Sunday, January 5, 2014

Over the Top (2009)

Over the TopOver the top is such an emotionally moving film. The music that runs throughout the entire movie just adds to the effect. If someone is looking for the most inspirational speech in the history of mankind, then look no further than the scene right before the final arm wrestling match between Hawk and Bull Harley. Stallone emotionally explains how he becomes like a machine, or more specifically a truck, by simply turning his hat backwards. I watch this scene every morning to keep me going. This movie did not have enough white guys with perms in it, though.

This is a typical Stallone film with a typical Stallone script, which is exactly why I enjoyed it so much. All the elements are present in Lincoln Hawk, Stallones character in OTT, that made films like Rocky and First Blood so special. This is basically a road movie about a father whose trying to win the love of his son, Lincoln's ambition to win the world arm wrestling championship is cleverly used as a constant parody to the developing relationship between father and son. So as long as you aren't looking for anything too deep and meaningful and appreciate Stallones other films then you should really enjoy this.

Buy Over the Top (2009) Now

Over the Top is exactly that, over the top. The clever title is an obvious double-entendre in that it's a story about arm-wrestling that is completely ridiculous; yet, it somehow manages to be a highly enjoyable movie with real, albeit unanticipated, drama.

Amidst the preposterous father-son bonding, in which a borderline mongloid named Hawk (Sylvester Stallone) shares a long-haul trucking get-together with his son, as well as the finer points of arm wrestling via a pulley system generically rigged up by Hawk (pun intended) there is one the most comical, unbelievable scenes in movie history. While stopping for a bite to eat at a greasy spoon diner in which Hawk's prissy, weakling, snowflake, WASP son preaches about the benefits of health food Hawk decides that it is high time his son proves his worth and strength via an absurd arm-wrestling match staged between his son and a tough, street kid on top of a pinball machine. I'll let you be "surprised" by the outcome.

The ultimate arm wrestling showdown seems more like a collection of carnies or psych-ward patients than a group of competitors in an arm wrestling tournament. There is a pretty good chance that there was no blood testing at the time of this event, and if there were, more than one guy would be found with horse steroids or psychotropic drugs in his system. The favorite of the competition, Bull Harley, who seems like a villian in a video game because of his epic proportions, probably has stool bigger than Hawk's arms. Through sheer will and determination, Hawk manages to spin his hat around and channel the energy of 100 suns in order to win the title.

I'd feel bad about the spoiler if it weren't so painfully obvious and insignificant. The pleasure in this movie is the journey, not the destination. It's a great, mindless movie, and I watch it nearly every time it's on late-night TV.

Read Best Reviews of Over the Top (2009) Here

Whoa, hey! Hey, remember that movie "Kramer vs. Kramer"? Yeah, that was about child custody, too. Yeah, but it wasn't that good. I don't know, it was missing something, you know? Ah, what was it missing? I can't.. oh, wait! I know! Arm wrestling!

Want Over the Top (2009) Discount?

Genius! Sylvester Stallone is a trucker who fights to have his child's custody and arm wrestles for money! The absolute best 80's music is orchestrated in this beautifully made motion picture artifact! I was shivering as the excitement crawled up my body like a spirit would dance in a house. YES! NO? YES! Overwhelming spiritual movement of an epic masterpiece can only be performed by the gigantic, oversized of a genius named Sylvester, Sylvester Stallone! He hath brought retribution to the movie audiences after "Rhinestone", another ideal flick. YES, hamanee times do I have to tell you that this movie is the real deal. It doesn't get any better than this. His opponent drinks oil and is ugly! YES! Stallone is now and forever a supernatural being that shouldn't be reckoned with!

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