"The FP" just might have broken both of those rules in one dope move.
Conceived and executed by The Trost Brothers (Jason and Brandon), "The FP" is destined to go down as the most unique film of 2012. I can honestly say I've never seen another film like it, and I absolutely love when I get to say that.
Jtro (Jason Troust) and his brother, Btro (Brandon Barrera), live in a not-too-distant future where underground games of Beat Beat Revolution (a recreated version of the popular arcade hit Dance Dance Revolution) are not only prevalent, but have become the way for gangs to claim dominance over a territory. Hordes of young people gather together in smoky, neon light-filled basement warehouses and watch as two challengers go head-to-head, pumping their legs and twisting their bodies to the roaring techno bouncing off the concrete walls; and when our characters speak, they do so using the most extreme street Ebonics not heard since the days of the NWA. Exclamations of "Oh snap!", "Whack!", and "YEah!! [sic]" flash on the screens during the dance challenge, either encouraging or dissing the dancers' moves.
If you're thinking this concept is ludicrous, that's because it is. And our filmmakers know it is. But that doesn't mean they aren't in on the joke. And wisely, they play this concept as straight as possible. When I tell you that the movie is flat-out hilarious, it's not because there are "jokes" throughout its running time...because there aren't...because the entire movie is the joke. Lines of dialogue like "Dance with your mind, not your feet!" are spoken with the straightest of faces. And the audience who watches from the sidelines as two challengers hit the dance mats for a game of BBR aren't laughing at our characters, because what they see unfolding before them isn't an arcade game, or a joke, but a way of life.
A visually impressive amalgamation of other films like "Rocky," "8 Mile," "The Warriors," and even "Mad Max," "The FP" immediately grabs your attention with its off-kilter approach, and once it does, you are drawn into this peculiar world almost effortlessly, simultaneously laughing at the strange characters and their strange way of life, but also rooting for the 248 boys without even realizing it.
Finally, "The FP" has the greatest final shot of all time.
If you have a sense of humor, check out "The FP." You won't be disappointed.
Read a more comprehensive and uncensored review at The End of Summer by clicking my username.When Albert Camus wrote of the absurdity of man, he could never have fathomed the FP. This is the most wonderfully absurb movie I have ever seen. If you attempt to take it seriously, you will hate it. If you are capable of taking it seriously, seek professional help. The plot surrounds a young man, JTRO, who lives in a semi-post-apocolyptic (or merely post-recession?) northern California town, Frazier Park (aka "the FP"). There, rival gangs must compete in "Beat Beat Revelation" (aka "Dance-Dance-Revolution") for their street cred. After the death of his brother, JTRO leaves the FP and seeks employment in the logging industry, because "Logs is chill". When the heir to the only liquor store in town brokers alchohol to only those who will comply with his gang's demands, JTRO must return in the name of justice to set things right. So be Never Ignorant and Get Goals accomplished, settle in with a spaghetti-O and waffle sandwich, and watch "The FP". Turn on the subtitles the spelling of the dialog is half the the fun. Dayum!
Buy The FP (+ Digital Copy) (2011) Now
This movie is sooooo bad it's actually funny. It's a take off on 80s flicks with every cliche and plot line thrown in. The acting is terrible but Frazier Park gets some props. So, if you're a glutton for awful, check it out. You'll laugh for a few moments.Read Best Reviews of The FP (+ Digital Copy) (2011) Here
This movie is awe inspiringly awful in the best possible way. I can't recommend it highly enough for anyone who sees the humor in a bad flick.I am literally going to buy this for people and write a note: "You're welcome -M" on it.
There's heavy slang, DDR to the death, epic montages of unepic things, excessive swearing, random nudity. Oh god this is fantastically redic. Can't recommend it enough.
Want The FP (+ Digital Copy) (2011) Discount?
When I first saw the trailer for THE FP and learned what it was about I could only do one thing. I laughed. Hard and loud. Are you for real? A post apocalyptic film where gangs fought one another for possession of turf by...dance dance revolution?Much of THE FP seems like something that would come out of a Troma film. That's a compliment, not an insult. The production values are low budget but you can't really tell because the film looks that good. There is little to no money coming along to rescue this film so it all depends on the effort made by those involved. That effort is tremendous.
As I said, the film takes place in what appears to be the near future, a world where everyone seems to do little more than get drunk and celebrate their heroes, those who face off in dance dance revolution. If you don't know what ddr is it's the game where to contestants stand on a platform made of squares and must imitate the patterns appearing on the screen making dance moves in the process.
The main hero is Btro, a player who has yet to be beaten. His brother Jtro (Jason Trost) is also a competitor but not near the player Btro is. On a fateful night, Btro is facing L Dubba E, the winner taking control of the FP (short for Frazier Park where the film takes place). During the competition Btro has a heart attack and Jtro swears to never ddr again.
A year later and we find Jtro working a road crew. His friend KCDC comes to him and tells him they need his help. L Dubba E has taken control of the liquor store and now the drunks are limited to meth instead of getting drunk. KCDC pleads his case to Jtro telling him the drunks no longer feed the ducks in the local lake. "Do you know what it's like to have a lake with no ducks?" he screams? Ok so that should tell you how funny this movie can get.
Jtro returns home and KCDC helps him by getting him to the toughest trainer ever, BLT. BLT doesn't pull punches and hold Jtro up to his own high standards. He knows Btro was the best there ever was but also knows that Jtro has the potential to replace him. In a series of Rocky inspired montages we witness Jtro in training. But can he beat L Dubba E?
Along the way we have a touch of romance tossed in as well. Jtro's long lost love Stacy is glad he has returned as well. A heavy drinker with a father she hates, Stacy has always hoped for a way to be noticed. Jtro gives her that chance. Don't misunderstand though. Stacy is as far from a fairy princess as you can get with a reputation for various sexual acts, one of which closes the film as it fades to black.
I know, you're probably scratching your head thinking I've gone insane to recommend a movie that sounds like this. Had I not watched it I would have thought the same thing. But with the low expectations I had as it began I was astounded by how much heart was put into this thing. It also provided me some great belly laughs that I hadn't had much chance to expel in some time.
This movie is definitely not for everyone. Those with a sense of adventure or looking for something different will love it. Those who admire Troma films will love it. Those who look for anything off the wall will love it. All others beware. You just might find yourself laughing at the most inappropriate things.
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