Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Adventures of Milo and Otis (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (1989)

The Adventures of Milo and Otisever since way back when, i was maybe 6 years old, i still remember when i first rented it from the video store. it took my little breathaway. whenever i went back to rent a movie, i begged my mom to let me rent it again, until she finally bought it for me.

this beautiful tale has so many layers, heart, and spirit, i can't begin to explain it. the first thing i should mention is, dont get fooled to thinking animals got hurt during the making of this, because they DIDNT. Masanori Hata takes VERY good care of his animals. he shot milo and otis on his own private island in Japan. the original movie was called the Adventures of Chatran, and it was longer. ( i've never seen it, i've been looking for years ) i hope someday i will see it. koneko monogatari ( milo and otis ) makes me cry at the beauty, sadness, and then joy finally. its a celebration of life. you can't dismiss it as a mere " kid's movie", it is for everyone. i detest the "adult" mindset, because it disables them from experiancing all forms of beauty. this is not a movie to me, it's a part of me, and it shares a special place in my heart.

i love milo and otis. jeffro

I didn't know what to think before seeing this movie. The opinions were so disparate. Now that I've seen it, I find I agree with both camps. It is a delightful AND troubling film.

This is a simple but timeless story of adventure and friendship. Milo the mischievous kitten and Otis the pug puppy are best friends. Otis even pursues his friend when he's carried down the river after jumping into a wooden box. Soon, both of them are lost as well as separated from each other. The adventures they have with other animals are amazing, numerous and varied. They interact with a bear cub, raccoon, fox, seagulls, a turtle, a fawn and many others. The interactions will amaze you -I couldn't believe a pug was riding on a turtle's back!

The footage is incredible, and does make one worry about the animals. While the director has said that the animals were raised together and are friends, and this is believable, it cannot account for the cat being attacked by seagulls and later falling from a very high cliff into the ocean. This troubles me.

Dudley Moore's narration is flawless. He captures every voice perfectly. Background music is gentle orchestral pieces. You will be amazed (and maybe a little troubled). Your children will definitely enjoy it, and adults will, too.

Buy The Adventures of Milo and Otis (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (1989) Now

Milo and Otis is an absolutely adorable movie! I own a pug and let me tell you that Otis's mannerisms and the way he behaves is very true to the breed. Otis is very ornery and gets into so many things, just like pugs really do. I felt so bad and wanted to cry when he got stuck out in the snow towards the end of the movie. I am very glad that he made a friend in Milo and their travels together will warm the coldest of hearts. The end is a perfect end to their travels and now there is not just two of them anymore!

Read Best Reviews of The Adventures of Milo and Otis (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (1989) Here

This DVD is fantastic, it contains a widescreen presentation of a movie that kids love and parents will not get sick and tired of. This is an adventure/coming of age story of a dog and a cat, with nary a human being in sight. All kinds of animals make appearances and contribute to the plot! Narrated by Dudley Moore, who died recently (last year?) with some of the best cinematography EVER amazing nature footage that will always captivate little ones attention. Highly, highly recommended.

Want The Adventures of Milo and Otis (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) (1989) Discount?

....killed in this film is a retard, that thing about 20 cats being killed is a rumour that was bred by paranoia and ignorance. I can say that this film is amazing in what they accomplished with these animals and Dudley Moore is awesome as the narrator, but the editing was kind of awkward which is understandable when you are piecing fragments of non-cohesive shots. i watched this becuase it is a remarkable achievement as a film. but really, everything that you see in the film is a very basic, and usually very obvious, camera trick made to allude that it was more "dangerous" than it realy was. first off, the japanese man who made this owns a farm and is a devote animal lover so I strongly doubt he would have allowed an animal to be killed. Also, its a trivia fact that ONLY 4 cats were used this film and that was only to show an age progression. really, their was no assembly line of death in this movie. So lets break down the "stunts" in the film.

1. the scene where the pug and bear "fight". The bear in this film was obviously domesticated and was really only playing rough with the dog because by nature, bears play rough. the dog was only slapped on his hind by the bear and not even scratched because it was not an attack, it was play that was meant to look like one with the magic of editing. He did get dunked in the water a few times though which was kind of funny.

2. the box scene where the cat drops off a waterfall. the cat coudnt have been injured. the fall was made to look bigger than it really was with the use of the camera and really coudnt have been more than five feet, and cats are very limber and can sustain a much greater fall than that on solid ground.

3. Seagulls pecking the cat? I didnt see a single seagull even touch the cat. the cat was just running around all erratic to make the situation look really distressing. One gull lifted his wings up to stand his ground from the cat, that was pretty much it.

4. Now the big one, the cliff drop. If you look at the actual shot, you will notice the cat really only fell about a quarter of the way into the ocean but was filmed in a way to suggest that he had fallen from the top.

5. heres a funny one, one person actually believed that the fish really bit the cats tail which is really laughable. the fish that you saw being dragged by the cat was a dead fish prop attached to the cats tail, and then was replaced with a live fish flopping on the ground in the next shot. this film must have been exhausting to make.

6. oh yeah, the crab that pinched the cats cheek. well...ok, that was real. you got me that time. even though that crab was smaller than a baby kitten and could not have broken through his skin.

7. Were they psychologically harmed? doubtful. the average cat or dog owner does far more psychologically damaging things to their pet, you strap a leash on them. you confine them to your backyards. put them in cages to transport them like cargo. really, its a subjective viewpoint.

You know how I know that animals were really looked after intensely when this was made? because the editing is clumsy as hell. If they really were at a complete disregard for animal safety, then they could have gotten these shots to flow much easier and it wouldnt have taken them four years to make it.

If there are any more that i missed, you could probably figure them out for yourself if you stop watching it in such an emotional state and look at it like a film. I suppose the reason they did not include the message "no animals were harmed...." is becuase that was not the standard in 1980's Japan at the time, and instead the message "all animals were treated under the care of supervisors with regard to their safety...etc." was used instead. trust me, i watched the entire film with every allegation that people have made about it in mind and would be surprised if any animal was even injured in the making of this film.

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