Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)

Jay and Silent Bob Strike BackThis movie was a blast, but you know that already. Read on for the

details of this fully-loaded DVD edition:

Feature Commentary Track

w/ Kevin Smith, Scott Mosier and Jason Mewes; Deleted Scenes

with Intros by Kevin Smith and members of the View Askew family; -

Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash w/Intros; Gag Reel w/Intro;

Internet Trailers w/Intro; TV Spots; Still

Galleries; Storyboards; Behind The Scenes Featurette;

"Morris Day and The Time Learnin' the Moves"


Afroman "Because I Got High" video; -

Stroke 9 "Kick Some Ass" video; Comedy Central's Reel

Comedy special; Cast and Crew Filmographies; Guide to

Morris Day and The Time; Some DVD-ROM goodies Widescreen

(2.35:1) Enhanced for 16:9 Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound -

Special DVD Mix French Language Track; Spanish Subtitles

I've always heard that if you look beneath the grimy setup you'll see the beautiful interior. Well that saying is not dissimilar to the horrors of the summer movie season 2001! Some of the most anticipated flicks of the summer are huge dissappointments (ie. Scary Movie 2) and some of the best moves, the general audience are too ignorant to set foot in (ie Hedwig and the Angry Inch). Well thank god we can still depend on the rapier wit of Kevin Smith. the King of Curse Words and verbal fluency. Has given us the most entertaining installment in the View Askewniverse. Well I know it ain't saying much but "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" is the funniest film of the summer!!

This film has all the things that make a screwball comedy perfect. Wacky Characters, Funny jokes both verbal and physical, Good storyline, great comic timing, and of course, a monkey.

Many people were afraid that Jay and Silent Bob would be unable to handle a movie on their own. Well not only did they succeed they went through the roof!!! Kevin Smith kept the jokes piled, one on top of the other and each one different and original. Though I loathe bodily function jokes, Smith managed to make them appropriate and not over use them, unlike the comically declined Wayans Brothers, who seem to think making the characters fart is like printing money. Smith on ther other hand keeps you on your toes awaiting what's gonna happen next.

"Is Jay Gonna Do What I think He's Gonna Do?" "If Silent Bob Speaks What will he say?"

Questions like that were popping in my brain because of the aggressive spontaneity of the comedy. But another thing I loved was all our old friends from the View Askewniverse (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy and one omnipotent female from Dogma.) Dante, Randal, Brodie, Holden, Banky, and even Willam the idiot Man-child. All performed once again be the same View Askew alumni and all played to perfection. And to go with them there's also stellar performances by many new faces, like Shannen Elizabeth as Jay's love-intrest Justice and also Eliza Dushku, Ali Larter, and Jen Schwalbach (Mrs. Kevin Smith) as the evil villainesses. And including great cameos by George Carlin, Marc Blucas, Seann William Scott, Jason Biggs, James Van Der Beek And God knows how many more. (She does know)

I think Every self respecting View askew fan Is required by cinematic Law to get up off their butts and see this flick. And all those poor schmucks who think The Wayans Brothers actually care about originality, NEED to watch this movie or I'll Beat the ever lovin' tar outta them.

Now I can say there were 5 good movies this summer instead of 4.

And Oh Yeah, To Jay and Silent Bob: Snooch to the Nooch and Good Bye My friends

Buy Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) Now

a lot of cursing if your sensetive to that but the rest is so fuuny (especially the scooby doo part!) best line

Jay (rapping)30 bucks little man, put that sh** in my hand!

Read Best Reviews of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) Here

Who'd have anticipated it? I grew up never needing to be told "just say no to drugs". I always focused on serious subjects when contemplating what movies I'd make given a chance. And now I find myself in a world where the most innocent cinematic diversion are often silly farces about potheads. The riotous hoot "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" is a prime example. I wasn't sure about it all the way through. Ali Larter was recently one of my favorite actresses. At least she doesn't take such a disastrous fall herein as Kirsten Dunst did in "The Virgin Suicides". Refreshingly, Ali's character Chrissie admits to being a "bad girl cliche". She gave me pause by repreating a frequent movie assertion (hopefully strictly an urban legend) about what girls don't do. But she gives a new twist, belying the claim at a point where she nearly dooms herself and co-consrirators thereby. Hence one could make a rhyme about her role: "Ali Larter plays the ......" All in all, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" is one of the most surprising bits of comic relief I've seen lately.

Want Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) Discount?

First and most importantly, you have to be very well prepared to watch "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" if you want to have any hope of enjoying it to its full potential (assume, for the sake of argument, that this is both possible and desirable). Not only do you need to watch all of writer-director Kevin Smith's earlier films (to wit, "Clerks," "Mallrats," "Chasing Amy" and "Dogma"), but you also need to have seen "American Pie," watched enough "Dawson's Creek" to know why Dawson should drown Pacey in the creek, and at least recognize every film Ben Affleck and Matt Damon have made in the past decade (know the title and a one line synopsis of what the film is about).

You need to do this for two reasons. First, it is the only way you can get all of the in-jokes in this film, which is heavily self-referential vis-a-vis the Smith oeuvre. In fact, you are better off using one hand to tick off the names of all the people from Smith's earlier films who are NOT in this movie (Stan "the Man" Lee immediately springs to mind). Second, you will need all this knowledge to be able to explain to the person next to you why Ben Affleck sometimes is playing himself, sometimes is playing somebody else (Holden McNeill from "Chasing Amy"), and sometimes is playing himself playing somebody else (Chuckie from "Good Will Hunting II: Hunting Season").

"Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" is another one of those films where two guys go off to Hollywood to stop tinsel town from ruining their good reputations with a film. Jay (Jason Mewes) and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) have always played small but pivotal roles in Smith's films (e.g., the "Chasing Amy" speech in "Chasing Amy"), but this time they not only get to be ABOVE the title of the film, they get to be IN the title of the film. Now, I will readily admit that I have always been one of those who could take Jay and Silent Bob in small doses, which probably explains why my favorite bits in this film usually involve other characters. However, I will admit enjoying Jay's attempt to find a nonderogatory term for women.

I have the feeling that this film is the swan song for Jay and Silent Bob. I mean, now that they have achieved titular glory, how can they go back to being the two man Greek chorus of Smith's prolonged "New Jersey Trilogy." Besides, with the appearance of virtually everyone who every appeared in a View Askew production (always good to see Joey Lauren Adams whether she is playing Alyssa Jones or not), you get the feeling the entire film is setting up a "Revenge of the Jedi" curtain call. Maybe Kevin Smith is turning a giant corner and about to start a new chapter in his life. Hey, it could happen. But I really get the feeling we have seen the last of Banky, Brody and the rest of the boys. Besides, Silent Bob speaks TWICE in this one, surely one of the signs that the end of days is nigh.

Like most View Askew productions, "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" is rated R for nonstop crude and sexual humor, pervasive strong language, and drug content (Actually, I did not know that the MPAA could use a word like "nonstop" in its description of a film, but certainly the term applies to everything on their little list here). So just remember to go back over Smith's earlier films before you screen this one and save yourself a lot of headaches and avoid watching it with anyone who is going to demand you justify your enjoyment every other expletive out of Jay's mouth.

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