Tuesday, September 10, 2013

RoboCop Trilogy (2010)

RoboCop TrilogyI was skeptical about this when I first saw it at the store, as I already owned the fantastic Criterion edition DVD. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the new MGM unrated version found in the Trilogy boxed set is well worth it. So here is a review for people who already own the Criterion disc and are wondering if they should shell out their hard earned cash for this newer DVD.

Here are the differences I found between the new disc and the Criterion one...


a.. Anamorphic widescreen. The Criterion disc was not anamorphic. As a result, the picture on the MGM disc is a lot less pixellated than the Criterion one. The color is also more saturated.

b.. New sound mix. The Criterion disc was mixed in Dolby surround. The new mix is in Dolby 5.1, and they obviously had fun remixing it. The surrounds are split and very directional. The sound is really an improvement in every way (see (d)).

c.. It's the same unrated cut that was on the Criterion disc.

d.. They fixed some of the excrutiatingly bad sound edits that were on the Criterion disc. Although Criterion had re-edited the violent footage back into the movie, they neglected to remix the sound for those moments, ie. they didn't remix the sound to blend the new footage. On the new MGM disc, they FINALLY fixed this. Now the new footage sounds like it was SUPPOSED to be there.

e.. As one reviewer mentioned before, the director's commentary on the MGM disc is new and completely different than the one on the Criterion disc (ie. don't throw away your Criterion disc).

f.. We finally have the sequels in anamorphic widescreen and Dolby 5.1. This is a plus or a minus depending on if you enjoy them or not! Although it would have been nice to have a longer version of Robocop 2, as Frank Miller has alluded that huge chunks of that movie were edited out of the final version.

g.. The new MGM version of Robocop also has some good documentaries and other curiosities for you to peruse (only on the unrated cut). These are NOT available on the bare-bones theatrical DVD that MGM has out for individual sale.



a.. The picture is a bit darker on the MGM disc than on the Criterion disc.

b.. The director's commentary was recorded when they were watching the theatrical cut of the movie, so it is oddly funny (and a bit distracting) that they will be commenting, "remember how we had to cut out the more violent shot of...." when we at home are actually watching the footage that they are talking about.

c.. If you don't like the sequels, it sucks to be you, because the only way to get the unrated cut of the first movie is to buy the boxed set.

d.. Don't really know if this is a minus or not as I'm not 100% sure what Verhoeven's intention was. The Criterion disc is framed at 1.66:1, and the new MGM disc is framed at 1.85:1. As it is, Criterion tends not to mess around. I'd wager that it's supposed to be projected at 1.66:1. Either way, 1.85:1 still looks pleasing.


All in all, more pluses than minuses I wager. I found that the new version has everything the Criterion one had, and it presents it in a more pleasing manner (sound, picture, extras, etc..). If you're a fan, I think this would be right up your alley.

ROBOCOP The '87 blockbuster that started it all. Look, I'm well aware that this is not the "greatest" movie of all time, but it sure is my favorite. I grew up with it. I mean, true, the film's violence is pretty nasty an' unremitting even by today's standards (in fact, movies have gotten TAMER since then), but once you get past that you'll find an incredible world here that Paul Verhoeven created that has influenced many other films. It's cold an' cynical society is established through sardonic television news, commercial products, big business conferences, an' the idea that the body of a hero cop killed in the line of duty could be used as the blueprint for a new brand of law enforcement (marketed not by the police force, but by a major corporation). The movie is wickedly satirical, but there is also an incredibly human story beneath the surface, as Robocop, the half-man/half-machine, begins to re-discover his past and what he was, which makes him further resent what he has been turned into. If you're looking for the ultimate sci-fi movie, no need to look further. THIS is it. A modern classic.

ROBOCOP 2 In some ways, 'Robocop 2' is a really underrated movie. I mean, it really is almost just as creative as the original in a lot of ways. During a huge citywide police strike, Robocop is the lone officer that patrols the crime-filled streets, now completely overrun with designer drugs and heartless thieves an' criminals. The OCP corporation that created Robocop (and runs the city's police force) is apparently oblivious to all. The chairman played again by Dan O'Heirley has gotten wildly out-of-control after his massive success with law enforcement, and decides to up the ante by creating a newer version of their original Robocop. I shouldn't give too much away, but there's quite a few cool touches to this one, although the film loses its bottom by the end and becomes almost a parody of itself. Overall an above average sequel that just barely falls short. Now...

ROBOCOP 3 Ohhh, boy. Here's the Robocop movie that you can skip, and not miss a thing. I don't think there is one redeemable quality about this film. The plot is basically OCP running thousands of citizens out of their homes to make room for urbanization and high-rise office buildings. A small citizens' uprising begins underground, raging guerilla warfare against the capitalist army. Robocop, sensitive to the little people as he is, decides to join them and assist the rebel forces in their crusade. Even the appearance of veteran actors like Rip Torn and CCH Pounder can't save this awful mess. The story plays like an after-school special, with cheesy morals being plastered in your face, an' awful dialogue an' corny one-liners from every character that will make you wince with embarrassment. Peter Weller, who played Robocop excellently in the first two films, is replaced by Robert John Burke, and, although you wouldn't think it would be all that noticeable due to Robocop's limited dimensions, it's ANNOYINGLY noticeable.

Overall, the DVD set is nothing really amazing, with hardly any features on any one of the discs. But at least the films are shown in Widescreen format, the way the movies were presented in theaters, and the sound and picture quality is obviously sharper an' clearer than my beat-up, worn-out VHS copies. Any fan of this series should be happy purchasing this collection for the simple fact of having the complete trilogy. It's not likely that the Robocop series will ever be resurrected (especially not after the UNFORGIVEABLE third film), but I'll never get sick of watching and remembering how fresh, sardonically funny, and action-packed the first two were, and how I seemed to never get sick of the half-man/half-machine police officer who went out against all the odds, refused to let go of his humanity, and dished out some cold justice against the deplorable criminals who made him what he was.

Buy RoboCop Trilogy (2010) Now

The one thing that doesn't seem to be getting any fanfare, with the new release of this trilogy from MGM, is the fact that the first movie, is in fact, the UNCUT DIRECTOR's CUT, that was presently, till now, only available on the out of print (and pricey) Criterion version of this DVD.

Oddly enough, even the new trilogy packaging and extras, don't go out of their way to press, what you'd think would be a GREAT selling point, almost as if the decision to use the directors cut, was a last minute thing.

Funny enough, even the commentary (which, unfortunately, is NOT the commentary present on the Criterion disc) was made, with the director and crew, watching the theatrical version of the movie, as they keep referring to this fact, and discussing the deleted scenes, EVEN as we, the viewers, are watching the very scenes that they are saying are missing in this version. It also amazes me, as to how they managed to sync up the commentary to the cut film, over top of the uncut film, without any lag or dead spots, where the cut scenes are replaced, but they did it.

One thing that MGM did fail in though, is that they placed back in the cut scenes, but didn't bother to colour correct, or do anything, to make the scenes run seamlessly, as you can always spot the new scenes, by the sudden loss of quality in the picture, which, in itself, is another reason that you'd think that MGM would have indicated that this was the uncut version, and explained (as most movies that add in extra scenes, but don't bother trying to fix them up) that the extra scenes have not been cleaned up, so that the viewer doesn't think that the film has glitches, or that MGM's quality is inconsistent (as the overall picture quality is pretty descent, except for the extra scenes, that is).

Another complaint about the new set, is the stupidly constructed fold out packaging, as it boggles my mind, as to why they couldn't just use the new, slim DVD cases, in the box set slip cover, instead of the "Road Map-like" fold out, that you get.

You technically need a whole kitchen table to open the set up on, just to extract one disc from the set.

BUT, that said, for the money, this set is VERY good, and definitely worth getting.

Or is it just me? :)

Read Best Reviews of RoboCop Trilogy (2010) Here

so you can buy it for under ten bucks anywhere (and we all know it not only is a bad transfer but has NONE of the great bonus features available on the normal DVDs)..so all you get for your huge investment is a bare bones 2 and 3...

I can't believe I got suckered into buying this but I couldn't imagine them doing this at that price...fool me once...well I'll wait in the future until some other person does the experimenting.

Want RoboCop Trilogy (2010) Discount?

Well I have to say, I'm a huge RoboCop fan and I was excited to get this on Blu-Ray. I didn't find any extras on the case, so I thought it would be on the BR itself, But no dice. The DVD has more Xtras than the Blu-Ray. The 2nd and 3rd have only a trailer and being a being a huge Robocop fan,I was hoping they would have a lost featurette or new Commentaries. I was disappointed in this purchase and I wouldn't recommend this, I'd suggest to pick up the first single disc of the first movie. Oh well, Live and Learn. I'm keeping this though since I already bought it.

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