Tuesday, October 1, 2013

She's Out of My League (2010)

She's Out of My League Most comedies out there today are complete and utter garbage. Most romantic comedies could be written by brain-dead zombies and have more originality. After watching hours of that drivel (my wife likes them), She's Out of My League was refreshing. For the first time in far too long, I laughed out loud at a romantic comedy. The movie was genuinely funny, meaningful, and not always predictable.

Despite the scenario (hot girl, deadbeat guy), She's Out of My League doesn't peddle the usual bromides about "love being blind" or "good things happen to good people." Rather, it's about self-esteem. This makes the characters and plot more interesting and subtle. I'm not going to claim that there's Oscar-winning character development in She's Out of My League, but Molly, the hot girl, and Kirk, the not so hot guy, do seem like realistic personalities. Kirk does not "refashion" himself into a stud (although there is one incident with shaving a certain area...). Molly isn't the "perfect" hot girl, but has insecurities of her own and a need to play it safe. They're helped by a decent script with dialogue that doesn't seem too forced or awkward (except for the cursing see below). It is kind of possible to see why they fall in love with each other it makes sense in a way that most romantic comedies don't.

My only problem with the movie is the overload of cursing and sex references. I understand that's standard fare in most comedies nowadays. Frankly, I found most of it funny. Sometimes, however, it just became too much (how many times do you really need to drop the f-bomb? You don't actually need it to express anger in every scene). It got to a point where it seemed like the scriptwriters couldn't think of anything better to fill the space. Fortunately, this doesn't take away from the movie too much, but it might not be a good idea to watch this with anybody who's sensitive about those sorts of things.

She's Out of My League had real potential, and I'd like to see more work from this set of directors, scriptwriters, and actors (well, maybe better scriptwriters). Overall, 4 stars.

Ok, we've all seen this story before. average guy gets the hot chick, an unbelievably hot chick I might add. Its the same storyline in a lot of romantic comedies, but what keeps us from going to watch them when we know they are all alike? They each have there own little twist. The particular twist in League is that the guy is an unattractive Security worker at an airport who meets the hot chick by a series of events that we all wish would happen (dont deny it you guys we all wish life worked like it does in the movies). Anyway, after seeing the previews your either thinking 'Hmmm... this might be a good movie' or 'OH GOD another stupid comedy about a loser and a girl' there is no 'WOW, this looks amazing' crowd. I was in the group that thought it looked good, so I had to check it out for myself. I was downright happy with this movie. It was funny, it was loving, not to mention the disney movie references the fat guy kept making. I dont think I'm the only one who thought Stainer, one of the friends in the movie, had a Napolean Dynamite vibe to him. The way he talked and looked just screamed 'Frickin Idiot'. It was good enough to see twice ad it is good enough to be going in my dvd collection when it comes out. I gave it 4 stars because lets face it, its been done before, and I can't help but to think that its just gonna make all the single unattractive guys out there feel a little down!

Buy She's Out of My League (2010) Now

'She's out of my league' is a movie that works. Rather than relying on tired dirty jokes and cliche's, and despite it's goofy looking promo poster, it is quite insightful into our shallow perceptions of relationships.

Part of it's success is the main character, Kirk, is just very average and humble. He's not self-deprecating in a rediculous way, he's just very straight-forward, with a dose of low self-esteem. Even his more-attractive love affair, Molly, is a pleasant person, rather then some poster-girl stereo-type. Even better is the fat guy (forgotten his name) who's mature outlook helps him to lead a contented life. It's the good characters that make this movie worth watching.

On the whole, everything is good; the dialogue is usually interesting, the jokes are ok, etc. As you can guess, the movie is about a really hot woman who starts falling in love with a man who considers himself unattractive. The man finds it difficult to accept such a hot girl could like him, or that their relationship is justifiable. There is a raft of side-plots and characters that add to the overall entertainment. Overall, the whole movie is very enjoyable. Rating ***1/2

Read Best Reviews of She's Out of My League (2010) Here

When I started to see the previews for the film, I thought it could be a nice mid day typical funny movie. However I was laughing so hard, and when it was over I knew I had to see it again soon. This movie is so funny and because of the somewhat unknown cast, the jokes became funnier.

Want She's Out of My League (2010) Discount?

Emaciated and timid, Kirk (Jay Barachul) is a man who is referred to by his friends as a moodle man poodle. He's the fixer-upper who never gets the girls. When graded by his friend Stainer (TJ Miller), the best Kirk can be is a 6 out of 10, and that's being generous considering his atrocious car. It's Kirk's fortuitous encounter with Molly (Alice Eve), however, that begins to change not only his mind, but the opinions of his unsupportive friends and family.

Filmed in Pittsburgh Primanti Brothers and Mellon Arena are highlighted the movie really comes off as genuine. Sure, the hot chick never goes for the guy who is so skinny his nipples touch, but it was even less believable thanr that execrable disgrace The New Guy; somehow it worked, and it even had a little Serendipity vibe to it. Tal Bachman said it best with their definitive song: "She's so high above me, she's so lovely." She's too good for him, yet realism oozes out of the movie.

Perhaps it's because the actors played who they actually probably are in real life. Alice Eve looks like she has always been the over-achieving cheerleading captain who buckles men's knees, so the role was probably not a stretch. Similarly, there is no doubt in my mind that Jay Barachul has received multiple toilet swirlies in his time. Stealing every scene, however, is TJ Miller. What a cool, socially aware Napoleon Dynamite might be, Miller is hilarious, and looks like the guy who got big laughs since he was a child. For such a young, somewhat inexperienced cast, there are no lulls or weak links.

The one glaring flaw in the screenplay (other than the aforementioned improbable skinny dude and hot chick connection) is an uncomfortable ball shaving scene the most unbelievable scene in movie history. Yes, more unbelievable than Ben Affleck as an oil worker who goes into outerspace as a temp astronaut to land on an asteroid and mine into it to deposit a bomb which will split the asteroid which is the size of Texas into multiple pieces that will narrowly miss the Earth and avoid an extinction level event.

Fun, quick-moving, and worth the time. I recommend it, even if it does toe the line of chick flick.

Jason Elin

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