Monday, September 9, 2013

It Could Happen to You (1994)

It Could Happen to YouI also was channel surfing last night and wound up watching it. A long time ago I had caught the last five minutes of it and even though I felt it was extremely predictable, I thought it was a good 'feel good' movie. This time I caught it only ten minutes into the plot, just when he and the wife are about to hear the winning numbers...

If you don't like predictable, 'feel good', light-hearted romance, this movie might not be for you... but I do!!

I just loved it!! I am a fan of romantic comedies with good acting and good plots that renew your faith in life and in the fact that there STILL are good honest people out there that will 'do the right thing' in spite of putting a lot on the line. I love Nicolas Cage as an actor. He can do a really dramatic role and he can turn around and do a great romantic character with feeling next time.

If you liked 'While you were sleeping' you will love this one as well. Slightly more comedy content than another great one, 'A walk in the clouds'.

"It Could Happen to You" was the surprise romantic comedy of the Summer of 1994 directed by Andrew Bergman (screenwriter for "The Freshman", "Fletch", "Striptease" and director of "Honeymoon in Vegas") and a screenplay by Jane Anderson (who has written for television series such as "The Facts of Life", "The Wonder Years" and most recently an episode of "Mad Men").


One thing that people may see is the Blu-ray disc cover with photos that looks quite grainy and aged. Granted it was an artistic decision to use a water color style of filter to give a painted look but by no means should anyone judge the cover for the picture and audio quality of this High Definition transfer of "It Could Happen to You".

The film is presented in 1080p High Definition with an aspect ratio of 1:85:1. Although, the film does show a slight hint of age and the High Definition transfer does bring out the grain, you do get a bright and colorful look of New York City and overall, picture quality is well-done for a film that is 15-years-old compared to the original DVD. Like many films that came out in the 90's, many on Blu-ray tend to have some softness or dullness and "It Could Happen to You" joins that group.

To tell you the truth, "It Could Happen to You" is not a stellar transfer but its a very good transfer compared to the DVD.

The audio quality is presented in Dolby TrueHD 5.1 in English, French and Portuguese and in Spanish 5.1. The film is primarily a dialogue driven film. Definitely more front channel speaker usage and rarely a need for the rear speakers or subwoofer in this film. Dialogue is heard clearly and I think that once in awhile, you do hear the sounds of New York and the ambiance but overall, audio quality is very good for a dialogue-driven film.

Music also plays a big part in giving us that New York feel but also that romantic sense with Frank Sinatra's "Young at Heart" playing during a scene at the old Yankee Stadium and of course beautiful classics such as Billie Holiday's "They Can't Take That Away From Me", "Now It Can Be Told" and "Always" by Tony Bennett and more.

Subtitles featured are in English, English SDH, Portuguese, Spanish and French.


Unfortunately, there are no special features included. The Blu-ray disc for "It Could Happen to You" is BD LIVE enabled.


"It Could Happen to You" is a romantic comedy that was in theaters in July 1994. The screenplay fits the "fairytale" or "Happy Ever After" storylines that were popping up in the early 90's courtesy of films such as "Pretty Woman" and "Sleepless in Seattle".

The film was an enjoyable romantic comedy that definitely had that Frank Capra style of being a "happily ever after" storyline.

Nicolas Cage and Bridget Fonda definitely were enjoyable to watch, while Rosie Perez's character really goes out of its way to make you really despise her. With "Pretty Woman" about rags-to-riches, "It Could Happen to You" goes a different way of money changing things but its all about how one responds to it. Charlie and Yvonne continue to want to live their simple lives, he as a cop and she as a waitress. Both have extremely kind and caring hearts while Muriel wants the best in life...the expensive clothes, plastic surgery and whatever fame it could bring her. A selfish attitude that helps drive the final wedge into her marriage with Charlie.

With Andrew Bergman in the helm as director, some may have wondered if the film would have been dark since his previous film such as "The Freshman" and "Honeymoon in Vegas" were anywhere near happy as this film but overall, Bergman did a good job capturing that New York magic and the emotions of the characters. While Jane Anderson did a good job in making sure the pacing was just right and giving us that "happily ever after", "feel good" type of film. In other words, the Bergman, Anderson and the entire film play it safe and never gets complicated.

Of course, the storyline of a police officer willing to share half his multi-million dollar winnings with a waitress may seem farfetched but according to, a similar story really did happen for real in 1984 with NYPD officer Robert Cunningham and Sal's Pizzeria waitress Phyllis Penzo.

It's the performances by all three talents that make this film so magical, believable and most of all enjoyable. And I like how the film would showcase the New York atmosphere from the city skyline to Yankee stadium.

Overall, "It Could Happen to You" is an enjoyable romantic comedy that even in 15-years-later, is given new life through it's new, beautiful Blu-ray transfer. This is probably the best we will ever see this film get.

If there was only one negative that I found with this release is the lack of any trailer, featurette, commentary or anything that would be considered a special feature. You do get trailers for upcoming films but that's about it.

All in all, "It Could Happen to You" is an enjoyable romantic comedy worth checking out!

Buy It Could Happen to You (1994) Now

I am glad that this movie is available on DVD because it's a great "feel good" movie! Nicolas Cage plays a mild mannered cop who, one day, can't leave a tip for a cup of coffee, so he offers his waitress (Bridget Fonda) his lottery ticket. It's funny to see the chain of events that happen throughout the movie. It's a romantic comedy that will keep you watching right to the end!

Read Best Reviews of It Could Happen to You (1994) Here

Nicolas Cage has always been hit of miss for me and in this film his quirky style works very well. Cage plays an all around good guy cop in this slightly uneven, but good natured comedy. Fonda is also very good and Rose Perez despite playing a very unlikable character does it so well you will cheer with glee when her fate is revealed at the end of the film.

The film does seem a bit dated as the sum of money involved although a nice score, would hardly be enough to do so much with these days. Even in 1994 when the film was released it seems a little low. 4 million dollars split between two people after taxes would leave around 1 million dollars a piece, hardly enough to quit your job on, but certainly enough to change your life.

My biggest gripe is that Cage and Perez seem so mismatched that you can't really figure out what brought these two together. It would have been nice to see Perez played a little more real and maybe get some insight about her. Was she always this greedy and ambitious(a very nice way to put it)? or did she become this way over time. They do talk about the relationship briefly, but it doesn't really give you much. If your husband is so upstanding it's hard to believe she would be the polar opposite. I'm not saying that she doesn't have a point, letting your husband give away 2 million dollars to a stranger would be a hard thing to do, but Cage seems to be this man with great character and I don't see the connection with him and his wife.

Regardless of these flaws, the film is entertaining and does have a nice inspiring ending. The DVD is pretty standard with nothing special on it other than a good DVD transfer.

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The actual story behind the highly fictionalized movie script could have made a really good movie. According to the urban legend website SNOPES, the real events involved a not-so-young waitress and a not-so-young police detective who together select the winning numbers to a $6 million jackpot. There was no hint of romance between the two. But that would be too open-ended for the cookie cutter mentalities behind this movie. They must have went into a conference room -or a lunch room -or a diner -and derived this formulaic romance between two unhappily married people.

Their result was this plot bringing together a Prince Charming, a Cinderella, a the Wicked Witch of New York. But they forget to include a nice dramatic flow of events. I just didn't experience any peaks and very little emotional depth. In the end, I wasn't satisfied.

At least Nicholas Cage makes the most of the opportunity to be normal and charming rather than quirky and charming (one of his first such efforts). He gives the movie whatever depth it attains. Pretty Bridge Fonda gives her usual quiet, unexciting performance. They're responsible for most of the positive rating I give this movie.

Rosie Perez, unfortunately, overwhelms the entire proceedings with nasally witchiness. And that's not the memory I want to take away from a movie.

So, I'm looking forward to the remake based on my own soon-to-be lottery success... Oooh, Briii-dget....

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