This Blu-ray or DVD set contains 2 discs containing episodes 1-13, both in dual audio (Eng. Dub/Jap. with English subs) It contains little to no extras. The extras being 3 trailers or promos from the Japanese television airing back in 2009, original English dub cast list and a trailer or two for Viz Media's new anime service; Neon Alley.
I picked up the Blu-ray release and as far as the quality goes it is AMAZING on my flat screen HD TV. The colors practically pop out at you, and are bright and vivid for the most part. Originally The Final Act did not air in HD when it was broadcasting in Japan, so this is an upscaled release I am assuming, and I can't find a single flaw in the quality. This is also Viz Media's first series Blu-ray release, before TFA all they have released in Blu-ray 1080p format is the Bleach/Naruto/Berserk movies in the last year, so it is indeed a job well done on the quality.
As for the dub voice acting I enjoyed it very much. Kagome and Sesshomaru's voice actress/actor did not come back for their original roles, meaning they were both obviously replaced with a new voice actor. Kagome's voice actor will take time to get used to for most fans, but don't let it discourage you because you will grow into it, I sure did. I originally was very against her new voice actress because I've been hearing Monica Stori's voice as Kagome since I was about 8 years old now, meaning it would be a huge change for me (and I'm sure most of the fanbase as well) Sesshomaru's voice actor I can't even tell the difference in, being 100% honest. If I wasn't specifically told that his voice actor was different I wouldn't have had a clue, that's how good it is. What it really comes down to with this release for the dub fans is giving it time, and not being impatient. It could take you a good 3-5 episodes to get used to the voice changes but it will be well worth it.
The packaging was the usual Viz Media release; bare bones and in a cheap recyclable case with a single paper advertisement for Neon Alley's streaming service on the PS3. (I got my order on November 13th from RightStuf, so I've completed this box set and reviewed all of it's contents, that is how I know all of this) I know a lot of people were complaining about the packaging due to it not being consistent with the original series release, but who knows? Viz could decide to give TFA a re-release in 2014 if these 2 13 episode sets sell well enough, so give them your support and we could see a better release.
Long story short: pick this release up. If you are a long time InuYasha fan then give Viz Media your money (if you can) and show them we really appreciate this finally getting a release after 3+ years.
-This review is for the Blu-ray release specifically, as I did not purchase the DVD set-
Buy InuYasha: The Final Act, Set One (2012) Now
VoicesFirst of all let me say this is the VIZ Media dub. There is another dub available on the web from ANIMAX. Avoid it. The voices are different than the ones you are used to from the earlier discs or viewings on Adult Swim. True, two of the main character voices (for the English dub) did not come back (Kagome and Lord Sesshomaru) but the actors replacing them are very compatible with the characters. The sound is crisp and clear and the sub-titles are good. The Animax dub is an inferior dub in my opinion.
CGI, but top notch. One of the things that brought me to Inuyasha was the drawing, especially the backgrounds. Beautifully drawn and now beautifully rendered. No complaints about the quality or the transfer to DVD. Looks great to me.
A bit of a let down. NO SPOILERS FROM ME. A let down in that very soon in the last series you see that there is a formula being followed-hint---Everyone gets their episode in the sun. One thing this final story arc does achieve is a wrapping up of 99% of all plot points. Sometimes it is done in a very clunky fashion with lots and lots of dialog expounding on a point. I think, IMHO, that maybe restructuring a bit would have allowed them to get the point across without these long discussions which do tend to kill some of the dramatic tension. Still, the ending while predictable, is in its own way satisfying. There is some use of flashbacks to the original episodes to remind us of plot points, but they are generally restrained.
Extras? What extras? Oh, the original trailer and English cast list...YAWN!
The Splitting of the Final Arc into two sets of two discs
Some reviewers have castigated the makers for doing this, big deal. Pretty much most of the releases of Inuyasha have been done this way. I have a bigger complaint which I expound on in the conclusion below....
I wish we did not have to wait this long for them to go back and finish the series! I feel some fans dropped Inuyasha due to the break in the episodes. Considering the large market they had in the US at that time they really should have gone for it, rather than waiting about 5yrs or so between series. Still I am glad they did do it and I feel that the conclusion-although predictable-was a fitting conclusion to a show that was left hanging.
Read Best Reviews of InuYasha: The Final Act, Set One (2012) Here
Omg! I'm just glad its finally got a release date! I've been waiting sooooo long to see it. I didn't go to the web sites to watch it so I don't care how it comes, sub or dub, I just want it! I don't care about the case or that its being released in 2 parts their getting my money! It seems to me that all the companies in the last few years have been releasing their series in more than one part, but after all the parts are out they turn around and release a complete collection! So if you are one of those people who want your inuyasha the final act in one complete collection they'll probably release that, just wait for a bit! I have to have it now though I've waited long enough so I'll be buying the 2 parts!I've heard that the english voice actors for Kagome and Sesshomaru aren't going to voice for the final act but I read the reviews and it says the languages for it is in english and japanese with english subtitles. And that their splitting it into 2 sets with 13 episodes each. but if its true that its in english and most of the voice actors are going to be on it but 2 i'm very very happy! :)
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