Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer and Smoke (1961)

Summer and SmokeThere are a lot of things you can say about this film, but foremost must be the performance of Geraldine Page, perhaps the finest female performance ever captured on film. Her use of her hands, a glance...every nuance imaginable has not been matched (a close second: Giulietta Massina). Alma is a lot more complicated than most realize, a repressed rage, hopeless love, culminating in a dependance on drugs (not brought out so much in the film); "those little white tablets...ever so merciful..." After an Oscar nomination in 1953 for "Hondo", Page was subjected to ugliness by the McCarthy nonsense, and "S&S" was only her second film. English director Peter Glenville, famous for attention to detail ("Becket"), worked with fellow Brit, Laurence Harvey (a southerner by association since he played Travis in "The Alamo"), and it was actually a fine group of talent. Tennessee Williams always thought this was his best play; he re-wrote it as "Eccenticities of a Nightingale", but the new idea, though admired, never survived. It made more reference to Alma's addiction, and also referred to all 4 women as caged birds, escaping in different directions. I applaud anyone who takes the time to soak in all the nuance that Williams has to offer, the mood and delivery of Glenville, and the unflinching perfection of Page's performance. Taking this all at once is quite overwhelming. AFTERTHOUGHT: I failed to mention the power of Jerry Goldsmith's magnificent music. Along with his score to "To Kill a Mockingbird", these films were both transcended to a place complete understanding. Oops, I meant composer Elmer Bernstein; one of his best scores. HALLELUJAH! The DVD is very fine, a great 2.35 widescreen, and terrific sound quality. Page's last 20 minutes will blow anyone away. Alas, no DVD extras.

OMG: There's a BluRay coming out. Maybe some extras...

This Panavision and color adaptation of Tennessee Williams' most poetic play is a showcase for both his words and Geraldine Page's Oscar-nominated performance. Spirituality vs. carnality is the theme of a spinster romantically attracted to her childhood neighbor, a wild libertine. Elmer Bernstein's score is magnificant one of his finest and one of the finest in film history. Listen during Alma's soul-searing final monologue using images of ice and fire and listen to Bernstein's use of harp glissandos that reflect the words. This is Page's finest screen performance and along with the score and the writing are the main reasons for viewing. The prologue and main title are letterboxed showing the fine use of wide screen. Nominations were also received for Una Merkel's supporting performance as the dotty mother, Bernstein's score and the period Art Direction. Well worth a visit.

Buy Summer and Smoke (1961) Now

Tennessee Williams did another great job with "Summer and Smoke" and the memorable phrases that he came up with will stick with you forever. Just listen for Miss Alma (Geraldine Page) when she says "I could spread out my life like a rug for you to step on, and you'd still step on it, and never say thank you, Alma."

If you delight in great dialogue and superb acting, this is a movie you just HAVE to get!

Geraldine Page makes you rewind that VCR SO MANY TIMES that it is just the limit! I am a huge fan of hers and this was a new movie to me. I couldn't believe it at all hers was a talent that will never be matched again.

See this movie and you won't be disappointed it will be one of those shows that you watch over and over again to catch all the nuances that you couldn't catch in prior viewings. LOVED IT AND YOU WILL TOO!

Read Best Reviews of Summer and Smoke (1961) Here

I cannot get through a summer without seeing this fine film. For me,it captures the sad brevity of summer and the classic melancholy of Tennessee Williams. Paige's performance is a treasure; Harvey's equally memorable. Bernstein's score frames the story perfectly. This movie is an underrated masterpiece. Why it has not been released on DVD is, indeed, baffling to me.

Want Summer and Smoke (1961) Discount?

I collect nostalgia, ....and this is a prize! What acting...You just can't find good actimg like this these days....those days are gone.Thank goodness for modern tecnology we can still see the likes of Bette Davis, Geraldine Page, (When did she die?)edward G. Robinson, etc. Anyway,my sister and I watch these films and really yearn for the old days. Laurence Harvey was a dreamboat,and I loved his accent. This tape is to be viewed on a rainy afternoon, while enjoying a favorite cup of tea..........Sandee .

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