Sunday, September 28, 2014

Safe Haven Blu-Ray + DVD+ Extra Bonus DVD + Digital Copy (2013)

Safe Haven Blu-Ray + DVD+ Extra Bonus DVD + Digital CopyI'm not so sure you should classify this as a chick flick, even though there seemed to be a lot more females than males at the screening I attended. For me there were enough non-romance scenes to make it a more of a mystery. I can't say a lot about the plot without spoiling it for those who haven't seen it.

The movie runs the course of your basic romance with an unlikely couple who meet and fall for each other in spite of their problems until their relationship takes a major hit due to revelations about a secret past. In fact, threaded throughout the story are short scenes involving a Boston cop obsessed with finding a suspect in an attempted murder. There are a few tense moments of violence and absolute terror, but it's not gratuitous or over done, only enough to reveal the mystery and lead to a satisfying conclusion, (or not). What I liked the most was that, just when I thought the plot had taken its final twist, a letter is opened and read which surprised me all over again.

I enjoyed this movie much more than The Notebook, another movie based on a novel by the same author, Nicholas Sparks. I felt this was more action packed, exciting and optimistic that The Notebook. I also felt the cast was strong, from the leading characters to the supporting actors. All in all, an entertaining movie that I would recommend.

One day my mom said she wanted to see this. So we went and saw it. It starts out with some mystery. A girl seems to be hiding. From what or whom you are unsure. Then, she finds a place to feel safe and starts to enjoy her new dwellings. Throughout the movie you will learn about what she is afraid of and what happened to finally free her and make her run. Then, there may just be something in the movie that will happen that makes you have this weird feeling in your gut. I will not say anything though.

The chemistry between the actor that plays the father and the actress that plays the girl is amazing. They are so good at playing nervous, anxious people who are falling for one another. You will come to like both of them and hope for good things to happen. There is someone else in the movie as well. A detective/cop. His role in the movie is important.

The kids that play the mans kids are great. They are such good actors. I am proud of them. They never get in the way of anything that is going on. You see them for the perfect amount of time. In the time you see them you will understand their pain and their reasons for doing what they do.

Another thing that I liked about this movie is the location. It seems to have a small town feeling. Some movies go all over the place. But this movies was really in one place. It let you feel safe. Like you were at home and nothing could happen. Very well done.

This is a great movie for a man, women, or both to watch. It really makes you thankful for those you have that you can love and who love you. As soon as this comes out, I am buying it. One of those movies that is great to watch on a rainy night. A great movie!!!!

Oh, and if you were wondering I am a 28 year old guy. I have had a lot of pain in my life. I enjoy love stories. Just makes you feel good.

Buy Safe Haven Blu-Ray + DVD+ Extra Bonus DVD + Digital Copy (2013) Now

"There is more than one way to skin a cat" has got to be humorously posted on a some wall somewhere within the offices of Nicholas Sparks Productions. The latest proof of this has arrived in the form of Safe Haven.

In Safe Haven, Katie (Julianne Hough) is introduced frantically attempting to escape being chased down by a Boston Police Officer (David Lyons). The mystery of the film revolves around why this chase is taking place, but of course the point of this film revolves around her somehow ending up in North Carolina with a handsome man. "Write about where you know" has got to be humorously posted on some wall in Nicholas Sparks's North Carolina home.

Katie does end up in the aforementioned state in the tiny town of Sea Port. Sea Port offers all of the necessities for Sparks to work his magic: quiet streams for canoeing, beaches with virtually no one around, general stores, rusticity, no technology, one big event (that apparently draws over 100,000 people in for a day), and a laissez faire attitude. Predictability ensues, but not to an offensive degree.

This is the eighth Sparks novel to get the cinematic treatment, but it may as well be the eightieth. It rarely rises above standard TV movie production quality and offers nothing unexpected to the viewers. What it can cash in on is the likability and chemistry between its main co-stars Julianne Hough and Josh Duhamel. I suspect that this is the main reason the film got green-lit at all. An attempt, albeit a failed one, at adding some edge accomplishes little more than The Lucky One was able to accomplish last year. What is surprising is that the novel does have some edgy back-story, but director Lasse Hallström and screenwriter Dana Stevens chose to downplay, simplify, and blatantly avoid these opportunities preventing this film from elevating itself above the standard warmed over genre-film that it became. Formulas exist because they provide the framework for pleasing an audience, but unfortunately they grow tremendously stale and unsatisfying if they are not tweaked and modified from time to time. This is a lazy movie from start to finish, and it is an apparent Valentine's Day cash-grab at a movie hungry audience looking for a romantic film during a barren movie season. Like most films that receive reviews like this, it will be very comforting to those who go in knowing what to expect and unappealing to everyone else. How do you grade a film like this? Skin the C off the cat.

Read Best Reviews of Safe Haven Blu-Ray + DVD+ Extra Bonus DVD + Digital Copy (2013) Here

I guess I'd call this a PG-13 romance with an edge. We have attractive leads, mysterious pasts and dark secrets..... The book on which this is based is by Nicholas Sparks ("The Notebook") so it MUST be romantic, right? And there has to be an idyllic boat ride on a bayou...and two lovers caught in the rain. The movie is directed by Lasse Hallström ("Salmon Fishing in the Yemen") so it will feel like real people in a real situation, with humorous bits tossed in just for fun. As you can tell, this was actually pretty good because we had plenty of people to root for.

We watched:

* Josh Duhamel ("Transformers," "New Year's Eve" and lots of TV) as Alex, a widower of two years, helping his two youngsters cope with their loss and helping his uncle run a little grocery store/gas station/tackle shop in a North Carolina fishing village. BTW, this actor is really good with children!

* Noah Lomax (Lots of TV) is Josh, his older child who remembers, and still misses, his mom.

* Mimi Kirkland in her first movie role, is Lexie, the younger child who only remembers the idea of her mother. She's a precocious, loyal little busybody.

* Julianne Hough ("Rock of Ages" and "Footloose") is Katie, fleeing for her life from Boston and trying to find a safe haven beyond the reach of her pursuer.

* Cobie Smulders ("The Avengers") is Jo, the lovely neighbor who befriends our heroine.

* David Lyons (Lots of TV) is either a cop, an abandoned husband, or both.

There are plenty of other characters, but time does not permit... I could have done without some of the bucolic photography, but it was only 115 minutes. Suffice it to say, this had no profanity and some chaste love making, but had a real nail-biter of a climax and a totally unexpected Duhamel is VERY easy on the eye! Your DVD from Amazon will allow you to back up and look again.

Want Safe Haven Blu-Ray + DVD+ Extra Bonus DVD + Digital Copy (2013) Discount?

I love Nicholas Sparks and truly enjoy reading his novels, and that is what makes this movie go south for me. Don't get me wrong it was a great movie but if youve read the book you become very critical. Most Nicholas Sparks movies are well done and stick more to the book than this. I do not like when back stories that make the character who they are and names of characters are changed. It really looses the book. Her past is different and it really takes away from who she is. I reccomend NOT reading the book before the movie or you will ruin it for yourself.

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