Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (2008)

Under Siege 2: Dark TerritoryMost movie sequels I've seen were bad remakes of the original. But UNDER SIEGE 2: DARK TERRITORY delivers some excitement, holding your attention.

Steven Seagal reprises his rule as the Navy cook/martial arts champion serving knuckle sandwiches to hijackers who take over a train. Seagal's in top John Wayne form, speaking slowly and softly and not saying too much. And as in the first film, he's at times funny, with one wisecrack you won't forget. ...

Eric Bogosian adds flavor as a slimey villain, another reason UNDER SIEGE 2 rises above the average sequel. Bogosian matches the high-energy performance he gave several years ago in the movie TALK RADIO.

Is it a Hollywood law to cast women as only sex objects or victims? Katherine Heigl fills the role of the latter in UNDER SIEGE 2. Despite her good looks, she plays Steven Seagal's niece not his love interest. I suppose that's something you would not predict. But sure enough, the villains capture Ms. Heigl and it's up to Uncle Steve to save her pretty little head.

See UNDER SIEGE 2: DARK TERRITORY. It's a cut above both action flicks and sequels.

And this is a rare thing . . . a sequel that's just as superb as the original. Steven Segal is the cook again, and he boards the Grand Continental luxury express train with his niece. But trouble brews . . . a group of terrorists led by a disgruntled ex-CIA operative hijack the train to take control of a covert space satellite weapons platform, holding the passengers hostage and blackmailing the Pentagon and others into paying a huge ransom. And, of course, ex-Navy SEAL Casey Ryback(SEGAL) goes into action to stop the terrorists from causing a nuclear attack on the Pentagon with the space weapon. OK, the plot is mind candy, but this movie delivers some stunning action scenes and speeds along with a great sense of urgency as it thrills! The DVD enhances the enjoyment big style as the action comes across as more explosive, the sound effects will rock your living room! The cinematography is also nice to look at great scenery and train footage for any railroad buffs(like me) watching. Also, if one looks at the film's climax, one could say it was inspired by a brilliant 1976 movie called THE CASSANDRA CROSSING, which I would also strongly recommend. But as far as UNDER SIEGE 2 goes, nobody beats Steven Segal in the kitchen!

Buy Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (2008) Now

For several months we have been searching every video store in hopes of finding Under Siege 2: Dark Territory, only to come up short time and time again. We even checked every $5 bin with exhaustion. The only thing we could come across was Under Siege which we have already watched/reviewed/loved but never it's b counterpart #2. So this past Sunday after a nice day of NFL action half of Sid was poking around his local blockbuster when something magnificent happend. Looking through some videos for sale revealed a copy of Under Siege 2 for the glorious price of $3.99. Just looking at the cover gives you the feeling that you're in for some of the finest action b you will ever grace your eyes upon. You have Seagal who is hanging from a moving train with one hand, his piece in the other, and all the rear cars on fire from a sweet explosion. The only thing that could have made the cover better was if you had a zombie Busey (since he died in the first one) hanging on behind Seagal. But since we didn't have a horror-action here that wasn't in the cards.

Our story picks up with now retired Navy chef Casey Ryback working as a cook at the Mile High Cafe in Denver Colorado ($100 says Seagal begged the producers to call it the Mile High Club). Ryback has decided he wants to take his niece Sarah (Katherine Heigl) on a little vacation to LA which she doesn't seem happy about at all. Instead of being happy to spend some time with uncle Seagal she's pissed because he and her father hadn't talked in years. He gives her some song and dance and all of a sudden she loves him again. Within a 2 minute span she goes from hating him to hugging him saying how happy she is to see him. Typical woman. Now that all is well in the Ryback family they hop aboard the train to meet their uncle Tom porter Bobby Zachs (Morris Chestnut) who has the hots for Sarah. That however soon changed when he tries to make a move on her and she grabs his hand flipping him over in quite the hilarious scene. She says she learned her sweet ninja moves from her uncle as the movie takes b to new heights. From the non stop corny dialogue within the first 20 minutes the film was already up to 2 stars.

Once the train gets moving we see a couple shady characters that you knew would be the hijackers. Travis Dane and his crew stand up with their guns and alert everyone they are taking control of the train. Who hijackes a train? We're pretty sure the last time a train was hijacked or robbed was in the 1920's, but Dane must be a man of tradition. We soon find out that 2 of the passengers on the train hold the secret passwords to control a top-secret government weapon of mass destruction. He makes them cough up the codes by nearly burning their eyes out with some device, which Santa told us all about when he burst in half way through the film. Anyway, once he gets the codes he throws both of them off the moving train down the side of a mountain. Fantastic! Now Dane hacks into the government database taking conrtol of the weapon. He starts going nuts blowing up various building all over the world. In fact the scene of the destroyed industrial facility in China recycles unused footage from On Deadly Ground (1994). In On Deadly Ground, it's the burning Aegis Oil facility. Another star for reused footage.

As the choas continues they find out the universally feared Casey Ryback is on the train. They find his niece and take her hostage to lure Ryback into their clutches. Unfortunate for them Ryback is already on his way killing any of their crew in his path with help from the porter. Ryback is able to unattach part of the cart with a lot of the hostages so they won't have to witness Rybacks sureal ninja moves rendering them speechless. We have some crazy fights scenes in which Seagal hangs off the side of a mountain with 1 hand yet manages to kill 2 guys. Don't ask. And he winds up taking out every villian, saving the pentagon, and his niece. Good thing the government left the fate of the world in Seagals hands by saying "Rybacks on that train? Leave it to him."

Under Siege 2 was well worth the wait. We would give it more then 5 stars if we could. It has everything you will ever need in an action movie. Expect explosions, hilarious sped up martial arts, neck snapping, arm breakings, train jumping, borat looking villan, non stop one liners, rock scailing, knife fighting, and a ton of casualties by the hands of a semi slender pre ponytailed Seagal. If you haven't seen this one and you enjoy our reviews go and pick it up. Do it Now! You'll even get to hear Seagal say "Nobody beats me in the kitchen!"

Read Best Reviews of Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (2008) Here

Our hero in this movie Casey Ryback(played by Seagal) is going to take a vacation with his neice on a scenic trainride.An evil

band of terrorists led by Eric Bognosian hijack the train.You

will want to note that the villain in this movie is not nearly as evil as Tommy Lee Jones in the 1st Under Seige.They are trying

to gain control of a satellite that can cause earthquakes on earth.Ryback begins dealing out misery and justice to the forces of evil on the train. He has a feirce battle with a menacing looking mercenary on the train.There is action galore in this

movie as well as an exciting finish to this movie. This is as

exciting movie that you will enjoy watching.

Want Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (2008) Discount?

This review is from: Under Siege 2: Dark Territory as in the first Under Siege happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time...in this case, aboard a train hijacked in mid-journey by terrorists. His estranged niece (Katherine Heigl) is aboard, trying to manage a little quality time with Uncle Casey. Unfortunately for them, military defense contractor Eric Bogosian supposedly dead in a car accident, but actually alive and well and in full cahoots with the white supremacist terrorists is using the train as a mobile platform to elude government detection, while computer-hacking into his own creation: an orbiting Star Wars particle-beam satellite. Bogosian's aim is simple global blackmail. He and his renegade paramilitary pals want money a lot of money or cities around the world are going to start burning. With his country (and the world) at stake not to mention a trainload of hostages, including his own adorable niece what's a good, ol' fashioned, red-blooded, patriotic American ex-Navy Seal to do? Why, go to war, of course regain control of the train, put Bogosian's satellite link out of commission, and kick a little terrorist tail.

Yes, Seagall is a terribly wooden actor, but that strangely seems to work in his favor. The character of Casey Ryback is likeable precisely because he's wooden somehow, it simply adds to his charm. Katherine Heigl can't help but be adorable, and is appealing in everything she does. Bogosian is as slimy, cold-blooded, and despicable a cad as ever slinked his way smarmily through a red-hot action-melodrama suspenser. The rest of the cast are simply terrific, and the production and action sequences are stellar. The suspense remains steady throughout, which is no small feat for a formula melodrama. There simply isn't a dull moment. This is a beautifully unified and realized production, from Frame One to Frame Last. It's compulsively watchable, and re-watchable.

If the plot sounds vaguely familiar, you're remembering the 1971 James Bond entry Diamonds Are Forever, which ranks on about the same par as this movie. Sadly, the James Bond franchise has rarely come up to the same level, since but this film has, and surpassed it.

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