Buy I Know What You Did Last Summer / I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (2010) Now
I've always had a guilty little weak spot for these two flicks and I'm very glad to say that the blu-ray transfer is great...especially in the dark scenes...which are abundant...tho the second movie is a little brighter being set in the island resort and all...the sound is much better on the blu-rays than the dvds...in short I think it's worth the upgrade for anyone who really likes these two movies and the great casts involved at the time...you'll be glad you did...One of my favorite things to do is sit in front of the television in the middle of the night, and watch a cheesy horror flick. It is extremely fun to do. So, in my mind, you can't go wrong with pretty much any horror film that came out of the nineties well, anything that came after SCREAM.I have to say that these two films are dear to my heart. I adore them in all of their gory cheesiness, from Jennifer Love Hewitt's overwrought and occasionally hilarious performance "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, HUH?!" to the ridiculous and implausible storylines, not to mention the rest of the performances from the casts of both films. Here, most of us were introduced to the likes of Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, and Freddie Prinze, Jr. Well, that goes for me at least. Some of their careers have prospered, and as for the others, who knows.
With the first film, you have the traditional set up. After a fourth of July party, four teens find themselves in a hit and run situation. The victim dies. Of course, they all freak out and in a desperate attempt to salvage their reputations and avoid time in jail, they agree to dump the body. Well, they attempt to toss him off of a dock at first, but he unexpectantly springs back to life at the last second. Everyone screams, including us in the audience. This doesn't stop them from tossing him in anyways. They all make a pact to never speak of that night. Well, a year passes and they start getting letters that say I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER. A man in a slicker with a fish hook starts terrorizing them, and
this is where the fun begins. You all know what happens. B-movie midnight glee! You even get a cameo from Anne Heche! What could possibly go wrong?!
Thankfully, in 1998, only a year after the first film talk about a rushed production the folks at Columbia/Tristar gave us I STILL KNOW. Doesn't do as well at the box office, but doesn't entirely fail miserably either. This time, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Brandy, and Mekhi Phifer find themselves at the sharp end of the fisherman's hook. Jennifer reprises her role from the first film, as does Freddie Prinze, Jr. This time we find Jennifer's character at college. She is still haunted by the events of the first film, and refuses to go back home to Southport, North Carolina. Another reason that she does not want to go home is because dun, dun, dunnn! it is the fourth of July. Freddie tries to convince her to come home for the Croaker Pageant, but she declines, telling him that she's just not ready to go back. Of course, he thinks it's his fault, and sulks away. Little does Jen know that her boyfriend plans on marrying her, and has already bought the ring. In the meantime, her roommate, played by Brandy in a "so bad it's good" performance, gets a phone call from a local radio station. They end up winning a free trip to the Bahamas. Well, to make a long story short, they end up in the Bahamas during storm season in a nearly empty hotel. Back home, Freddie runs into the fisherman and heads to the Bahamas in a hurry to save his future fiance. Mekhi Phifer desperately tries to bed Brandy throughout the whole movie, but to no avail. The killer slices and dices various hotel staff, including a pothead played by none other than an uncredited Jack Black. All the while, Freddie races against time to save his beloved. In a moment of desperation, he hocks her engagement ring for a gun. So sad. So melodramatic. So fun to watch!
Since the first two were released, there has recently been a straight to video sequel, I'LL ALWAYS KNOW. Haven't seen it yet, but it probably doesn't hold a candle to the first two. The SCREAM films were great, don't get me wrong. However, as far as nineties horror films go, these were the best.
They don't make 'em like they used to.
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I hate it when studios release DVDs w/ features that aren't even on the discs. Albeit, I was interested in the bonus features "supposedly" on the first DVD, and disappointed, I never owned the original DVDs so this is okay. Yeah, I was pissed because I wanted the features but, oh well, can we sue the studios? I honestly don't know. But for the price I paid for these DVDs (13 dollars) I'll deal, just like J.Lo Hewitt does in that video on disc 2.
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