Thursday, August 7, 2014

Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos (2011)

Jeff Dunham: Controlled ChaosJeff has been my favorite comedian from the time I saw him on VH1 comedy shows back in the early 90s, so I had to get this the moment it came out. I was a little disappointed at most of the performance, as it seemed to be missing much of Jeff's sharp wit. That's not to say it isn't funny. There are points where I was laughing so hard I cried (in particular, Jeff's routine with Achmed shines in this DVD as a stand out performance), but it seemed like Jeff has been worn down a bit by the Political Correctness elitists who are always complaining about his act. A little too much time in this performance was spent attempting to appease critics with asides and it seemed like he was trying to walk a mine field. Based on the out-takes and special features, it appears this special was produced like a sitcom, with multiple takes and a set flow. This detracts heavily from Jeff's true talent as an Audience Worker. Some of Jeff's best moments involve his working the audience with jabs and jokes, but that portion of his act is completely absent here, which is disappointing. There's almost too much polish on this DVD and not nearly enough of what makes Jeff a truly great comedian.

Got to see Jeff and the gang on tour last month!! I've got to family and I have always been huge Jeff fans, but the new tour made us even bigger fans! The new characters are hilarious and definitely worth seeing. Can't wait for the DVD to come out so we can add to our Dunham collection and continue to enjoy what this comedic genius has to offer!! Way to go Jeff Fa Fa!!! :)

Buy Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos (2011) Now

By now I think that most everyone has some familiarity with Jeff Dunham, but in case you don't, he is a ventriloquist. But he's a ventriloquist with a wide range of characters that seem almost real and he does some comedy too and has managed to now make several movies and even had his own tv show for awhile. This is the latest of those movies.

Controlled Chaos brings back Jeff's most beloved puppets, Achmed the Dead Terrorist, Jose Jalapeno on a Stick, Peanut, and Walter. It also features two new puppets, Achmed's son and Little Jeff. Each has their own personality and Jeff does a skit with one or two of them at a time, interacting with himself, each other, and the audience. At the beginning, he also does a comedy routine without the puppets as well.

As said before, each of the puppets has its own personality. Walter is a grouchy old man who really isn't afraid of saying anything to anybody. He likes to lament his marriage and the youth today as well as anything else he happens to think is frivolous. Achmed is fond of trying to kill people, and claims to harbor a relationship with other terrorists. In this particular movie he interacts with his son which adds a whole new dimension to him. Jose Jalapeno uses few words but they always seem to get many laughs. Being that he is on a stick he doesn't move around much, but he isn't required too, unless someone mentions Mexican food. Peanut is probably the oddest of Jeff's characters. I'm not really sure what he is but he looks funny and tends to be real goofy and childlike and loves to get on Jeff's nerves.

While this particular movie had its funny moments, I didn't find it near as good as his other movies. The new characters weren't that compelling and I wish he would have just stuck with his regular four or some of the other side characters he's used in the past. The jokes sometimes fell flat for all the characters though and there were even a few uncomfortable silences in the mix. Which is something that is not usual for a Jeff Dunham show. I felt myself looking at the clock a few times to see when it would be over. I did appreciate that it was mostly new material, as Jeff has reused material in the past, but it just wasn't the normal Jeff Dunham hilariousness that I'm used to.

I'll continue watching Jeff Dunham movie and shows because they are usually uproariously funny, but this one isn't one I'd recommend unless you're a die hard fan.

Review by M. Reynard 2011

Read Best Reviews of Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos (2011) Here

I won two tickets to this filming and it was SO COOL!!!! Can't wait to get the DVD. I laughed so hard I cried. DON'T MISS THIS ONE!!! Man, so funny.

Want Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos (2011) Discount?

A little over priced in my opinion but worth supporting a dying art. Edgy, clever, and of course funny as ever!

Save 35% Off

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