I'm a huge scarry movie fan, and I must admit, I'm a bit partial to the older films, than most of what comes out today.
That being said, If your seeking a real tale of fright, this is your movie. It's funny, everytime you get together with people & talk about scarry movies, "The Stepfather" is either always the last one mentioned, or not mentioned at all; and I can't, for the life of me, understand why.
It's an original story, not like other scarry movies where the storyline is being used for the 100th time. This movie has everything you could want in a horror film. It has the right elements of atmosphere, music,suspense, character development, and just the right amount of the red stuff . . . without going overboard! I haven't seen many films that actually bring these key elements together just right, and this one does it right. There are a couple of comical moments, as is usual, but for the most part, this film is dark, serious, and means business.
Maybe that's it, maybe it's to real for people to accept.
I promise,when watching this one, you will not be leaving in the middle of the film for extra soda & popcorn!I Saw The Remake Trailer And Smiled
Why? Because I knew because of this we were finally gonna get the original Stepfather on DVD. This movie for me was one of those rare times I came home late put on cable an caught the opening scene without knowing what this movie was called or what it was about. Isn't that great when that happens? Your thinking what is this? Then he walked down those stairs passed the bodies and blood and out the door, I was glued to my TV from that moment on. This has been one of my favorites ever since. You know what else is wonderful about this movie, the cinematography,the look and feel of this picture. The neighborhood,the fall,the leaves,trees, the homes the street the lighting. I wish this were coming out on Blu Ray, hey maybe.
Till this day no matter how many times I've seen it I still get soooo humorously annoyed with JIM OGILVIE. He does this incredible job of tracking Jerry down. He knows the damn house he lives in now, walks in the door with his gun in his pocket lol and then is shocked to see him with blood on him.
What a boob! That and the sound of the phone hitting Shelly Hacks face still makes me cringe. Great writing, great directing, and wonderful acting,this film is scary yet so warm and inviting. You actually feel sorry for this lunatic. Must Have!Jerry Blake (Terry O'Quinn) is a new man since murdering his entire family and acquiring a new identity. No one knows who he really is, including his new wife (Shelley Hack) or his stepdaughter (Jill Schoelen from POPCORN and WHEN A STRANGER CALLS BACK). Don't worry, this isn't a spoiler, we know all of this information from the very beginning. Jerry sets up his latest "family" right away, leaving his past behind, as if it never happened. You see, Jerry just wants the perfect family, without fuss or problems. As long as everyone co-operates, everything is dandy. It's when people start disappointing him that Jerry has to respond. He must have order and perfection, or else! THE STEPFATHER is a fantastic 80s thriller, in the same league as FATAL ATTRACTION and future films like THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE and SINGLE WHITE FEMALE. O'Quinn is masterful as Blake, a man torn between pretentious calm and homicidal violence. Ms. Hack is excellent as the oblivious mum, while Schoelen plays the pesky fly in Jerry's ointment! A great story w/ a finale that rivals the afore-mentioned classics of the genre! Buy immediately!...I love the stepfather one of my favorite movie, i was so glad to see it made it on dvd it was so hard to find...
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