Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dragonheart (1996)

DragonheartI guess it helps if you place the review under the right movie. Somehow I posted this review under the other Dragonheart Movie, A New Beginning.

Dragonheart is one of my favorite movies, up there with The Last Unicorn. The music is good, the actors are fantastic, and the storyline actually has some thought to it.

Dennis Quaid is great as Bowen, the knight turned dragon slayer. He looks the part as well as acting thepart of a dragon slayer bound by the old code, who is trying to rid the world of dragons so the evil in his protégé, King Einon, will be defeated.

Sean Connery is great as the voice of Draco. According to the 'making of Dragonheart' feature on the DVD, the director had only Connery in mind for the voice, and spent 13 months trying to get the dragon to have facial and body actions that patterned Connery. I don't know if it's because Connery is so well known, or if it's because he can project life into Draco, but the dragon has a personality, and you can relate to it's sadness and fear throughout the movie.

Pete Postlethwaite is good as the monk/historian/bad poet. He gives a bit of comic relief to the movie,especially in the later fighting scenes. His inability to remember his own poetry is also funny.

Dina Meyer portrays the peasant Kara as a strong young woman who's willing to do almost anything todefeat King Einon and avenge the death of her father.

David Thewlis is an awesome bad guy. He's not a physically powerful man, but his brain makes up for his lack of brawn. Plus, he's creepy, which adds to the bad guy image. His heartlessness as King Einon and the fact he's causing a dragon to lose his soul makes you want to hate him throughout the movie.

The music is absolutely beautiful; Randy Edelman really created some wonderful music. A lot of people who haven't seen the movie might recognize the music, as it was used in the Trailer for Mulan and a few other movies.

I really love this movie, and I'm not sure if it's the music, the cast, or the fact that the story isn't a carbon copy of a lot of the dragon or knight movies out there, but there's something about Dragonheart that makes me watch it from time to time, and enjoy it each time.

If you are interested in this movie, buy the Collector's edition with Dolby Digital instead of this one as this DTS version offer nothing in special features and the sound is not much better than the Dolby Digital Version. And the most annoying part is when you put the disc inside your player, you are given an option to chose between DTS and Dolby Surround but you don't know which one is which as they just shift color when you chose and if you got it wrong, there is no way to get back to the option page, you have to stop the disc and open the drawer and insert the disc again. It is a pain.

The movie itself is excellent about a Dragon who gave half of his heart in order to save a dying prince. The prince turned out to be an evil king and it is up to a knight (Dennis Quaid) and the dragon (voiced by Sean Connery) to save the people. The special effect is great and the acting is good. David Thewlis is very good as the evil king. The picture quality is fine and the DTS sound is good but not much better than the feature loaded Dolby Digital version. Just go ahead skip the DTS version and get the collector's edition. They are the same price.

Buy Dragonheart (1996) Now

Okay folks, I am guessing you have seen this movie as it is quite a few years old now so I will not bother going into the details of it. If you wish to know more about the plot then check it out on imdb.

The big question is, how did it fare being transfered to HD-DVD? Well to sum it up I would say brilliantly. The video transfer is crisp and detailed, it does suffer a tad with film artifacts but this is the best we are ever going to see it that is for sure.

The audio transfer is absolutely superb.

You want HD-DVD? Well this is as good as it gets for this title.

Read Best Reviews of Dragonheart (1996) Here

This is a wonderful tale with the Dragon (Sean Connery) stealing the show. Dennis Quaid is a knight of the Auld Code trying to teach his young prince how to be a true warrior. Instead he is corrupted by his father. Almost killed in a peasant rebellion his mother takes him to an ancient castle where a Dragon, keeper of the Auld Ways resides. In order to save the boy, the Dragon gives him half of his heart in return for promising to grow up to respect the Auld Code.

He does not, instead turns out just like his father. Quaid blame the dragon and so be becomes a dragonslayer. Many years later he find the dragon (Connery having a field day!!) and instead of slaying him, realises he, too, was betrayed.

It is a wonderful tale for the whole family!! But the Dragon is is simply amazing!!

Want Dragonheart (1996) Discount?

My interest in dragons is a fairly new one. I'm fascinated by the fact that they fly and in some ways seem to act a bit like cats. Perhaps it is the way their tails move or the fact that they have those deliciously long claws.

In this fantasy, the dragon Draco (the last dragon) has a sense of humor and takes a liking to the Dragonslayer Bowen (Dennis Quaid). Although Bowen first vows to kill Draco, he soon learns they have both met their match. It is therefore futile to try to fight fate.

Together they go into the dragon slaying business for mutual profit, however Draco only pretends to die and swims away unharmed.

The Dragon really steals the show and I found the voice of Sean Connery interesting. Of all the dragon movies I've seen, this dragon is amazing. You have to love it when he says he chewed in self-defense, but didn't swallow. Draco is sensitive, witty and is simply adorable.

Prince Einon is much more evil than any dragon and after being fatally wounded in an uprising, he receives half a dragon's heart/life force. He and Draco are eternally connected and the only way to destroy Einon is to destroy Draco.

As Einon is about to die, Draco makes him promise he will rule the kingdom with mercy. Einon swears and receives the gift of a new life. However, he is selfish and cruel and emerges as an even more oppressive king.

After killing Kara's father, King Einon is brash enough to think he can seduce her and make her is bride. He is just purely evil and you will take an instant dislike to him.

In order to destroy Einon, the unthinkable must occur.

No-one is above the Code, especially the king. -Bowen

Perhaps everyone has a dragon inside of them. A creature who longs to fly away, but who at the same time wants to listen to the natural laws written on their own hearts.

~The Rebecca Review

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