Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mrs Miniver (2013)

Mrs MiniverThis beautiful drama about a quiet English village and its inhabitants during the early days of WWII is perfect in every way. Director William Wyler was himself flying a bombing mission over Germany the night the Academy got it right and singled it out as Best Picture. Like the hat Greer Garson purchases despite the cost, this film is rather precious, and if made tomorrow, would still win the award for Best Picture.

Wyler was delivered a fabulous script from screenwriters Arthur Wimpers, George Froeschell, James Hilton, and Claudine West. Greer Garson's restrained performance as Jan Struther's heroine won her Best Actress honors but the entire cast is equally good, Teresa Wright especially so as the bright and cheery young woman who would marry the Miniver's son and show them all the way.

Wyler paints a lovely picture of day-to-day life in 1939 for the Miniver family and the small village where they live. Greer Garson is the nice Mrs. Miniver. An early scene when the kind porter Mr. Ballard (Henry Travers) reveals to her that he has named the beautiful red rose he intends to enter in the yearly floral contest after her, sets the feelings and mood of the entire film. The story of the white rose turning red from tears yet made more beautiful was not lost on audiences on both sides of the pond. If ever a film gave the world a resolve to stand up to evil, this quiet and touching film certainly did.

Wyler shows the poignancy of young men going off to war as the Miniver's young son, Vin, home from college and full of ideals, joins the R.A.F. There is one terribly moving scene as Garson listens with all her being as the planes fly over, waiting for Vin's signal that he is one of those returning. Wyler shows the efforts of all during the early days of the war to help in any way possible. Clem (Walter Pidgeon) will use his small boat along with his fellow villagers in a dangerous rescue mission during the night, beautifully filmed by the director.

But through the air raids, which become matter-of-fact for the Miniver family, the joyous moments of living are shown by Wyler, leaving no doubt that life will and does go on. Dame May Whitty is superb as the village's most powerful woman, Lady Beldon. She is the grandmother of the sweet Carol, portrayed winningly by Teresa Wright. It is her romance with Vin (Richard Ney) which will provide the most poignant moment in the film, showing that tragedy could come at any moment.

Garson's cool resolve when confronting a downed German flyer in her kitchen is never to be forgotten. Neither are the moments of Mrs. Miniver's small children sleeping peacefully in the cellar during air raids hitting closer and closer to home while Clem talks and she knits. Just as moving, however, is the moment the winner for best rose is announced.

There is a deeply moving and unexpected death, just as it happened to many families, English and otherwise, during the war. But it will not defeat the Minivers or the village, and the final speech was so stirring that Roosevelt had leaflets of it dropped from the air all over Europe.

Rarely does something so entertaining have the substance of "Mrs. Miniver." It is no wonder that Churchill said "Mrs. Miniver" was more important to the war effort than an entire fleet of of destroyers ever could have been. A magnificent and unforgettable film you can watch time and again with the entire family. A must see film for everyone.

"Mrs. Miniver" is one of those non-factual, war time propaganda tear jerkers that has proven itself to be enduring and immensely entertaining. Upon its release, Winston Churchill declared the film more influential in getting America involved in WWII than a fleet of destroyers. The plot concerns Mrs. Miniver (Greer Garson) the atypical English housewife quietly enduring the hardships of war and capturing a downed Nazi pilot in her begonias in the process. It sounds hoaky but actually the story is incredibly stirring. Walter Pigeon, Garson?s frequent costar, is cast as her tender husband, Clem. Richard Ney plays her slightly opinionated son, Vin who rises to the occasion and becomes a flyer for the RAF. Aside: Ney and Garson were carrying on an affair during the filming that eventually resulted in a disastrous marriage and a quicky divorce. Oh well, at least the relationships in the film are perfect. Of merit is Teresa Wright?s outstanding performance as Carol, Vin's doomed fianc?e.

Previously issued versions of this film were near perfect so it's really no surprise to discover that this DVD carries on in the same tradition. Quite simply: the picture is outstanding. Blacks are deep and solid. The gray scale is beautiful and well balanced. There is hardly a scratch or a bit of grit or grain to distract. The soundtrack is equally impressive in MONO but very, very nicely balanced. A bit of a disappointment comes from the fact that no one at Warner Brothers had the foresight to do a ?making of? featurette. All we get is a couple of short subjects and a stills gallery.

Buy Mrs Miniver (2013) Now

This is by far not your typical war movie. I love war movies. I have the vast majority of war movies on DVD or VHS. I have been anxiously awaiting some of the older classic war movies like "The Enemy Below (1957)", "African Queen (1951)", "Mrs. Minniver (1942)", and "The Pied Piper (1942)" to come out on DVD. I am delighted to see this will be available in February.

No movie that I have seen about WWII tells a better story of how the English endured so much hardship and personal loss for so many years. This could easily have been a very depressing movie but it has many lighter and uplifting moments that balance out the sorrow and make you feel good at the end of the movie. If you bought this just because of the award nominations it received you should consider yourself pretty smart. If you buy it because of the good reviews from people here at Amazon you are intelligent. If you bought it because you only buy the best movies, and this is a great movie with a boat load of extras, well there aren't words to describe how gifted you are.

If you enjoy movies that take a more personal look at the impact of war on families you will like this movie. Far from being boring as some family movies drag when they get into far to many personal details. This movie has plenty of action with the Battle of Dunkirk, German bombings and strafings, and a enemy parachutist on the loose. Mrs. Miniver reminds me a little of a tough woman like Maureen O'Hara in the John Wayne movies. Her strength is a little more sophisticated but nonetheless you know it is there. She is the kind of woman you know can weather the storm and you are happy to have her with you. The DVD includes Greer Garson academy award footage, photos, and a couple wartime shorts. The movie itself makes it a great buy, but with these bonuses it's a steal.

Read Best Reviews of Mrs Miniver (2013) Here

An unforgettable slice of wartime life in England, MRS MINIVER stars Greer Garson in the role she was born to play, one which earned her an Academy Award in 1942. The story opens in the last peaceful summer of 1939. We meet the lovely Kay Miniver as she frets over buying a particularly expensive but beautiful hat. It is a lovely, carefree scene which sets up the idyllic existence of Kay and her family in the close-knit village of Belham, a world which literally disappears when World War II breaks out. Kay, her husband Clem (Walter Pidgeon), eldest son Vin (Richard Ney) and his beautiful young bride Carol (Teresa Wright) become the central characters in a saga which scales the highs and lows of life lived in the worst possible circumstances, but the Miniver clan muddle through with strength, will and self-respect.

There are many memorable scenes in the film: Kay reading `Alice in Wonderland' to the two younger children whilst in the bomb shelter; Clem leaving for the shores of Dunkirk on his rickety fishing boat; kindly station master Mr Ballard (Henry Travers) growing a rose in honour of Kay; and the amazing sequence where Kay herself confronts a downed Nazi fighter-pilot in her kitchen.

MRS MINIVER remains to this day a moving account of wartime life in England. It's purpose during the war was to boost morale, and that it did. Today, MRS MINIVER is still regarded with affection and love. May it always be.

Want Mrs Miniver (2013) Discount?

This is one of my favorite movies, and the black & white print on the DVD is pristine. This is an idealized presentation of England in the beginning of WWII, but I love the scene where the Minivers are all in their bomb shelter in the back garden, and reading "Alice In Wonderland" to their children. Very touching. I couldn't recommend this film more. The lovely actor who plays Mr. Ballard, the station master, who grows a rose he wants to name after Mrs. Miniver is so affecting; watch Mr. Ballard's face as Mrs. Miniver says how nice it is to have a rose named after one-you can see he just idolizes her. The end is both heartbreaking and uplifting. This film won best picture, best actress. best director and best supporting actress at the Academy Awards of that year. Bravo!

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