The Blu-ray looks and sounds excellent and is jam packed with special features, which are pretty much the same as the DVD except a couple of minor features excusive to the Blu-ray.

Want Resident Evil: Degeneration (Blu-ray Steelbook Bonus Disc) (2008) Discount?

Having just completed Resident Evil 4 once again I was all revved up for Degeneration hoping for a continuation of the story with Leon Kennedy. All the RE games have followed a set template consisting of a lone armed man or woman fighting a hoard of undead and genetically altered beasts leading to a final confrontation with a powerful, virus infected human. The reason Capcom sticks with this formula is because it works but Degeneration breaks the pattern to its detriment. Zombie's (or virus infected human's) are present but no modified creatures. No embiggoned spiders or snakes or freaky dogs or sharks, just zombies and the inevitable G-Virus monstrosity who takes nearly half the film to destroy.

I was pleased to see that Leon is voiced by the same actor who played him in RE4. Problem is Leon looks a little bit off. Let me step back for a moment and say that the United States is clearly ahead of Japan in terms of computer generated visuals. The big problem in Degeneration is that even the living characters look undead. It appears to me that what the animators did was model the faces add some blinking and mouth movement and call it a day. The problem is it creates a very odd plastic look as if all the characters were wearing masks. The face they modeled for Leon looks like Leon except in a permanent scowl and his eyes are obscured by the shadow of his brow so you can scarcely see them. Clair looks even worse with an unexplainably odd mouth rendering. The still shots look fine but her facial movements just aren't working and character motions often look mechanical.

I really wanted to like this one. Unlike the live action movies it's put out by Capcom so I assume that it will be integrated into the series canon and I would expect to see it referenced in future games. Too bad the plot is so flat and uninspiring that maybe it doesn't even matter. There are no interesting characters like Luis Sera, Krauser, Saddler, Salazar and Chief Mendez. In Degeneration we get the laughably evil Senator Ron Davis, Fredrick Downing, Curtis Miller and Leon's potential love interest, the forgettable Angela Miller.

My only complaint with RE 4 was that it wasn't scary. It was often creepy but never scary. Degeneration takes it even further by being neither scary nor creepy. That's not quite true; the mannequin like appearances of the characters is kinda creepy. Degeneration is pure action which seems to be the unfortunate direction that Capcom is taking the series. The extra features are actually pretty good and if you watch the preview for Resident Evil 5 there is a clear tie to Degeneration. This is a pretty exciting time for Resident Evil fans and I hope they continue to make these movies but this first effort is pretty disappointing with a lot of room for improvement.

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