Friday, August 15, 2014

This Means War (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (2012)

This Means WarI won't go into great details because there is no need to spoil it for you. If you're coming to read these, I am assuming you probably are trying to decide if you want to watch it or not.

The story is beyond predictable, but that doesn't mean it's not worth "date night".

The movie is about two close friends. They are CIA partners, you know that there is a brotherhood that only forms when you put your life in someone else hands. That relationship is put to the test when they both fall for the same woman ... in walks femme fatal, Reese Witherspoon whose character contains that charm which has made Reese a mainstay in cinema.

The plot is a road-map that lists all the main attractions along the way. You know where it's going, everyone's been there before, yet you still have fun. This movies is above all else a romantic comedy. It has just enough action to help guys enjoy the movie with their girls. It throws in a bit of situation and physical comedy to keep it from being sticky sweet.

You'll probably know what's going to happen before it does. That's ok; and it's ok to laugh out-loud even when the jokes are completely obvious. Allow yourself to enjoy this no brainer comedy and you might even find yourself rooting for the inevitable evolution each character has.

Still not sure? Rent before you buy and decide for yourself, after all, no two people are alike.

I hope this was helpful. Enjoy!

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When two CIA agents find themselves vying for the same woman, their rivalry is epic! Lucky Reese Witherspoon, to be one-third of an eternal triangle with these guys!

Director McG ("Terminator Salvation," and "Chuck") certainly knows how to open a film with a bang and never slow down. Even though this is a romantic comedy, CIA activities and skirmishes are couched in enough reality that we invest a little skin in the game. But the banter and camaraderie between two hunky heroes keep it cartoony and light. Furthermore, the conversations between our heroine and her best friend are hilarious, particularly when they are being overheard by the guys.

* Reese Witherspoon ("Water for Elephants") tests products and facilitates focus groups, but she hasn't quite recovered from her last break-up. Her best friend offers sage advice that positively drips with envy.

* Chris Pine ("Star Trek") is the smooth man about town, a CIA-trained lady killer with blue eyes you could get lost in. Problem is, Reese isn't about to fall. She may be tempted, but she won't fall. ...maybe....oops....

* Tom Hardy ("Inception") is the third side of this triangle, who pretends to be a travel agent, which contributed to the end of his marriage. Now he's competing with Chris Pine for Reese's affections and not doing too badly, either, despite being British...

* Chelsea Handler (lots of TV) is the best friend who keeps offering Reese all that bad, bad advice. She's so funny I'd probably try her suggestions, too! Hey, don't Volkswagens have air bags?

Once again we are confronted with a PG-13 film that is fairly anatomical, but it's so funny I guess I'll forgive them. The clever script is loaded with double entendres that had us laughing out loud ("the agent has entered the premises"). To watch Hollywood's version of the high-tech power the CIA can bring into this testosterone-laden rivalry is really fun! Plus, I've never seen Ms. Witherspoon so relaxed or funny before.

Expect no sweaty bodies, a snippet of profanity, lots of gunfire, some bloody fisticuffs, a bit of exciting vehicular mayhem, and even some blowie uppie stuff. Our happy audience made a LOT of noise as we left the theater. This should do very well, because it's good old-fashioned entertainment, no socially redeeming qualities, just silly fluffy fun. will notify me when the DVD is available.

Buy This Means War (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (2012) Now

If you're in the mood to sit back, laugh, and not have to think too much this is the movie for you! It's the perfect combination of Comedy, Romance, and Action. The cast has good chemistry and are sexy to boot! As with any romantic comedy, you can't over just have to sit back and enjoy!

Read Best Reviews of This Means War (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (2012) Here

"Why don't you tickle Ivan's feet until he talks with your teeny tiny itty bitty jazz hands."

One of the best lines in recent movie history delivered with perfect comedic timing.

Even though Reese Witherspoon is the headliner the buddy story is well played by Tom Hardy and Chris Pine. Oscar worthy? No. Entertaining. Yep. Not all movies have to have deep life changing meaning. Some are meant to be silly. This is one!

Want This Means War (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (2012) Discount?

This was a pleasant surprise. Funny, lots of action, romance, excellent cast, it really doesn't get better than this. Predictable? Probably for most, but still a fun 2 hours of entertainment. My wife and I both agree, she picked the wrong guy LOL.....

Save 43% Off

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