-Carl Manes
I Like Horror MoviesThe living corpse makes his blu ray debut and man was it a fun one. If you like the comics and if you even don't you will enjoy this movie. It's fun and great to see how the one and only living corpse comes to be our gatekeeper of this world. So I would defiantly recommend atheist a rent but if your a fan of buz and ken the creators of the book then this is hands down a must buy.
Buy The Amazing Adventures of the Living Corpse (2013) Now
Highly recommended to any person interested in a kick ass animated film. The violence is not that intense as an R rating is led to believe. Great story and visuals. Cool score and wicked end credit song. Based on an awesome graphic novel The Living Corpse by Ken Haeser and Buz Hasson. I have three kids that were able to enjoy the movie (4-7) and they were not bothered by it one bit. It's animated and resembles a video game in some instances. This is why I'm puzzled by an R rating. Still highly recommended if you want an enjoyable movie. It comes with a digital copy of the newest Living Corpse book as well. What a value!Read Best Reviews of The Amazing Adventures of the Living Corpse (2013) Here
The animation is so basic that it doesn't lend itself to action sequences with the zombie hero. It also takes away from being absorbed in any way with this particular graphic novel's storyline. Reading the other initial reviewer's positive comments, I decided to give this one an early shot. What a waste! Save your money. This one's a pass. Sorry.Want The Amazing Adventures of the Living Corpse (2013) Discount?
Caught it at Comi Con. Unbelievable!! Don't miss it. Great story and great animation. This one is a real treat for true horror fans.
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