Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Stuart Little 2 (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2002)

Stuart Little 2In this day and age, it is very hard to find family films that are all joy and no terror. This is one of the rare additions to that genre. It's every bit as good, and maybe even better than the first Stuart Little film.

Everything about the film is a delight, including the embellishments to the original E.B. White novel, Stuart Little. In the book, Stuart's mother drops her engagement ring down the drain, and her mouse-sized, mouse of a son drops down after it. In this film, the ring is lost in quite another way. Stuart dresses up in foul weather gear for a jaunt in last week's meat loaf and comes up short.

The film emphasizes the importance of families, no matter how they are made, the enduring value of friendships, through thick and thin, and the power of positive thinking.

Sappy? You bet. And we all loved every minute of it.

--Alyssa A. Lappen

Stuart has became a full member of the Little family. Stuart goes with George (Jonathan Lipnicki) to the school with his human brother and plays soccer. Only, once outside of the family, Stuart still finds no friends. Lady bird Margalo bursts into his life, and they quickly become friends. Still, apparently Margalo is not as happy with the new friendship as is Stuart. This is how the movie starts.

"Stuart Little 2" succeeds where many sequelae fail: it presents a perfectly independent story. The problems from the first movie are forgotten.

Now Stuart has new problems. In search of true friendship, he entangles himself into a turbulent adventure. The human characters Geena Davis and children, including Jonathan Lipnicki, move simultaneously into the background. Sparkling animation and exciting action again delight, as tom-cat Snowball with his witty brisk sayings angles for best supporting character.

A fun movie for the whole family.

Buy Stuart Little 2 (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2002) Now

Yes, Stuart Little is back again, offering some more great adventures of him trying to find the silver lining of things. With a new baby sister and George hanging around with a new friend Stuart finds himself lonely and looking for a new friend. On his way home from school a new friend literally falls into his red convertible and causes Stuart happiness and heartache all at the same time.

Kids will enjoy the new adventures of the little white mouse who nobody seems to notice that he isn't human. A fun filled event for the whole family. It's always interesting seeing animals talk in a movie.

Although this movie is "mouse-tastic" it is a little far fetched but who would have thought otherwise. Everyone knows a mouse, cat, and birds can't talk or get involved in human activities, but that's the fun in the movie. Suspension of disbelief!! Stuart Little 2 is a definate must see, so go to the movies and enjoy!

Read Best Reviews of Stuart Little 2 (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2002) Here

I loved the first Stuart Little movie (Aren't we all just ever-aging children?) and the sequel was every bit as good, perhaps better--except for the mildly irritating effort of Melanie Griffith who delivers her lines as if English wasn't necessarily her first language. That said, the production is entirely redeemed by the rest of the cast--particularly the outstanding Nathan Lane as Snowbell, delivering some of the funniest one-liners this side of the Catskills. What is especially wonderful about this film is the production design: the use of Crayola-like primary colors in the great sets and costumes, and the crisp cinematography. The special effects blend seemlessly into the film so that the viewer isn't constantly saying, "Oh, wow! Cool effect." Because everything is so beautifully integrated, it's pure pleasure simply to watch and smile and savor a movie that never falls into saccharine mode but has great sweetness none the less. Geena Davis is, as before, just lovely as Mrs. Little--dimples flashing in genuine-seeming pleasure (perhaps merely at being in such good company, in such a delightful film.)

Most highly recommended for kids of all ages (even the wrinkled ones.)

Want Stuart Little 2 (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (2002) Discount?

(2008 HOLIDAY TEAM)How can it be? "Stuart Little 2" is even better than the first movie. Stuart (gently voiced by Michael J. Fox) is feeling a little, well, small, and the over-protectiveness of his mother (Geena Davis) does nothing to boost his self-esteem. His brother George has become the hero of the soccer team, however unwittingly, and is breaking away from Stuart to be with his own friends. When Stuart rescues a charming canary named Margalo (voiced by Melanie Griffith) from a hawk, he swells with his new-found sense of heroism and develops a crush on his new friend. But things aren't what they seem. Margalo disappears, and Stuart fears the worst and sets out to rescue her again, this time enlisting the aid of family cat Snowbell (voiced by Nathan Lane.)

The comic scenes are hilarious and always clever, and the emotional ones are touching without going overboard. Stuart matures from a disheartened mouse smothered by motherly love to a courageous adventurer who wants nothing more than to do the right thing. The cinematic palette is ingenious, with vibrant colors reminiscent of a picture book. The true wonder of this film is Stuart himself, am adorable CGI with detailed fur and a face that expresses a wide range of emotions, making him seem lovably real.

This film is ideal for family entertainment, as adults will be charmed as much as the kids. Although Stuart faces danger, there's nothing here that will terrorize little ones, and they'll get a kick out of scenes such as Stuart's uncontrolled plane ride and his being lowered by a string down the drain. Buy this film instead of renting, as it's worth seeing more than once and the kids will insist upon it.

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