If you had told me this came from a kickstarter, and was funded by bronies, i'd be shocked.
I'm shocked.This documentary was funded by a Kickstarter project razing over $322,022. I was one of the supporters of this just received my copy in the mail today.
The production quality was very good and the animation for then segment transitions was show quality and made me laugh. I would recommend this to anyone concerned and wanting to know what this fandom is all about. It doesn't cover everything but shows the hardships and ridicule some of us face in the fandom. This also shows the creativity of the fandom and just how much we take the lessons to heart. I know these people, I know this community and glad to be apart of it.I watched this last night with my family, and they loved it. It really is nice to see people come together, especially when they do so much for charity. This sort of thing wasn't possible twenty years ago.Sure it has it's flaws, and the shrinks they brought on had a problem with putting their foots in their mouths, but if you look past those minor flaws to it's core, it's really enjoyable. Just seeing everyone involved have fun, and enjoy themselves together is so powerful and heartwarming it's almost like being at the con yourself.
I urge everyone to just forget the needless drama, forget the complaining, and enjoy the movie for what it is: a film showing the loving and fun part of the fandom.John de Lancie, Michael Brockhoff and Laurent Malaquais tried to make a Documentary to introduce and explain to people the phenomenon of bronies. They wanted to make an insightful, respectful and entertaining piece of media, where people who watched it would say: "Huh, that's actually pretty neat, now I understand."
I think they definitely succeeded! And they did an amazing job.
Even if some people weren't completely satisfied with what they were given, it was still a good documentary. (Is there even such a thing as perfect?)
The team had a clear vision of what they were trying to accomplish, and if you take that into account, the documentary was heading just the right direction.
As far as I know, they said they weren't going to include extended interviews because of piracy (read the Kickstarter page for more info)...
I'm very glad they decided to include them despite what has happened. Please show the team that you appreciate their work by NOT downloading this somewhere on the Internet. Buy it, it truly deserves every cent you pay for it.
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