Thursday, July 24, 2014

Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures (Raiders of the Lost Ark / Temple of Doom / Last Crusade / K

Indiana Jones: The Complete AdventuresSwinging onto Blu-Ray at last, INDIANA JONES: THE COMPLETE ADVENTURES is undoubtedly going to rank as one of the fall's must-have format releases. Paramount's five-disc set includes the HD debuts of "Raiders of the Lost Ark," "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" on Blu-Ray with a fourth disc of extras and a fifth ("Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull") that some fans likely feel is best left as a beverage coaster. It's a great package that starts with new AVC encoded 1080p transfers and remixed DTS MA soundtracks of each film -and by this point, is there any reason to re-analyze Steven Spielberg and George Lucas' legendary Saturday Matinee adventures? Each entry in the original Indy trilogy is immeasurably entertaining on its own respective merits, though fans can still quibble about which one is best.

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK thankfully still retains its original on-screen title (despite its packaging as "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark"), and remains a classic of the action-adventure genre. With a smart Lawrence Kasdan script (from a George Lucas-Philip Kaufman story), classic stunts and Spielberg working at the peak of his talent, "Raiders" is pure and unadulterated fun, with Ford introducing us to the centerpiece role of his career and Karen Allen easily providing the best female love interest of the series.

Paramount's AVC encoded transfer of "Raiders" is much more "contrasty" than I've seen the movie before and not quite as green and "lush", especially in the early jungle sequences -but it's also clear this new HD scan is light years ahead of any prior video release in terms of detail. I can't recall how the film originally appeared in theaters so it's entirely possible the color scheme is also more faithful to cinematographer Douglas Slocombe's theatrical version than the prior DVD releases certainly it's an excellent transfer overall, with fine detail visible throughout. The DTS MA soundtrack is forceful and superbly engineered, offering a broad stage for John Williams' legendary score and crisp sound effects. Three original trailers are the disc's sole extras a short teaser (selling the film on the merits of Spielberg's past blockbusters), full theatrical trailer, and a 1983 re-release trailer (from the "Superman" trailer voice-over guy) are each presented in AVC encoded 1080p.

The first sequel (technically a prequel, even though it's a standalone adventure), INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM was controversial in its day (along with another Spielberg production, "Gremlins," it helped create the PG-13 rating, which was initiated before the summer of '84 was out), and even now it's a nasty, violent ride compared to the other Indy adventures. The script by Lucas pals Willard Huyuck and Gloria Katz ("American Graffiti") is silly and more excessive than either "Raiders" or "The Last Crusade," and Kate Capshaw's whiny Willie Scott is a comedown from Karen Allen's Marion -so much so that it's tough for "Temple of Doom" not to be compared unfavorably with its predecessor. Still, the movie's final third is a blast, and John Williams' majestic, triumphant score may be his most inspired of the series: his themes for the Indy-Willie romance, Short Round's Theme, the mine cart ride, and the regal music that accompanies our heroes through the jungles of India are simply spectacular, and when combined with the original "Raiders March," create a phenomenal underscore that effortlessly carries the audience past the sequel's lesser aspects.

Opening with the glorious musical staging of Cole Porter's "Anything Goes" (a lavish set-piece many critics rightfully noted was one of the highlights of the entire picture), "Temple of Doom" is the most colorful of the entire series in terms of its appearance, and the Blu-Ray's impressive HD transfer looks so natural that viewers can more easily spot discrepancies in the original cinematography (particularly during the climactic rope bridge sequence) they may not have noticed before. The soundtrack is again impressive, and both the original teaser and what appears to be an early (and underwhelming) theatrical trailer (running just a minute and with a 1983 copyright) included for extras.

The problems with the second film were rectified with the 1989 blockbuster INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE, which on a surface level sounds like a "Raiders" rehash but adds a warm, richer emotional component through Sean Connery's magnetic performance as Indy's father, Dr. Henry Jones. Connery is magnificent and his interplay with Harrison Ford is amusing and poignant, giving the movie an added human dimension absent from the amusement-park action of "Temple of Doom" and matching the level of character development found in "Raiders." John Rhys-Davies and Denholm Elliott return from the original, and the movie entertainingly reprises the quest-styled plot of "Raiders" as Indy tries to track down his father, who was lost while searching for the Holy Grail. While "The Last Crusade" may lack the freshness of the original, it's right up there in terms of my personal fondness for the material Connery and Ford are so good together that the film's strengths are only magnified on repeat viewing, and the lengthy opening sequence with River Phoenix as a younger Indy is a sheer delight, with a buoyant John Williams score to match.

Paramount's 1080p transfer is in line with the "Raiders" and "Temple of Doom" discs displaying crisp detail and a thankful lack of DNR while the DTS MA soundtrack is again effectively engineered. Both the film's original 1988 teaser (showing the crew at work on the sequel) and full theatrical trailer are included as well.

Shortly after INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL was released, I received an email from a reader saying that I was unfairly harsh on the belated and thoroughly unnecessary fourth installment in the series. Frankly, after reading my original review over again, I actually don't think I was hard enough on it!

Ranking as one of the most disposable films in director Spielberg's canon, this lightly entertaining but forgettable fantasy is compromised by a leaden David Koepp script nearly completely devoid of interesting characters, wit or innovation. While Harrison Ford still fits comfortably into his iconic role with Indy coerced into helping a group of nefarious Russians search for an ancient relic that possesses a supernatural power the film rolls snake eyes in terms of Cate Blanchett's villainess (one of many thankless roles), Indy's relationship with a young greaser (the continually charisma-challenged Shia LaBeouf) who needs his help finding a lost archeologist (John Hurt, playing what was likely Sean Connery's role) and his kidnapped mom -who turns out to be none other than Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen, wasted in a few minutes of screen time) herself.

The film overdoses on plot exposition (the mid-section of the picture is crushingly dull, bogged down in endless babble about the skull and its power) and fails to give its terrific cast much to do. Ford is as amiable as ever but even he seems a little ill at ease with some of the leaden dialogue, which doesn't exactly crackle the way Lawrence Kasdan, Jeffrey Boam or even Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz's work did in this film's far superior predecessors.

Recalling the sluggish pacing of "The Lost World" (I cringe even writing that statement), little in Spielberg's direction clicks either: would-be comedic moments fall flat, while action scenes tend to exhibit a "been there, done that" feel at every turn. The infusion of CGI heavily used in the movie, as it turns out -is also in stark contrast to the prior films in the series (as is Janusz Kaminski's overly stylized cinematography, which does no favors for the picture either. It's amazing how claustrophobic and unappealing this movie looks, the bulk of it all too obviously having been shot on soundstages). Finally, the picture also greatly misses Sean Connery's warmth and humor as Indy's dad -so much that it's unsurprising the few times "Indy IV" manages to strike an emotional chord is in its pair of direct references to Indy's late father (Connery was contacted to appear in the film but ultimately passed on it -a wise maneuver in hindsight, particularly considering how well the third movie turned out). In the end, "Crystal Skull" commits the worst sin of all: it's completely forgettable. Five minutes after the film was over I struggled to recall the specifics of the plot or individual sequences in it, feeling as if the series truly finished with the ride off into the sunset at the end of "The Last Crusade." Everything about this entry, ultimately, screams too little, too late.

Paramount's HD presentation of the fourth film is on par with their prior Blu-Ray, boasting a clear 1080p AVC encoded transfer and DTS MA soundtrack. Three trailers (marked trailers 2-4) in HD round out the disc.

Trailers aside, all the supplements are included in the fifth Bonus Features disc, which one imagines will remain exclusive to the box-set, offering a satisfying mix of previously-released content and one significant new addition. Here's a breakdown:

On Set With Raiders of the Lost Ark: The set's big new extra is this hour-long compilation of behind-the-scenes footage from the production of "Raiders." Taken mostly from 16mm handheld camera sources with some never-before-seen outtakes from the picture mixed with candid interviews from the cast and crew and even a few deleted scenes fans should love this piece, which gives viewers a real, honest sense of the day-to-day shoot, both on-location and at Pinewood Studios in the UK. (HD)

Making The Films: The original 1981 "Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark" from Howard Kazanjian and Phillip Schuman (57 mins.) is presented here along with Laurent Bouzereau's retrospective documentaries for "Raiders," "Temple of Doom" and "Last Crusade" from the 2003 DVD box-set, each offering a 40-50 minute segment devoted to each picture (all of these segments are in standard-def). The 28-minute "Crystal Skull" Making Of, meanwhile, is presented in HD (a much longer version of this Making Of was included in the original, two-disc Blu-Ray/DVD release of the film).

Behind the Scenes: A number of featurettes from the 2003 DVD Indy box-set include a John Williams interview in "The Music of Indiana Jones," plus "The Stunts of Indiana Jones," "The Sound of Indiana Jones," and "The Light and Magic of Indiana Jones." Brought over from the 2008 DVD release are "Raiders: The Melting Face!", "Indiana Jones and the Creepy Crawlies," "Travel With Indiana Jones: Locations," "Indy's Women: The American Film Institute Tribute," and "Indy's Friends and Enemies." Reprieved from the original "Crystal Skull" release are "Iconic Props," "The Effects of Indy" and "Adventures in Post-Production." Note that these "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" featurettes are presented in standard-def (the original Blu-Ray of the film offered these same segments in HD) while several other "Crystal Skull" featurettes from the prior release aren't included here at all.

Completists who enjoy "Crystal Skull" may want to hold onto the original BD release of the film for its more extensive supplements otherwise, this set contains basically all of the extras from the prior Indy DVD releases, sans storyboard galleries.

Ultimately, Paramount has delivered a great-looking, and sonically superior, Blu-Ray set that pays tribute to the work of Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Douglas Slocombe, John Williams and all the other master craftspeople involved in the production of the Indiana Jones series. Highly recommended, just as one would hope!

I am an Indiana Jones fan through and through. I have been since I saw "Raiders of the Lost Ark" as a child in 1981. The Blu-ray release of such a monumental piece of film history merits taking the day off work and viewing all the entries of the series. Yes, that DOES include "The Temple of Doom" and "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

"Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures" is what every fan of the archaeologist adventurer has been waiting for since the inception of Blu-ray. It features every film in beautiful high-definition with "Raiders of the Lost Ark" getting the special restoration treatment. The film looks beautiful both at home and on the big-screen. I took my boys to see it in the theater. The film brought tears to my eyes as I thought about the first time I saw it so many years ago and what it meant to me. This was a life-changing event for me much like seeing Star Wars was a few years earlier.

I want to stop and focus on "Raiders" for a moment since it's the one that got the most attention. It doesn't lose any of its classic grainy film look. It's just cleaned up and more vibrant. The latest restoration of "Jaws" for Blu-ray somehow looks better, but maybe that's because it needed more work to begin with.

Strangely, they didn't tidy up any of the visual effects the way George Lucas is known to do with his space saga. The movie is still effective exactly how it is. However, it would be interesting to see the effects-heavy ending with some of that ILM wizardry put to work on it.

"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" is just as much fun as it always has been. This is probably the second least favorite film in the franchise behind "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" for most fanatics. It's still a thrilling rollercoaster ride with some great humor thrown in.

"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" to this day wraps up the first three films in the "original" trilogy perfectly. It brings back Sallah and Brody and takes us back into the desert to battle Nazis. It also introduces us to Indy's father, who couldn't be anyone else BUT James Bond. Sean Connery delivers a humorous and heartfelt performance as the father of the most famous archaeologist adventurer. Harrison Ford and Connery trade quips and bicker amongst each other in such a convincing manner, you'd think they were really related to each other. It also brings the subject of the quest full circle back to a Christian artifact. Many viewers would agree they were the most successful entries in the series.

"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" is definitely the most hated of the series. I get in an argument at least once a week with some crazed Indy fan who whines about how this movie single-handedly destroyed their enjoyment of the entire franchise or wishes it was never made. Some people are so ungrateful. Steven Spielberg delivered a fun adventure that looks and feels very much like it belongs right next to the rest of the films.

The complainers about Indy surviving an atomic explosion after being catapulted through the air to land safely in the desert have selective memory loss. Apparently they don't remember other fantastical moments in the series like the Ark of the Covenant melting people and disintegrating a troop of Nazi officers. How about jumping out of a plane in a raft and landing safely in a river? When was the last time you walked across a canyon on an invisible bridge? Also, the search for three magic rocks is waaaaay off base when compared to ancient alien astronauts. It's unbelievable here, but we sure can accept if for Prometheus.

Bonus features for the set include "Making of" documentaries for every film and several "Behind the Scenes" featurettes. There are teaser and theatrical trailers for each film on each disc as well. There's enough bonus material to merit a fifth disc. Strangely, many of the extras for "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" are not found here. Completists might throw a bit of a fit over that. I say just keep your original copy of the movie on Blu-ray if you really want it.

The "Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures" Blu-ray set will look immaculate sitting next to your "Star Wars" Blu-ray set. The packaging is the same material and style. They look like they belong together with their matching Lucasfilm logos on the spines. It's strange how movies that continue to make an immeasurable impact on people can fit into such a small space on a shelf. They also remind me of how much thanks I owe to George Lucas and Steven Spielberg for a memorable childhood. Any fanboy or girl who grew up with these films and says differently is lying to themselves.

Buy Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures (Raiders of the Lost Ark / Temple of Doom / Last Crusade / K Now

Okay, I believe we all know who Indiana Jones, is, right? I grew up with Indy and my kids will be the same. This new box-set is the definitive Indy box-set. This set features the original classic trilogy plus the newest addition, "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". Just like the set that came out in May for the 4th movie, this set comes with the new special editions of the original 3 movies. The best part about this set is that the 4th movie is the 2-Disc special edition and not the lame 1-disc version. My only complaints with this set are 1) that the DVD cases are those really lame slim cases and not regular sized DVD cases and 2) the bonus disc from the original trilogy boxset is missing (although the special features makeup for that is most respects) and 3) while the cover is cool, the order of each movie cover is weird; you start from the top right and work your way around. All in all, this is the best Indy box-set out there and it's worth getting. Here's my ratings for each movie:

Raiders of the Lost Ark: 5/5

The Temple of Doom: 4/5

The Last Crusade: 5/5

The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: 3.5/5

Read Best Reviews of Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures (Raiders of the Lost Ark / Temple of Doom / Last Crusade / K Here

Yes, it's finally out!! Been waiting so long! But... Not sure if everyone else is oblivious to the risk of this collection but read on...

What is seriously going on with the execs who make the decisions for these long awaited collections? Is it a conspiracy for companies to give us bad packaging in hopes we ruin the product in hopes we buy it again after we ruin them over a long period? I'm not a movie troller who hates movies and Indiana Jones is one of the greatest franchises ever, I'm just fed up with these horrible packaging ideas. Basically the Indiana Jones Adventures is in identical packaging to the Clint Eastwood collection which was one of the worst packaging ideas ever. Here's the main issue, these treasured movies are stuffed in between two pieces of hard abrasive cardboard. In order to pull a movie out, you have to grab both sides of the disc right near the edge, immediately putting finger prints on the information side of the disc. Not to mention pulling it out on the bare cardboard as it's packed in so tight. Do this over a period of time, you're asking for trouble. Even trouble, i noticed a tiny 2cm scratch on Raiders the FIRST time I pulled it out from rubbing against the cardboard. Mind you, these blu ray discs can withstand scratches, but how much and for how long do you want to chance it? It's packed in so tight, it's just bound to happen when one day you're gonna freeze up thanks to a nice scratch from your case. IF you buy this collection which I still say you should, just take them out safely as you can and store them in a regular DVD Case. A major pain and yes, the case is basically worthless and nice to look at, but don't risk it if you want to savior this collection that is wonderful if you can salvage it before ruining it. Some people have said squeeze the cardboard to loosen and wait for it to fall out, I did try this on Raiders and temple and the disc did not move

If you want to know about the movies, on how they look, I actually think the older movies look even better than Skulls. Obviously the first 3 classics got the most love. Skulls is inferior, so we know why though. The extras are great, a nice documentary of watching Raiders with lots of deleted scenes and lost footage is an amazing find. Bonus materials are amazing! Just be really careful taking these movies out of the cases. Feel free to use Crystal Skulls as a coffee cup holder. ;)

Want Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures (Raiders of the Lost Ark / Temple of Doom / Last Crusade / K Discount?

Anyone who knows Indiana Jones already knows the plots of these films, so I won't pontificate on those details, and will get right to the transfers:

The Picture (Raiders):

The picture is very sharp, and the dark scenes show exceptionally deep shadow areas and rich colors, especially in the Ravenwood bar, which looks absolutely gorgeous, even more real than I remember it looking in cinemas, but I'm saddened to see that the highlights in the bright outdoor daylight scenes are largely blown out, white, gone.

This is either a problem with the transfer, or the source, the original film negative. If the latter, it's so sad to see a great film like Raiders fade over time. If the former, we'll have to wait for yet another transfer. If I remember correctly, Lowry Digital Studios did the restorations for DVD back in 2003. I'm guessing the 2012 archivists, at Lowry or another facility, didn't use that old Lowry transfer for blu-ray because it was a much lower res scan than the 4k scan done here.

The transfer of Raiders also carries with it what another reviewer described as an "orange teel"; that is, everything is colored in a kind of golden amber warmth. This is great in the Raven bar and in the Idol's temple when Indy is bathed in the shaft of light emanating from the golden Idol itself, but, in other scenes, like the thunderstorm in the desert at night when the Arabs are uncovering the Well of Souls, the scene should be more blue, and is instead, in the amber tint of this transfer, kind of a neutral gray.

Compared to Temple, Crusade and even Crystal Skull, which look perfect, sadly, I have to give the visual transfer of Raiders only a 3.5 out of 5 stars. The transfer and restoration artists ALMOST got this transfer right, but, sadly, they blew it on maintaining the color and contrast. If director Steven Spielberg himself approved this transfer, he either didn't view it on a correctly calibrated monitor, or he's going senile.

Considering that Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite, and, arguably, the best movie in the whole Indiana Jones series, this transfer is a bit disheartening and disappointing, to say the least. To some of you who weren't born yet in 1981 when Raiders was originally released in cinemas, so you never got to see it on the big screen, and thus you have no reference for what Raiders is supposed to look like, you'll enjoy it just fine.

If you already own the DVD of Raiders, hold onto it, as it is, minus the standard-definition limitations of DVD, closer to Raiders' original, true cinematic vision.

The Sound (Raiders):

Some sound-FX and dialogue are crystal clear, with some new effects added, like dripping water in the South American temple and some new "pfew!" sound-FX of the poison darts spitting at Indy when he removes the Idol from its pedestal and flees as all hell breaks loose (YES! Thanks, Ben Burtt!), others less than stellar, a bit muted, and, like the Jaws transfer for blu-ray, sound mixers added that extra reverb to John Williams' classic score...broadened the spaciousness and cavernousness of the music, but the music now lacks the definition and clarity of the highs found on previous releases. Sounds like the London Symphony Orchestra is performing at a ball game. Enveloping, and yet lacking definition. Disappointing. I have to give the sound of Raiders a 4 out of 5 stars.

Now, onto Temple and Crusade...

The picture:

I'm only guessing here, and could be wrong, but it looks like these ARE the earlier, and excellent 2003 Lowry digital transfers done for the DVDs, now shown in their native high-res format, instead of being down-rezzed by the picture-quality limitations of DVD. They look great! The color red is more prevalent on the blu-rays of Temple and Crusade than on their corresponding DVDs, which is especially useful, and wonderful, inside the Temple of Doom, with all the red presumably coming from fiery volcanic fissures. This is a masterwork of film lighting from the late, great cinematographer Douglas Sloccombe, and is presented here gorgeously. Bravo!

The sound:

It has some nice new discreet directionality in the rear surrounds, which is especially evident in Crusade, when the Messerchmidts are chasing Indy and his dad. And John Williams' scores have never sounded better!

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull:

Picture quality seems to be the same as the previous blu-ray, which already looked quite good, faithful to Skull's theatrical release. The main difference here is the sound has been updated to DTS-HD, adding more depth to the soundtrack.

The extras from the DVD set are all here, with some new additions:

On Set With Raiders of the Lost Ark, which I found particularly rivetting, about the increasingly lost, dying art of on-set live action production. It shows the miracle of what was accomplished in-camera, with very little reliance on post-production, until we get to the opening of the Ark of the Covenant, with director Steven Spielberg saying how hard it is to explain to actors something that they can't see, and won't be there until post-production visual FX are completed. What I found most captivating about watching this footage is it shows just how tireless Steven Spielberg is. He really deserves all the money and credit he gets, because he works very hard. And he clearly LOVES what he is doing, making movies!

The original 1981 featurette, The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark

The Melting Head, showcasing a modern reenactment of what was required to make Toht's head melt.

Indy's Women, showing a recent AFI interview with all three leading ladies in the classic trilogy, Karen Allen from Raiders, Kate Capshaw from Temple and Allison Doody from Crusade, talking about their characters and the experience of working on a tough, physical movie.

and probably one or two features I left out. It's a schmorgasbord. Enjoy!

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