I'm sorry, was I reviewing a movie? I got a little lost there.
A lot of the reviews I read were criticizing What's Your Number for being predictable, which confused me. It's a romantic comedy. Were you expecting Shakespeare? When I settle down for a rom com, I'm not looking to be shocked by the plot. I'm looking to laugh, root for the main characters, want the main characters to get together, drool over the male lead (and drool I definitely did, have you noticed?) as well as identify with the female one. I was able to do all of that, therefore I walked out of the movie theater content and pleased. I have recommended this movie to others and was very, very happy with it, going by that criteria. When I watch a rom com, I'm not looking to have my life changed, I just want to forget about everything for an hour and whatever minutes.
On that note, Chris Evans and Anna Faris were adorable together and did help me forget life for awhile. Faris was, for me, super relatable and flawless. The two had excellent chemistry and carried what could have been a better script. I have bought this movie and plan on squirreling it away for rainy days when I just want to curl up in bed and eat chocolate and appreciate the male form in all its wonder.
Have I mentioned I really like Chris Evans? And his body/face combo? I might be a little biased. I'll stop gushing and go now.What's Your Number? is usually compared to Bridesmaids, well it shouldn't. Sure, they star hilarious female actress (Anna Faris & Kristen Wiig), but they shouldn't be compared to each other. What's Your Number? is cheesy and fun, while Bridesmaids is funny, but also has a "serious" tone to it. What's Your Number? is flat-out funny, right-in-your-face predictable, but that's what I expected it to be. I really enjoyed this one and preordered my copy! It's an excellent movie and I could watch it over and over!
Buy What's Your Number? (Ex-tended Edition) (2011) Now
As long as you do not start watching this movie expecting Notting Hill, it is a nice romantic comedy, perfectly predictable but entertaining and enjoyable. Chris Evans is a great co-lead, and although I am usually not a fan of Anna Farris, she was actually watchable in this movie. This is a movie that does not take itself too seriously approach it in the same way and enjoy.Read Best Reviews of What's Your Number? (Ex-tended Edition) (2011) Here
Heroine in bed with guy she's in a nowhere relationship with. Said heroine quietly simmering over peer's upcoming nuptials. She takes notice of her life and does a reevaluation. Lots of potty humor. I'm going to give the makers of "What's Your Number" the benefit of the doubt because it was released months after "Bridesmaids". But it makes you think whether these are coincidences or conventions of the genre. Regardless, I enjoyed the film immensely. In fairness Anna Faris' Ally is a different character type than Kristen Wiig's Annie. Whereas Ally is bubbly Annie was more neurotic. There is also undeniable chemistry between Faris and Chris Evans. My wife said Faris was married to Evans in real life but she wasn't sure. I have no recall of this film being in theatres but my wife said it was for a moment. I don't know if the "Bridesmaids" factor had an effect on it's lackluster showing at the box office but "What's Your Number" deserves to be judged on it's own merits.Want What's Your Number? (Ex-tended Edition) (2011) Discount?
Totally didn't expect this to be as good of a romantic comedy as it was. Wasn't a huge Anna Farris fan starting out, but thought she was funny, in an over the top kinda way. Anyway, this was really great. A slight "bridesmaid-esque" type twist, but a good movie nonetheless. I'm all warm and fuzzy from a comedy that's a bit more realistic in my opinion.
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