Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (10th Anniversary Special Edition) (2012)

My Big Fat Greek WeddingI love it when a sleeper of a movie like this one soars to prominence based on word-of-mouth. This little gem deserves every kudo it gets, and then some.

Refreshingly normal-looking Nia Vardalos basically plays herself in a script she wrote from memories of her own Greek-American upbringing. Maybe that is why the movie comes across as so real and so heartwarming. At any rate, Vardalos plays Toula, a 30-year-old spinster (in her traditional father's eyes) who helps run the family's restaurant, the Dancing Zorba. Hidden behind thick glasses, baggy sweaters and too much hair, Toula is miserable. She loves her family, but she wants to find her own niche in the world--without giving Papa a heart attack.

After much high emotion, Toula improves her looks, goes back to school, snags a job in her aunt's travel agency (after all, reasons Papa, it's still family) and meets the man of her dreams (gorgeous John Corbett, "Aidan" from "Sex and the City"). Everything should be happy, no? NO! Ian (the boyfriend) is NOT GREEK, and Papa is beside himself.

This movie is simply a delight, from the opening credits to the very end. It is unpretentious, warm, loving, and happy. And on top of all that, it's truly well-acted and very, very funny. I recommend it highly.

It is a rare gem of a movie when people can poke fun at themselves and yet not mind that everybody else is laughing as well. this movie truley does have something for everybody. if you are Greek, you will love the familiarity of this movie and will find yourself comparing the people in the film to your own family. You will also find yourself laughing at a few areas in the movie and see nothing but bewildered stares from the non-greeks in the theater. If you are not Greek you will simultaneously wish you were and be glad you are not when you see the closeness, love, overbearing nature and complete lack of any privacy poor Tula goes through in this film.

The movie starts with Tula, a 30 year old Greek girl who is looked at as somewhat of a failure by the family because she has not done what she is supposed to do, Marry a Greek man, Have Greek Children, and cook for everybody until the day she dies. but at least (As said by her aunt) she will be there to take care of her parents when they are old. As tula slowly starts to find her own way, thinking about goind to collage, switching jobs from the family resterant, ect.. enter Ian Miller, from a conservative, WASPy family, and somebody unlike everybody else in Tula's life. This movie could have so easily de-generated into the typical Hollywood pap, i.e. become preachy about Tula's right to do what she wants, or done the Three's company plot of "She tells a fib about her life, he finds out, gets angry, they make up at the end" or lastly and most commonly, made out the WASP family to be bigoted and unaccepting characitures who finally come around after basking in the glow emitted by the Greek family. This movie did none of that, instead you follow Tula and Ian as they realize they are falling in love, and then get to sit through the hilarious real life trouble they have dealing with their differences, most especially Tulas relatives dissbelieve that she would date somebody non-Greek. I gurantee you will NOT have a more enjoyable experience at the movies this year whether you are 12 or 92. The main plot is wonderful, but the little side notes, such as Ians mother bringing a bundt Cake to tulas family and nonbody knowing what it is, or Tulas father believing that windex can cure almost anything, add just another layer to this movie until comedy perfection is achieved. If your young daughters are refusing to go point out to them that a member of N'sync is in the cast then you can listen to them discuss whether or not he gained weight on the ride home. The combination of comedy, real looking people, not large headed starved, botoxed former modles and the real sense of affection with which this writer tells the story are too few and far between. There is a reason this movie is making more money each week than the week before even though it was realeased months ago. You will not be dissappointed.

Buy My Big Fat Greek Wedding (10th Anniversary Special Edition) (2012) Now

What a terrific movie. Very funny, very warm. A superb ensemble cast, a great script, and excellent pacing make this a real winner.

The mix of cultures is very well done--not, as some reviewers have said, tritely at all. John Corbett's ultra WASPy Ian Miller is a perfect foil for Nia Vardalos' ultra Greek Toula who, at the age of six, was the only girl in her school who was swarthy with sideburns. She's smart, attractive, and most of all full of innocent charm which is a huge plus in these days of Hollywood bombast.

The culture mix is upped several notches when Ian's SUPER-ultra WASPy conservative, reigned-in parents come to Toula's house for a "quiet dinner" which turns out to be an uproar attended by no less than about 25 people--Toula's family, of course, invited by her parents. It's great to see the uptight Millers consume mass quantities of ouzo, encouraged by their host's entreaties, and the resulting discombobulation.

Innocence, in fact, is everywhere in this film and gives it the tremendous charm and warmth it has. Confusing innocence for triteness is a huge mistake. Here, both leads radiate the innocence of pure romance which is very moving, and the romance is beautifully balanced with a lot of very funny moments.

Toula's father, played by Michael Constantine (a Greek), is constantly lecturing his family on how Greek is the language of origin of ALL words--even kimono--and applying Windex to EVERY pain or hurt a human being can experience. He can be a grump, but it's obvious he has real heart. His mother comes directly from Greece to stay with the family and is the source of some truly inspired hilarity.

Does the couple meet cute? Depends on how you define that. The real answer is, No, they don't; they meet normally, like two people might realistically meet.

Toula's mother is played by Lainie Kazan, a veteran (like Constantine) who portrays the correct balance of smartmouth and sentiment in her character. Also notable is Anrea Martin, a Second City TV alumna, as Toula's aunt.

Nia Vardalos, Toula, also wrote the film and did a great job as both lead actress and writer.

Highly recommended.

Read Best Reviews of My Big Fat Greek Wedding (10th Anniversary Special Edition) (2012) Here

I've read the reviews for this movie on Amazon, and boy am I glad I saw the movie first and that I make up my own mind. This movie was fun, moving & romantic. I'm not going to pop out the thesaurus and fill this review with over-large wording, just give this movie a try and I know you'll love it. After all, how can ALL the people who went to the theaters be wrong?!?

Want My Big Fat Greek Wedding (10th Anniversary Special Edition) (2012) Discount?

This movie takes every stereotypical assumption you ever had about Greek people, and multiplies it for this laugh out loud satire. Toula has been ruled by her dominating family her whole life, but when she starts seeing, and later gets engaged to Ian Miller, both are determined not to let anyone interfere. What a great romantic comedy, but since there is also a fair amount of drama, I may have classified it incorrectly. Both the acting and script were very well done.

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