Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Experiment (2010)

The ExperimentThe Experiment was quite entertaining from start to finish.

It was very satisfying in story ,acting and conclusion.The experiment is where men are paid 1000 dollars a day to supposedly Simulate either a Prisoner or a guard in a maximum security setting,no one knows which they will be until they enter the facility..

Adrien Brody is an uber hottie in my opinion and a great actor and plays an anti violence anti war advocate,but just how long and how much can he take before he changes his way of thinking to an eye for an eye? The stand out was Forest Whitaker as a man given authority as a guard in a make believe world, but in actuality he's s 42 year old man living with his coddling,emasculating mother. He see's this as a way to get back at her by being cruel to those put in a weaker position because he feels weak in her presence.In one shocking scene he pops a woody just after handcuffing and humiliating Brody's character.HMM?''

Cam Gigandet is evil as another faux guard who in his characters real life lives for sex,drugs and sleep..

He takes a shine to an effeminate faux prisoner and does some very evil things to him..This movie is quite brutal and hard to watch at times,some of the acts that are put upon Brody especially are very humiliating and would be hard for any man to take..

a favorite actor of mine,the much under rated Clifton Collins Jr plays another faux prisoner and baddy in typical Collins style to the hilt .The climax is a shocking and action packed.All in all a really good film.I would buy it and watch it again.

When looking up the new releases here on Amazon, seeing this movie NOT on the few movies listed on the main page was a real mistake in my opinion. I even went to 3 stores looking for this movie and the first 2 had no idea what movie I was requesting and didn't even have it on release day! I saw a trailer for it a few months ago and immediately knew I had to have it.

The basic story is: Volunteers will be paid for an experiment where they are put into a simulated prison experience. Stressfull challenges are then introduced throughout the experiment. If any physical attacks are observed between the guards and prisoners, the experiment will end and no one gets paid. We meet Adrian Brody and Forest Whitaker introducing themselves to one another prior to the experiment and we see that these are 2 very different people but there is a mutual respect forming. We then find out, some volunteers will be guards and some will be prisoners.

Amazing performances by Adrien Brody, Forest Whitaker, Clifton Collins Jr. and many more supporting roles, will have you sitting on the edge of your seat through the whole movie. It is clear, at the beginning, some volunteers are going to be trouble and as the movie moves along, power does corrupt even the best of the men but we feel for them because they are told, "you will not get paid if you do not follow and enforce the rules."

I do NOT agree with Amazon's review that this movie "never quite grabs hold". By the end of the movie, I was almost in tears after watching men who respected each other at the beginning, couldn't even look each other in the eye by the end. There isn't much more to say. The synopsis of the movie pretty much tells you what it is about.

5 stars and a must see.

Buy The Experiment (2010) Now

Based loosely on the 1971 Stanford prison experiment.

A "soft" Liberal; a repressed, verbally abused religious

man; a sadist and latent homosexual; a Mexcian Aryan; a

stereotypical geeky artist; and a slew of supporting

characters are all put within the confines of a psuedo

correctional facility for 11 days. Naturally, the promise

of $1,000 a day attracts the money-hungry test subjects

and the pretense of safety makes the offer even more

alluring, naively subjecting themselves to a much harsher


The subjects are split into two teams: guards and prisoners,

carefully chosen based on psychological profiles. A typical

Hollywood jab as the most cruelest of the guards is the

religious sociopath and the hero of the prisoners a pacifistic

atheist. Most of the "guards" follow suit, expressing their

repression in violent ways towards their "prisoners" and

feeding their need for power.

The actual Stanford test results were shocking as some of the

more abusive guards inflicted physical punishment, sexual

humiliation (even an instance of simulated sodomy), and even

refusing to allow some to urinate or defecate. As with most

movies based on fact, The Experiment closes with a very dramatic

fictional finale (perhaps not too far-fetched had the Stanford

test been allowed to continue).

The pacing is steady at 96 minutes, however, they could have

tacked on 15 minutes of character development before their

incarceration to help along the latter shock of transformation.

The prison setting is dark, unnerving and claustrophobic,

helping to give one the sense of being helpless and

imprisoned among the actors. And it is in this respect that

The Experiment really suceeds. It's fairly memorable, but

nowhere near classic.

Read Best Reviews of The Experiment (2010) Here

In 1971, one of the most well-known and controversial psychological experiment's in the United States was conducted by Stanford University Professor Dr. Philip Zimbardo. The experiment was known as the Stanford prison experiment and 24 undergraduate students participated in mock experiment in which they would play the role of guards and prisoners. The goal was to promote disorientation, depersonalisation and deindivisualisation.

The students playing the guards adapted to their role rather quickly and ended up humiliating, hurting and causing emotional and physical trauma to the students playing the prisoners and Dr. Zimbardo played a passive role and being a scientist and not stopping the experiment until the woman he was dating confronted him for passively allowing unethical acts to be performed under his direct supervision.

The experiment lasted only six days and after the study was completed, the Dr. submitted his findings to the U.S. House Committee on Judiciary.

Because of his experiment, the findings were quite important but also highly debated. What made the students playing the guards become abusive and oppressive? Was it because there were no clear instructions? Were the guards playing a part of what they felt should be the role of a guard? And this was within six days of the experiment that all hell broke loose.

This experiment was covered in the novel "Black Box" by Mario Giordano and the novel would receive a 2001 German adaptation titled "Das Experiment". The film is similar to 1971 the real Stanford Prison Experiment but in this case, the scientists play a passive role in observation of the inhuman and the guards not only become power hungry and oppressive to the prisoners but they go even further by killing.

In 2010, the American remake titled "The Experiment" which is not necessarily a remake of the German hit film "Das Experiment" but inspired by the film and the Stanford Prison Experiment and is directed by "Prison Break" TV show writer Paul Scheuring (who also wrote the screenplay adaptation) and a film that will be direct-to-video starring Oscar winners Adrien Brody ("King Kong", "The Darjeeling Limited", "The Brothers Bloom", "Predators") and Forest Whitaker ("Criminal Minds", "Vantage Point", "The Shield", "The Last King of Scotland").

"The Experiment" revolves around 26 men who participate in a psychological study in which they can earn $14,000 if they continue to play the role of the prisoner and the guards for two weeks. The study is done by Dr. Archaleta (played by Fisher Stevens) who is trying to examine how aggressive behavior is played out in an artificial prison setting.


"The Experiment" is presented in 1080p High Definition (2:40:1) and the picture quality is wonderful. You can see the detail in the skin of the faces of people, the stubble, the tattoos and anguish on the faces of the characters being oppressed. The majority of the film is shot indoors but you do see vibrant colors more during Travis' dreams as he imagines Bay in India and we see the colors of the reds really pop. But for the most part, the majority of the film is shot in a dreary prison set.


"The Experiment" is presented in English 5.1 DTS-HD MA and although the majority of the film is dialogue-driven, there are some scenes in which we can hear the prisoners screaming at the guards to people getting beaten up and hit. Even one scene with a piercing high noise when Travis is apprehended and about to be choked by one of the guards. Overall, the film presents crisp, clear dialogue and music by Graeme Revell ("Pineapple Express", "Days of Wrath", "Eleventh Hour", "The Forgotten").


Unfortunately, "The Experiment" comes with no special features but does have BD-Live capability for those who want to register their Blu-ray for Sony Pictures Home Entertainment points or download trailers.


"The Experiment" is a riveting film featuring a wonderful performance by Adrien Brody and Forest Whitaker. Forest Whitaker really does a great job of playing the bible-reading, calm and collected Baris who then changes and becomes this abusive and power hungry man.

Both men do carry this film as the performances are needed because unlike "Das Experiment" or even the original true experiment that the film is inspired on, director and screenwriter Paul Scheuring unfortunately chooses to focus more on the inhumane practice of the guards as we see them not only become oppressive but also rapist, murders and for the most part, seeing good people turning bad.

We know that this was the case in the original Stanford Prison Experiment in 1971 and the film does a great job showing that. The problem is that they take the doctor and scientists out of the equation.

With the real Stanford story, we know about the Dr. and him playing a passive role until he is confronted by his date who has ethical concerns in regards to his experiment and then seeing how he lost control over his own experiment and things gone awry. In "Das Experiment", we see how the guards become oppressive but Dr. and scientist in this film have an integral role in which everything plays out in the end.

In "The Experiment", we see Dr. Archaleta briefly in the film. His job is to study the participants who will be playing the police and prisoners but the storyline goes nowhere with it, especially around the character Dr. Archaleta. Why would this man allow one to be suffering from diabetes and having him grow sick? Why would the Dr. allow such brutality to happen. Yes, it happened in the Stanford test and "Das Experiment" but there are scientists that have their own reasoning and in this case, it was getting out of hand that murder, rape and other inhumane things were taking place and yet, no one stopped it.

The whole chilling experiment was covered well in the film but I felt the storyline was not well-conceived, felt a bit rushed and the ending was not at all satisfying. "Das Experiment" shows the repercussions towards the scientists who have let this experiment grow chaotic, inhumane and deadly and allows the viewer to put a face to the people behind the experiment. With "The Experiment", I was not satisfied how they chose to end the film and it was simply a lazy way to end the film and destroyed any potential of the film to achieve a thrilling ending like "Das Experiment".

The Blu-ray release does sport very good picture quality and the dialogue is clear and understandable but for a newer film, was shocked that there were no special features at all. It would have been wonderful for director/screenwriter Paul Scheuring to explain his thoughts on the making of the film especially the ending via an audio commentary but unfortunately, we are not giving anything extra for the film. No interviews, no featurettes...nothing.

Overall, "The Experiment" had so much potential, especially if it was inspired from "Das Experiment". Even if they did a straight copy of the German film in English, viewers would have enjoyed a thrilling ending and a much more understandable plot. But unfortunately, despite the wonderful performance by Adrian Brody and Forest Whitaker and also the thrilling scenes that involve both men, the film just doesn't give the viewer any satisfying closure and the Blu-ray release has no special features at all. So, much potential for this film but unfortunately, this release is best as a rental and not a keeper.

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This film is an intense portrayal of the human instinct to dominate and control. The opening images of animals and insects in conflict (rams butting heads, a praying mantis consuming a fly, even microorganisms devouring each other) signal the thematic connection to the conflict that plays out in this film--research subjects randomly assigned to roles as prisoners and guards and left to their own devices. The guards are given only a set of five rules they are instructed to enforce, and they are foolishly advised to avoid the use of violence. The devolution of order into chaos is reminiscent of "The Lord of the Flies" (and there's even a character who resembles the pathetic Piggy--and shares his unfortunate fate). But the film itself is a bit too facile and loose--there's a good deal of action but little in the way of character development, and the ending arrives violently and abruptly. Even the presence of two Best Actor Oscar winners, Brody and Whitaker, cannot rescue this film from its mediocrity.

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