Friday, July 11, 2014

Splinter (2008)

SplinterAdmittedly, my expectations when it comes to modern independent horror are pretty limited. For the most part, films go for cheese and splatter with loads of lame humor. I called these films lazy in a recent review, as they trade genuine suspense for a quick chuckle every time. Making an intentionally bad movie must be much easier than attempting something that genuinely draws the audience in. So when I checked out Toby Wilkins' "Splinter" on a lark, I was pleasantly surprised. "Splinter" is a taut, fast-paced and nasty little thriller that works as solid entertainment.

A jolty, kinetic little creature feature--the tone and pacing of "Splinter" recalls other (perhaps more sophisticated films) with its quick and jagged editing, but it works well here. The creature in question is a spiky parasite that kills its prey and then uses the bodies to maneuver around in a grisly spectacle of attack. It's an interesting and unsettling visual to see the carcasses bent, broken, altered, and taken over. The violence and settings are played for "real," with characters you come to know and respect. That, to me, was the real selling point of "Splinter." It set up character types at the beginning, but through nice performances and an attention to dialogue in the script--these individuals break through as real protagonists that you want to see succeed.

This genuine respect for the characters (and thankfully, they're not just idiots) is what brings the suspense to life. The film is short, brutal, sometimes unexpected and it works brilliantly on its own terms. In a world where independent horror can be painful--I felt that this little film was a nice diversion. I may not remember the film several months down the line, but I enjoyed the nasty ride now. With reasonable expectations, "Splinter" just might surprise you too. KGHarris, 11/08.

I was able to check this out as a sneak peak in my own home tonight and I will say 'Splinter' is a pretty solid interesting horror film! The film is a cross breed with touches of The Thing(remake), The Blob and 28 days! Gorehounds will like this film as it pulls no punches when it comes to graphic deaths and dismemberment, but the story will keep old fashioned horror fans interested too!

The film is short and fast paced, but the characters are fairly believable and you care about important to any horror film! The film begins with an attack on a gas station attendant by an unknown "critter" with a lot of spikes(or "Splinters"..if you will)sticking out of it. I don't usually like to tell a whole lot about a film and prefer to let the viewer see things unfold on their own. The best part of the movie is finding out what these critters are or who?! I don't know if you want to spend your money seeing this in the theater as it is only around an hour and 15 minutes long, but I know I will be looking to buy this film when it becomes available on DVD.....when the price in right! ;-b

Buy Splinter (2008) Now

I seldom expect much from an indie horror movie so I'm not usually disappointed when it turns out to be so bad it's bad. "Splinter" is one of those very rare exceptions: a good story and even better script, good direction, and excellent acting by people I had never heard of. Shea Wigham is the real standout, as the escaped con with some real humanity and courage. You will actually care about these characters, and what this parasite does to its victims is genuinely horrifying. Too bad it's so short, but until the DVD comes out, I'm settling for watching it on the Sci-Fi Channel every time it runs.

Read Best Reviews of Splinter (2008) Here

I have to say I was surprised at how entertained I was by "Splinter". I was expecting a goofy CGI creature fest, but actually found "Splinter" to be a cut above the usual B-Movie found in the Blockbuster bargain bin.

The basic storyline is that a vacationing couple is taken hostage by a man and woman on the run. Unfortunately, they decide to stop off and get gas where a murderous "thing" has taken up residence.

What really drives "Splinter" are the characters, particularly Jill Wagner's performance as the female hostage Polly. Her character is strong and likable in a way not usually found in this type of film. Instead of over-the-top, she has a realistic toughness that you can't help but cheer for. Shea Whigham's con-on-the-run Dennis Farell is another great character. As the story plays out, you actually see both characters evolve and grow without being forced or played out in a cartoonish manner.

"Splinter" also features some great special effects. The CGI is present, but it's not overwhelming, and the basic effects are still old school latex and red goop, which is a nice change of pace in this day and age.

If you are looking for something a little different, but still want the chills and thrills associated with a good B-Movie creature feature, then give "Splinter" a shot.

Want Splinter (2008) Discount?

This movie deserves any praise it gets and certainly deserves more recognition than it has received. The characters are well developed and you find yourself actually giving a damn about them which is a rare thing for movies these days let alone horror movies which are usually just blood and guts torture porn with little plot other than the blood splattering the camera lens. The monster was very well done especially considering the budget this movie had to work with which just goes to show that sometimes a little creativity and imagination can meet and even surpass those films with much higher budgets to work with. Also, when it comes to the victims of the monster in this movie the effects were bone chilling.. or actually.. bone snapping and brutal and again surpassed expectations considering the budget. This film is a must have for any fan of horror as so much of it was just done right.

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