With the hi-jacking, the Army puts the Delta Force to work to plan a rescue operation. Overseeing the command is Lee Marvin as Col. Alexander playing the grizzled veteran office not so different than the part he played in The Dirty Dozen. Chuck Norris Major Scott McCoy who is the leader of the team, called back into active action for the mission. The planned rescue mission is aborted when they soon learn that more terrorists boarded the plane when it stopped to re-fuel in Algeria. The terrorists are demanding Isreal release dozens of terrorists from prison or they will kill the hostages. They demonstrate their intentions by viciously beating and killing a young American naval diver as well as holding all the Jewish passengers separate from the rest. The women are eventually released but the men are taken to a prison once they land in Beirut and it's up to the Delta Force to rescue the hostages.
The stereotypes run hot and heavy in Delta Force on both the Arab and Jewish side. And not only that, but there's a German flight attendant who just CAN'T be the one to pick out the Jewish passengers due to her (evidently) instinctive guilt over the concentration camps and holocaust of WWII, and she courageously tries to help the American divers by telling them to hide their Naval ID cards. There's a lot of posturing speeches by both the terrorists and the hostages including George Kennedy who plays a Catholic priest and insists on being put with the Jewish men since Jesus was "King of the Jews". it's all pretty hokey but also great fun. Politcally correct? Maybe not but who gives a damn! It's really not unlike many WWII era war movies. The Delta Force is black and white and you know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Politics is not even worth mentioning.
Chuck Norris will never be considered a great actor but he also never tried to do too much. He played the strong, fairly silent type of hero perfectly, and with a strong sense of patriotism. The action scenes were very well done and you couldn't help but cheer when the hostages were rescued and the bad guys got theirs in the end. Cannon films churned out the action flicks in the 1980's and this was one of the best.The only thing I do not like about this movie being on DVD, is that the english subtitles (I.E. the translation of the language used by the hijackers and other foreigners) and the timelines for the movie were left out, whereas they were on the VHS version. If you make another version of this film (I.E. Special Edition, Director's Cut, etc.) please include those items. Other than that, the movie was excellent. I wish all forms of airline hijacking was handled this way.Delta Force is one of the better of the handfull of anti-terrorist films that came out in the 1980's. Chuck Norris and Lee Marvin are a great combo. My only complaint is with MGM's production of the DVD. First, it's in standard full frame format. No widescreen version. Second, and more annoying is that MGM left out the English subtitles when the Arabs are speaking. My laser disc version of the film had them, so I know it's a mistake on the DVD. The only subtitles available are French and Spanish.Chuck Norris does so much damage in this movie that it makes up for every negative aspect of the movie. Chuck Norris is so incredibly awesome, and all action sequences involving Chuck Norris had me raising my fists and shouting "YES!" This movie is a classic, not because of the acting or the costuming or the props (I found it amusing that the entire Delta Force was armed with Israelian mini-Uzis)or the story even, but because Chuck Norris kicks so much ass. Chuck Norris unarmed is deadly enough, but give him a sub-machine gun, bazooka, or motorcycle tricked out with machine guns, rocket launchers, and mortars, and he is the most deadly creature to ever walk the Earth, and the terrorists in this movie learn that fact the hard way. I recommend this movie to anyone who understands how truly awesome a Chuck Norris movie can be. Also, check out Octagon. The first half of the movie is boring, but it picks up after Chuck Norris bangs a hot brunette and then sneaks into a secret ninja training facility to slaughter countless ninjas and avenge his brother who died at the hands of the ninja-master. Chuck Norris is just so awesome.This was an exciting movie from beginning to end. An airliner is hijacked by Arab terrorists. Chuck Norris was outstanding in this movie. His character was well complimented by the Lee Marvin role. This movie had nonstop action as the Delta Force commandoes pursue the terrorists and their hostages. When the Delta Force people finally catch up with the terrorists it is well worth watching. This movie closely resembles the actual rescue of the hostages in Entebbe by Isreali commandoes. It turns into an exciting rescue sequence. You should watch this movie. It is good.
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