Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Adventures of Mark Twain (Collector's Edition) (1985)

The Adventures of Mark TwainAlthough The Adventures of Mark Twain is a Claymation extravaganza, it shouldn't be thought of as just kids' fare--in fact, much of the subject matter is not only intelligent on an adult level but also a bit dark. The premise is that three youngsters--Tom, Huck and Becky from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer--stow away on a fantastic lighter-than-air craft piloted by Mark Twain, who was born during a year when Halley's Comet visited our atmosphere and is trying to join up with it during one of its return visits. As he puts it, the Lord noted that those two freaks of nature came in together, and they should go out together. Along the way, the kids start to question the outcome of the trip and plot to hijack the ship. They also encounter several of Twain's short stories that are dramatized as subplots, a couple of which end up revealing crucial aspects of Twain's own character. The Clamation effects are a knockout, highly imaginative, and the plot has more substance than you might think on first approaching it. You might want to view it with your youngest children, since there are some potentially frightening considerations of mortality. Overall, however, most viewers should find it highly entertaining.

I can hardly believe that I've finally found this on DVD! I could not be more pleased. I've looked and looked over the years to no avail and suddenly PRESTO! BANGO! There it is. I used to watch this with my boys when they were very young. They did not understand the symbolism or humor then but were attracted by the incredible claymation. It's neat to see them watch it again years later and sudenly the lights go on and there is something deeper to appreciate.

I can't/won't speak to the narrow minds that kept Huckleberry Finn off so many library shelves for such a long time but we all understand that Mark Twain did not necessarily write for an audience of children. This genius of an American writer gave us things to think about and consider...uncomfortable issues for the time and gauging from some of the more emotional responses/reviews, still difficult for a few today but I challenge that truly GREAT art does that.

If you are a fan of Mark Twain and don't mind entertainment that encourages exploration of the human spirit, our ideals, aspirations, disappointments, patterns of life and the conclusion of that then I HIGHLY recommend this gem. It's definitely a know, one of those special works that you keep in the closet even after you can recite the dialog and have given away all the other older movies you've grown tired of. It is wonderfully representative of Twain so if you are not enamored of his work you may not "get" this.

I saw some reviews that found the movie choppy but I never thought this was the case. It's a film that requires your full attention but it's so entertaining that you will want to watch again and again. Over time you will pick up on things that you may have missed the first few times around and have one of those OHHHH now I get it moments....This is not Sesame's contemplative, thoughtful and BEAUTIFULLY done...enjoy...

S.Politte, Texas

Buy The Adventures of Mark Twain (Collector's Edition) (1985) Now

Claymation animator Will Vinton's first -and to date, only -full-length feature is based on Mark Twain's lesser-known writings, including "Tom Sawyer Abroad" and "The Mysterious Stranger." (It also owes a substantial debt to Justin Kaplan's critical biography "Mr. Clemons and Mark Twain.") The storyline is episodic and incoherent, but individual scenes -especially the "Mysterious Stranger" sequence -are as good as animation gets.

Vinton's "Adventures of Mark Twain" is probably too strange for most audiences, and its nightmarish imagery is not suitable for young children. Twain buffs, however, will be delighted.

Read Best Reviews of The Adventures of Mark Twain (Collector's Edition) (1985) Here

I remember this movie from when I was a child. With the advent of DVD I scrambled to get every movie that I recalled fondly, only to be let down. Everything that I found to be great when I was 10, I found terrible now that I am 30.

When I heard of the release of the Adventures of Mark Twain on DVD I was hesitant. I wondered if it would be as great as I remembered it.

Thankfully, it was and better than I remember.

The Adam and Eve sequence rings funnier now at 30 than when I was 10. The animation itself is enough to blow you away, but the fact that it is still a very entertaining movie, story-wise, after all these years says a lot about this film.

Great for kids and parents.

I highly reccomend this movie!

Want The Adventures of Mark Twain (Collector's Edition) (1985) Discount?

This movie is extermemly funny and thought provoking. The claymation was ground breaking in the field and a pleasure to watch. That the script writers thought to explore the thin veil existing between a writers characters and the writer is ingenius. Then, to explore Mark Twains classic stories and build a fictional story around the interaction of Mark Twains life with the stories and characters...another shot of genius.

Top it all off with thought provoking satire in true Mark Twain style and you have a movie worthy of a place in your library.

Mark Twain would have loved it!!

Save 32% Off

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