Buy Feast (Unrated Edition) (2005) Now
Ok. Yes. The movie is not original. The monsters, well, we've seen those kinds before. The characters, of course these are cliche characters, the movie practically points that out to you. Yet the movie is probably the best American horror movie I've seen in the past year. I'll compare this to another movie I saw yesterday (I saw Feast movie just a while ago), that movie was another cliche movie called Are You Scared. That movie compared to this movie shows just how a cliche can work well (as in Feast) and work badly (as in Are You Scared). Both copy what we've seen before, but Feast revels in the passion, the gore, the humor, something that the other cliche lacks. Yes. Nothing new under the sun you might as well say, at least in the horror genre, but this can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you know your work in your hands. The people that bring us Feast know what we want, know what we like, and presents it in such a twist that keeps us glued to the action throughout the whole movie...something that many other movies out there in the horror field lack these days. I really hope that the director of this, along with the actors and actresses, along with the special effects people, go a long way and will be seen again. The movie kind of reminds me of an early Stephen King (as in The Mist or Pet Semetary) or Clive Barker (Books of Blood), fast, furious, bloody, funny, and want we want in our horror.Read Best Reviews of Feast (Unrated Edition) (2005) Here
I bought the DVD because of Navi Rawat. Love her in NUMB3RS and wanted to see her in something else. I also love the occasional horror movie, but they have to be ones that creep me out or have really "killer" special effects (pun intended).FEAST moves a long at a rapid clip but ultimately progresses very little. The opening is interesting, especially when we see what happens to HERO right off the bat, but then it downgrades into a somewhat predictable slayride.
None of the characters were truly given the chance to come to life. They served the needs of the role, but little else. The tags identifying the characters were humorous and well done, I thought, but that was really about as much characterization as you got.
The special effects were good, and there was plenty of gore to spread around. The bar felt real because I've been in that part of the country and seen plenty of them just like it. The fact that the movie was shot almost entirely within the bar and maintained suspense is credit to the director and the actors.
FEAST is a good buddy flick for a night when you don't really want to get heavily involved in something but would like an hour and a half of diversion. You're not going to see anything overtly original, but there are some moments of the truly unexpected that do shine.
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F**k this s**t was the line. Well, I guess you can say what you want when your son is directing the movie and doing a right fine job, I might say.Feast is a frenetic gore fest that takes the edge off with a lot of comic relief. Lots of pulling the rug out from underneath you and a very effective monster gimmick keeps the viewer involved right to the end. I not totally enamored with the cinematic style during the action scenes but after Savings Private Ryan this has been the norm and probably will be for a long time and besides it covers for a lot of budget constraints.
Overall, a lot of fun, who's going to win, who's dog meat. This is an excellent GreenLight entry. Highly Recommended
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