From the world of Raimi and Campbell comes this mid 80's cult gem right out of DETROIT MICHIGAN!!! Where do I begin with this unique blend of war stories, gore, low budget style, insanity and action? Now as much as I like this movie, I know some may not get it and that is natural since b-movies or cult films tend to appeal to a limited but open minded audience. For those who are into this type of cinema, you came to the right place and it doesn't get much better than this movie. I think the most important aspect of this film is Sam Raimi's performance as the morbidly deranged Charles Manson like cult leader. Everything from his motions right down to classic lines such as "Don't you ever touch the sacrificial fluids... okey dokey" as he delivers it in the film will make you say this is the guy who directed Spider Man? It's a bold mixture of humor and instability. This film is also another example of low budget appeal and style that you can not reproduce so it is for sure a great campy film for its time. Now the filming location is credited as being shot at Bruce Campbell's old residence but no other locations are listed so it got me thinking that the war sequences and cabin shots may have been shot way out in the suburbs? Northville Tunnels would have been a great filming location for some of the scenes (those of you from the Detroit area will know what I am talking about). Also, fans of Evil Dead and low budget horror will really dig this flick. By all accounts, that acting is cheese and some of the effects are what you expect of a low budget film but this is why cult film enthusiast like us love these type of films.

"Thou Shalt Not Kill...Except" is yet another obscure movie remastered by the video gods at Anchor Bay. The plot follows a group of war heroes, fresh out of Vietnam, who end up battling a cult of Charles Manson types in a small town. This may sound like a serious plot (like a revenge movie), but it's really not. Actually, this movie is more of a slapstick comedy than anything, and like all comedies, it wears a little thin upon repeated viewings. "Thou Shalt Not Kill...Except" comes from the same core group (Sam Raimi, Josh Becker, Bruce Campbell) that worked on "The Evil Dead," so if you appreciated the humor in that movie, you'll most likely get a kick out of this one. I personally found it superior to that overrated shocker.
Buy Thou Shalt Not Kill... Except (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (1985) Now
I really enjoyed this movie. In fact, I believe it was one of the best movies I have ever seen. The sound mixing was excellent, along with the directing. kudos.
Read Best Reviews of Thou Shalt Not Kill... Except (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (1985) Here
This DVD edition brings new life into an already great film. Scenes that were barely visible in the old VHS copies are now crystal clear. Be warned, however, that the audio commentary from co-writer Bruce Campbell and director Josh Becker, though occasionally insightful and consistently entertaining, does not give this film the credit it deserves. This is a very good film.
Want Thou Shalt Not Kill... Except (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (1985) Discount?
Never in my wildest dreams could I have envisioned this semi-obscure gem on DVD and yet, here it is. I've watched the VHS version of T.S.N.K.E. (sink-ee) at least 200 times all the way through, but my first DVD viewing was like experiencing a whole new T.S.N.K.E. Scenes that once looked suspiciously lit by car headlights have been transformed into scenes that are clearly lit by car headlights. The soundtrack has been given the digital restoration it deserves and the commentary track is just weird. To realize that at least two other people still acknowledge this film is really spooky. Somebody pinch me.
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