Thursday, February 20, 2014

Under Siege (2006)

Under SiegeI would say 90% of the whole movie was cleaned and sharpened for HD. Other 10% of random scenes exhibited alot of grain and snow. Still a major improvement over the DVD release that I have viewed multiple times. Only wished they cleaned the whole movie. You won't miss the untreated scenes, extremely grainy. Otherwise, still a great movie in my opinion.

Steven Seagal is finally coming to Scotland, Edinburgh specifically, to play with his band Thunderbox. Although he has a few more chins than he used to, my boyfriend is thinking of going to see him in concert, so what better way to celebrate the fact a major star is coming to Edinburgh, than to watch a movie?

I'm normally not that fussed about Mr Seagal. I own one of his movies (Marked For Death), but I've discovered, since watching this, that I have so much more respect for him when he doesn't have that ponytail. Which just looks silly on a guy that big anyway. I knew I was going to be watching this, as it was "reserved" for watching on the brand new, HD DVD player that now resides in my boyfriend's sitting room. It was my first viewing of a HD DVD and overall, I was very impressed.

Shock horror, you do actually get to see Steven SMILE in this film, which made me start to like him even more. Normally, he's all serious. It did look like he was going to start dancing at one point, which would have left me cringing, but thankfully, he didn't. Gary Busey and Tommy Lee Jones join him in this movie, including some female nudity from Erika Eleniak, who proves she can handle a gun that looks bigger than her. This is a very stereotypical action movie of the nineties, where terrorists take over whatever it is. In this case, it's a very big naval battleship. Tommy Lee Jones looks like he came straight from the sixties to this point in time. There's not much to the story, but Seagal saves the day, leading everybody along in the process to believe that he's nothing but a lowly cook.

The HD is very impressive, looks great on a 50 inch big screen (some guys have cars my boyfriend has all his TV stuff and DVDs), the picture has been remastered, and is brighter and sharper than you can possibly imagine. There's no extras on this unfortunately, just a trailer, but some other HDs boast of in movie experiences etc. Shame they couldn't have brought back Steven for a "look back on..." or a commentary, I'm sure it would have been worthwhile.

Definitely the best Seagal movie in my eyes. Get it, watch it!

Buy Under Siege (2006) Now

This review, and the rating that I gave it, is for the transfer to Blu-ray ... not on the movie itself.

For the many fans of Steven Seagal who are thinking about buying this movie, you probably have already seen this movie before and while it's your typical action movie, it still is, and remains, very entertaining. Under Siege was one of Steven Seagal's earlier movies, before he started doing direct-to-video movies which have been described as nothing more but water-logged with poor script-writing and the attempt by Hollywood to turn rap-stars into movie stars.

When I decided to purchase Under Siege, I was expecting a seamless transition to the High Def format. However, most of the movie doesn't seem to transfer very well to the Blu-ray format. While the close up scenes appear to transfer well, when the camera pans out, the rest of the movie seems to have a gritty image to it which results in "artifacts" (or defects" in the image quality. While I don't know if this was intentional, it does seem to be distracting.

While I did watch this Blu-ray release on a 32" Samsung, and the overall review of the Blu-ray transfer isn't that great, the Blu-ray version of this movie is still very watchable.

Read Best Reviews of Under Siege (2006) Here

They say the villain makes or breaks an action-adventure flick. But in UNDER SIEGE, it's Navy-cook-turned-hero Steven Seagal, not villains Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey, who carries the film. Seagal's quiet demeanor is the calm before the storm of karate chops for Jones, Busey, and the rest of the antagonists who pick the wrong ship to hijack. The martial-arts actor even proves funny in UNDER SIEGE, in his non-verbal way. When he's not out-fighting them, he out-thinks them. The film ends on a weird note with the passionless kiss Seagal gives actress Erika Eleniak. See UNDER SIEGE Steven Seagal mops the deck with those creeps, so who needs kissing, anyway?

Want Under Siege (2006) Discount?

This is an engrossing tale taken from the mold of DIE HARD but it stands on its own thanks to a great performance by Seagal. This is probably his best film. It has great production values and an incredibly good cast. Most importantly, it entertains resoundingly.

Save 60% Off

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