The movies are great. the quality is a real let down. This review is based on the HD quality, not the review of the movie, as it should be on the Blue ray box set listing. Don't waste your money until they do a better job with the quality of the conversion
Buy Ocean's Trilogy (2009) Now
The pros:Brilliant ensemble cast
Entertaining story lines that are enjoyable through multiple viewings
The cons:
Lack of special features (Ocean's 12 disk special feature consists of...drumroll please...the TRAILER alone)
No real justification to buy box set unless you are just really really excited about owning, well, the boxI'm sure everyone has seen this series so my rating is not based on the plot or acting quality. Everything looks great in HD, of course. The problem is that because they are crooks (lovable crooks, but crooks nonetheless) their operations usually happen at night or in the dark. That means tons of film noise, which is gloriously captured in 1080p. I find that some of the night/dark shots are grainy to a point of being obvious, though not enough to annoy me. It's like two guys sitting next to you in the theater, constantly chatting away in low volumes. It doesn't distract from the movie, but you'd enjoy things a little more if it weren't there. That's the only minor imperfection I could find. Everything else is marvelous.Ocean's Eleven is a fantastic film and the two follow on are still a good time, although not the same quality as the first. The second is by far the weakest and takes the most liberties with being ridiculous. You do have to suspend disbelief in these films but it is totally insane to say they are a bad trilogy especially when the first is genius. Not to mention that the original is actually pretty crappy if you go back and watch it. Just because it is a classic doesn't make it good. If you look at the original Thomas Crown it is actually quite bad. The remake was a fun, very well done film. Clearly the previous reviewer has an axe to grind and that is making it into their review. If the extras are anything like extras on the non-HD versions, you'll be pleased. Rarely have I appreciated a commentary but they have some great ones on these discs.
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