Thursday, December 26, 2013

V for Vendetta / Watchmen / Constantine (Triple-Feature) (2012)

V for Vendetta / Watchmen / ConstantineWarner hits another home run with this 3 disc set that features the Blu-ray individual releases for "V For Vendetta", "Watchmen" (not the multi-disc special edition) and "Constantine".

All three movies look quite nice in their Blu-ray presentation and all the special features that were on the individual disc releases are here as well (which is a nice plus for people who thought they might be short changed because this is an inexpensive release).

"V for Vendetta" is based on Alan Moore's graphic novel of the same name (as is "Watchmen")and the theme here is fantasy based graphic novels/comic books.

If you haven't picked up this set from the exceptional to the merely decent ("Constantine"), all three are worthwhile to pick up at this price.

"V" and "Watchmen" are the best of the bunch here (with "V" slightly edging out "Watchmen" for me).

I LIKE "Constantine" but wish it was a much better movie and that the crack, imaginative visual effects were matched by the storytelling.


this is a really great set, you get three comic book movies (all three of which are quite good) they all have special features and all in all it's a great package

first off is the packaging, they put all three discs in a single case, it's compact and the discs are easy to get out so A+ (it also doesn't have any of that "recycling bullcrap where they take out chunks of the case)

second off the movies themselves,

V for Vendetta: this movie is worth the price of the whole set by itself, it's a combination of an action/suspense thriller that is the highlight of the set. the action is fluid and beautiful, the dialogue is pure poetry, and the foreshadowing has a nice balance of easy to get things and more difficult ones which makes it so that you feel great about catching a tidbit here and there but also makes it even more enjoyable on return viewings where preexisting knowledge lets you catch the subtle foreshadowing.

Watchmen Director's cut: first off props to warner bros for putting the directors cut on here instead of the basic version, it adds a lot of value to this set. this movie is quite good though I must say it was very overhyped but on a second watch it was true to the comic most of the way through and generally was a fun movie.

Constantine: this one came as a complete shock, I had only heard meh reviews for this movie so I didn't have much hope for it going in but honestly it was the high point of the set. it's a great story that's quite interesting, you don't need to have read the comics to understand it, it uses some great cgi (the graphics themselves are actually kind of low quality but the art style that is used with it masks the deficiencies quite well to give a few scenes some beautiful scenery), keanu reeves's emotionless acting actually complements the characters so he doesn't feel out of place, and it's just a fun movie. the only thing I had an issue with is the special features, first off there are quite a few on the constantine dvd second off they are in something closer to VHS quality than they are Blu-ray quality which is really a shame given how interesting some of them actually are.

overall I highly recommend this set, three great movies at a solid price. you can't go wrong with this set.

Buy V for Vendetta / Watchmen / Constantine (Triple-Feature) (2012) Now

I love watchmen and V for Vendetta. I havnt seen Constantine yet, but the video quality of these movies is amazing. Great buy for only 13$

Read Best Reviews of V for Vendetta / Watchmen / Constantine (Triple-Feature) (2012) Here

Constantine the clear cut worst movie of the set, and still worth an occasional watch, but the gems are V for Vendetta and the Watchmen. I owned V and Constantine already, enjoyed both, but I had them on DVD and with a 1080p TV, BluRay is a much better way to go, I did not have the Watchmen and only just watched it for the first time. This movie is not your usual happy super hero movie, it's closer to an extremely dark, and thoroughly adult version of The Incredibles. You see this movie collecting dust in so many value bins that you question if it's worth watching. The question shouldn't be whether it's worth watching, but how many times is it worth watching. It plays out a little obviously for a bit with you feeling like you have the ending guessed at, and then it flops, didn't see it coming, and man, makes sense. V for Vendetta is another good dark hero movie. From what I've read, if you loved the graphic novel, you may feel ripped off by the movie, having not any experience with the written version, I greatly enjoyed the movie. Get this, now, it's worth it if you like one of the movies, it's great if you like two, and for three BluRays at this price, all on their own individual disk, it's a great value.

Want V for Vendetta / Watchmen / Constantine (Triple-Feature) (2012) Discount?

When buying a set like this you have to have little expectations for packaging. I will say I was very pleased to see each movie had it's own disc. Furthermore the artwork on the discs appear to be the same as if you bought the original. Note I have three of these sets and they are all like this. I'm very pleased.

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