Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Leaving Las Vegas (1995)

Leaving Las VegasWatching `Leaving Las Vegas' can be an experience that takes a gloomy sadness to the interiors of your existence and keeps you immersed in it. As human beings, we consistently put the highest premium on our being alive. Experiencing the intensity of a despondent Nicolas Cage committed to taking his life by drinking himself to death, can trigger off a question as to what can prepare someone for such an act of self-destruction. Intriguingly enough we get no clear answers though there is a clear hint as to it might have been a profound sense of loss or failure.

Singular focus on the moribund obsessions of Cage would be gross injustice to the incredibly touching love and empathy that he shares with the lead female protagonist Elisabeth Shue who plays a hooker's role with levels of dexterity rarely attained. There is a very deep understanding and mutual acceptance between the two lead characters that is in many ways the true highlight of this movie. Interestingly, we see no reasons for this to exist but such is the articulacy of characterization that not even for a second does one find this profound relationship unrealistic.

'Leaving Las Vegas' is an iconoclastic love story whose control over the audience is fascinating. Such is the brilliance of the performances that you feel a lump in your heart by the end of the movie and this lump transcends into the depths of your being to stay there and to remind you that unconditional love exists and so does the capability to invite your own death to walk up to you gradually and consistently. 'Leaving Las Vegas' is a movie that would haunt you for its portrayal of love intertwined with morbid realities of life.

"Leaving Las Vegas" is a dark and tragic film that shows you how low you can fall and just how bad things can get. It portrays a dead-on picture of alcoholism and what exactly one goes through when they've hit rock bottom. As tragic as it is, this is a very beautiful and well-done film that keeps your attention to the bitter end.

Ben Sanderson (Nicholas Cage) is an alcoholic who has nothing left to live for but the very booze that seems to be the only happiness he can find. His friends want nothing to do with him and women are disgusted by him. After being let go from his job, Ben burns all of his possessions and moves to Las Vegas, where his only plan is to drink himself to death. In a short amount of time he meets Sera (Elisabeth Shue), a lonely hooker who has been through it all. An unexpected bond is formed between the two and love falls upon them that can only end in tragedy.

Boy, was this a hard movie to watch, but it was so well-done and executed. You are able to sympathize with both Ben and Sera, despite the paths they have chosen. Nicholas Cage was amazing and brilliant. No wonder why he won an Academy Award for his performance. You really buy into the fact that he is this sad character who wants nothing more but to destroy himself by the only thing that can bring him some sense of false happiness. Shue is also terrific in her role and should be applauded as well. The two are explosive as a team and can really bring the house down.

The DVD is fair; nothing too special. You can have your choice of either watching the movie in widescreen or full screen. The picture for the most part looks good; not the best, but good. The main special feature this DVD offers is a trailer for the film and a bonus secret page. It would be nice if they decided to re-release this in a more superior version.

"Leaving Las Vegas" is drama at its best. It's heartbreaking, but at the same time is satisfying. It's emotionally charged from start to finish. The writing is poetic, the acting is electric, and the directing is fantastic. Be warned, this is not a "feel-good" movie. It's a portrait of harsh reality and it doesn't go easy on you for a second. If you want a powerhouse drama that will keep you emotionally involved, this is the one for you. A terrific and amazing film on every front.

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This film is not for most people; it's very morose and gruesome at times, and it won't be entertaining and satisfying in the same way most mainstream movies are. It does however provide a very shocking and revealing look at the lives of a hopeless drunkard and a lonely prostitute.

Nicholas Cage and Elizabeth Shue are superb portraying their characters and their skill is the driving force of the film. That isn't to say, however, that the directing, music, and screenplay weren't excellent as well.

One particularly important aspect of the film is the relationship that forms between Cage and Shue. Some reviewers describe it as sincere love, however, I don't agree. Both Cage and Shue are desolate and vulnerable. The natural thing for both of them to do when they meet is to seek refuge in each other. Shue might love Cage, but it's more out of desparation for company than what she sees in him. Cage's interest in Shue is somewhat more confusing. Before his introduction to Shue, I got the impression that he was completely detatched from anything earthly. The relationship he maintains with Shue suggests otherwise though. I'm not really sure, yet, what to make of Cage.

I never really knew what alcohol could do to a man until seeing this movie. Sure, a random drunk on the street is a common sight, but most people, who don't have a friend or family member with the problem, don't realize the extreme extent to which the obsession can develop. I'd recommend this film to anyone older than 17.

Read Best Reviews of Leaving Las Vegas (1995) Here

This is a horrendous transfer, looks close to VHS quality... I own an import version and it is literally about 3x clearer. This edition looks like they took the cheapest route possible and used 2nd or 3rd generation prints to create this Blu-Ray, with quality worse than the DVD. PLEASE DO NOT BUY THIS DISC BUY THE IMPORT VERSION INSTEAD, AND WRITE/EMAIL/FACEBOOK/TWITTER TO UA/20TH CENTURY FOX to let them know you are boycotting this shameful release. Demand a refund if you purchased already!!!

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Not many films I've seen were able to depict the reality of compulsive drunks and hookers. It confirms what I have always thought: no matter what, the bottom line is that a human being is essentially love, and life revolves around it. Its presence or its absence dictates pragmatic success or self destruction.

Ben's mind boggling drinking may seem too excessive, a expressway to death, but there is so much you can fit into a movie. The core here, in my opinion, resides in the fact that we can voluntarily, control whether we survive drinking or not. Cage's interpretation is real, yet giving him an Oscar for that remains questionable.

Sera's performance as a hooker brought once again, yet with an astonishing evidence that prostitution may not be reserved to poor girls and/or uncultured souls. Sue's acting is a masterpiece of profound conflict between business at any cost (the executive at the bar counter and the rape from the football players)and the real, love thirsty and sensitive Sera.

He is not a hopeless drunk, She is not a cold blooded hooker. None of them are victims. But both are in desperation to find a way to justify why they are alive. The drunk and the Hooker are not alive, they simply exist!

And finding themselves provided means to stop and come back, love as the basis of such painful, yet possibe and desirable recover.

I cannot judge why the movie ended with her acceptance of his way of being, as I respect the author's and the director's choice. But as a message (and all real movies should convey one), it would be healing to see, even without an happy-end, that those disturbed beings could return to Life through Love.

Elisabeth Sue deserved an Oscar for her amazing, beautiful, sensible and shattering interpretation.

For the rest, music supported the movie being a breath holding experience from the beginning to the end. Grade AA++

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