Also covers orphan bears in the wild and two more polar bears being raised in the wild by their mother.
I own 200 blu rays and this has automatically made my top 5!
Great pictures in HD, worth the purchase for sureKnut and Friends is a sweet, beautifully photographed film about bears in three very different locations. The title polar bear, Knut, was born in the Berlin zoo and raised by humans. The film follows triplet polar bears born under the arctic snow, and twin orphaned brown bears in Belarus. The story is told from the point of view of the wind, via pleasant voice over narration.
The three stories of early life and survival are nicely interwoven. The arctic filming is by far the most beautiful. This is one film where I wish the DVD included a short making of featurette. The early footage of the three baby polar bears in the den are remarkable, I wonder how they were filmed.
On the one hand this is a sweet pretty movie, bears are majestic animals. On the other hand it is sad to see a polar bear cub raised by humans. It is hard to think of animals held captive in a zoo. That paradox aside, this is a great movie to build awareness of bears and seems to have its heart in the right place. .
Knut is apparently a very famous bear. Born in 2006, raised by Thomas Dorflein and others, he became a celebrity, drawing huge numbers of visitors to the zoo, a Vanity Fair cover by Annie Leibovitz, and raised animal rights issues along with a lot of money. As a full grown bear, Knut is not nearly as popular, (sadly the fate of most child actors). His caretaker Thomas Dorflein died of a heart attack in 2008, the film is dedicated to him.
The film is not rated. It seems about the equivalent of a PG film. The film does carry the Family Approved dove seal. There is no strong language, no nudity (well except that none of the animals have clothes), and no violence (there is a scene of the brown bears catching and eating fish in a stream). This is a family friendly film.
For a type of documentary, this is one of best shot and clearest films around. The film crew is to be congratulated for a job incredibly well done, lighting, exposure, focus, steadiness of the cameras, and sound. The music ranges from sweet to annoying. A few songs are repeated a few too many times, almost to the point of annoyance.
Knut and Friends is a nice family friendly movie that quietly gets its message across. We enjoyed this film very much.its a good animal show for children as well as adults, so everyone can enjoy it together.My 4 year old and 1 1/2 year old just loved Knut. It is a very nice story/documentary of raising Knut and it also follows a couple of other bears in the wild dealing with life. Definitely family friendly for all ages.all of the love your mother never gave you you gave to us. you were a beautiful, miracle bear and so generous with your time. thank you always.
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