Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Twister / Poseidon / The Perfect Storm (Triple Feature) (2012)

Twister / Poseidon / The Perfect StormI've seen these DVD sets in the past that have "Double Features" and it's sometimes one movie one each side of the disc, or both movies on one side, and you choose which movie you want with the menu. It was very low budget, in my opinion.

This Blu Ray "Triple Feature" actually has all THREE movies on their own disc, but in one case. It has dividers, just like a CD double album.

I was very surprised and satisfied.

So, for the price of $9.99 ( that was what I paid here on Amazon ) you get THREE Blu Ray movies.

Very Cool

This is my first WB Triple Feature blu-ray set so I was a little weary of how these sets would be produced mainly due to some pretty crummy standard DVD sets I've seen over the years. Luckily with these blu-rays, this doesn't seem to be a problem. Like the previous reviewer has said, you get each film on its own individual disc complete with its own special features.

I won't go into specific reviews but overall I am extremely happy with this Nature Gone Wild-themed set. Here you get the two 4-star movies Twister and Poseidon as well as the 3-star, made for tv feel movie The Perfect Storm. All three look and sound amazing and are sure to entertain for years to come without losing a single pixil or color scheme.

Buy Twister / Poseidon / The Perfect Storm (Triple Feature) (2012) Now

I would encourage anyone to upgrade their older VHS or DVD movies to at least Bluray 2D quality (3D for those who have 3D grade TV's) as the quality of the picture is 100% better then VHS tapes and nearly 50% better then DVD's. The sound quality has been improved and upgraded as well. Most Blu-ray's have many more features that can be viewed as well which make for a much fuller movie experience too! Oh and just so you know, even if you don't own a Bluray movie you should go buy an on sale Bluray player. Why? Because a Bluray player scans the disk many more times than just a standard DVD player, that it will even make your older DVD movies look much better. That is, as long as you have a flat screen type of TV that was purchased in the last five years. Good luck and go get some!

Read Best Reviews of Twister / Poseidon / The Perfect Storm (Triple Feature) (2012) Here

Great selection of great movies to put in 1 case loved them all couldn't wait to get them and watch in blu ray

Want Twister / Poseidon / The Perfect Storm (Triple Feature) (2012) Discount?

twister on blue ray was incredible. It really adds incredible definition and clarity to the special affects. I recommend watching it again if you haven't seen it on blu ray

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