It is said that Hubble is the most famous telescope ever built, and there are about 20 years' worth of fabulous cosmic images to prove it. When NASA initially announced that it was too dangerous for the Space Shuttle to make one last Hubble servicing mission to do needed repairs and upgrades, a lot of us went into mourning. And when they changed their minds, we rejoiced.
The movie is partly about the 2009 servicing mission, along with archival footage from earlier missions. This part is interesting, but not particularly new to me -the PBS science program Nova has done at least one hour-long segment which goes into much greater detail. We get to meet the seven very brave astronauts who were literally willing to risk their lives to get the job done. Space is a dangerous place, and a single careless slip of the hands can lead to a sliced glove and a fatal loss of suit pressure.
Also, two space shuttles have been lost over the years, along with 14 astronauts, so they had a backup shuttle on the pad just in case a rescue mission was needed. Thankfully, it wasn't.
We learn a few fun things about life in orbit, such as how to make a chicken burrito in microgravity, and how to get ready for a space walk. I discovered that, even though space is silent, the sounds of power tools can be transmitted through a space suit, to be picked up by the helmet microphone.
Where the movie really shines, however, is when they show footage of the Earth from orbit, and especially when they begin to explore the cosmos. Decades of effects-laden blockbuster films have tended to jade us, but what we see in Hubble IMAX is real, as seen from the Hubble Space Telescope itself.
I about lost it when the camera began to zoom in on Orion's Belt, and slowly the Orion Nebula swam into view. It was as if we were spanning lightyears, at warp speed, in mere seconds. Then the camera began to explore an enormous cosmic valley with walls of gas and dust, some 15 lightyears across, hollowed out by fierce interstellar winds and dotted with infant solar systems dubbed "tadpoles" by scientists. One particular system looked like a tiny golden gem swathed in a huge, black nest, and might well resemble our own solar system aeons ago when the planets were just beginning to form.
What struck me more than anything else was how uniquely privileged our generation is, of all the generations in human history. The ancients could gaze up in awe at the stars from their campfires and make up poems and stories, but only we, thanks to telescopes like Hubble, can see such stunningly beautiful images of planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies, even the entire visible universe looking like a piece of gauze, the strands sprinkled liberally with gem dust.
I was struck also by the fact that there was hardly a peep from any of the children in the audience. They were all paying rapt attention.
I've never before seen any IMAX movie more than once. So far, I've seen Hubble three times. My most recent trip was to a 3D showing at a local cineplex. That was a plus. Now, as the camera zoomed, the stars actually came out of the screen at me. The 2009 shuttle footage, presumably shot in 3D, was incredibly real -I was tempted to reach out and try to touch the astronauts' equipment as they got ready for a space walk. Archival footage, most likely converted to 3D, had a peculiar, subtle flatness to it I've dubbed 2-1/2D. It just didn't look quite right. I'm sure the producers did their very best, but the technology is still evolving.
A note on the music: The film featured two familiar tunes -"Somewhere, Over the Rainbow" and "What a Wonderful World". I would have loved to have heard, respectively, the original Judy Garland and Louis Armstrong versions. However, what appeared in the film did the job -and I can't get the tunes out of my head.
In conclusion, this movie is well worth watching, if you're into astronomy or if you have kids who are. I'm seriously looking forward to the DVD. Even in 2D, it will be worth it. For the first time, I can imagine why someone would want a giant-screen TV in their house. If ever I come into a large amount of money, maybe I'll build my own IMAX theater in the basement.Excellent 3D bluray to keep on your shelf and showcase the power of your 3DTV.. I'm going to make this review short and sweet and to the point. You can find this at Best Buy for half the retail price as Amazon. Unless they choose to price match, I recommend going to your local BB for the purchase. Just a friendly suggestion, I'm a loyal Amazon fan, but not at the sacrifice of assisting fellow shoppers on a great deal.
Buy IMAX: Hubble 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy Combo Pack) (2011) Now
I saw this movie last night and am still in awe at what the space program has done and also how IMAX filmed this incredible movie. I worked for NASA during the development of Hubble and felt pride (and goosebumps) seeing it put into place in this film. Amazing to witness and see the stress on the astronaut's faces as they were being dressed in their flightsuits just a few hours from liftoff.It also left me a little sad that we're so blessed to live on such a beautiful, miraculous planet and to know how society (and terrorists) are trying its best to ruin life on this planet Earth.
I've just ordered my copy; can't wait to share it with family and friends.This IMAX 3D movie is not only the best use of 3D that I've seen on my new set up but it's also a fantastic film in its own right. The 3D isn't a 'gimmick' added just to cash in; it's clearly an important tool that scientists use especially when dealing with the vastness of 3D space. The fact that there's gorgeous stereoscopic footage of the original shuttle launch shows that even back then it was considered an essential part of documenting important events.
I've yet to see a more mind-numbing film which educates and informs and yet puts you in your rightful place, showing just how insignificant we all are. And whilst we are shown as naught more than a spec, we are also reminded of how special and unique we are. To aid this goal the narrative is exquisite with planets, stars even entire galaxies referenced in a very human way in so much as to their birth, their childhood and their ultimate demise. The 3D nebula are incredible as are the shots of the Hubble Telescope that enabled them to be discovered.
I bought this video to show off my set up quite a shallow goal. I'm a changed person for having seen it.
Want IMAX: Hubble 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy Combo Pack) (2011) Discount?
Like the Last Airbender, this Blu Ray 3D disc is, at least initially, an exclusive of another large electronics retailer. As with many Blu Ray 3D discs, the package includes a 3D BD, 2D BD, DVD and digital copy. (All of this could be provided on a 2-sided, single disc, with 3D/2D BD on one side and DVD/digital copy on the other, but that is obviously not as fiscally advantageous to the distributor.)The 3D images in space were shot using an IMAX 3D film camera to document the final repairs to the Hubble Space Telescope in particular, but also the NASA Space Shuttle program in general, which will come to an end in July, 2011, for future generations. No future Hubble repairs will be possible as our ability to do heavy lifting for space delivery will end with the last shuttle unless private space companies rise to fill the gap. As such this 3D Blu Ray disc gets the job done well in 40 minutes. There are also many additional 2D segments which are all worth watching.
The 3D image is spectacular, as might be expected from IMAX. The camera is in a static position on the shuttle with the astronauts moving around in front of it for a given sequence. Presumably the camera was too big to hand hold. There are no trick shots, just documentary-type 3D, and it is very nice.
Of additional interest are the 3D images created from Hubble 2D images of distant, distant galaxies -the thing Hubble was created to do. So the observer gets to "fly" through the cloud-like cosmic cradles where stars are born. This part of the disc was, to me, jaw-droppingly unexpected, and a very real reason to buy this 3D BD.
I dropped one star from the rating because of the number of 2D extras on the disc. 3D digital cameras are now small enough that many extras could have been shot in 3D. The quality would not have matched the IMAX 3D image, but would have made the cost of this short 3D Blu Ray disc more justifiable.
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