Monday, October 6, 2014

Rifftrax: LIVE! Reefer Madness

Rifftrax: LIVE! Reefer MadnessI saw this show in the theater last year and couldn't wait to get it on DVD. The shorts alone make it worth buying, but then the jokes during the movie were certainly worthwhile as well. The jokes are not simply a repeat of the studio version of Rifftrax Reefer Madness and while I enjoy that DVD quite a bit the live version is just as good or better with lots of new jokes added. As others have pointed out, there are a few flubbed lines, but they are few and far between and it is LIVE comedy, so that is to be expected. If anything, it adds to the humor. The energy of the live performance and connection with the theater audience more than makes up for a few verbal stumbles. I highly recommend this DVD, it is one of my favorites of the Rifftrax Live series so far.

Shorts include:

More Dangerous Than Dynamite: A 1930's short about the hazards of washing your laundry at home in gasoline. D'uh!

At Your Fingertips: Grasses: A bizarre arts and crafts short for children from the 1970's. You'll wonder what the makers of this one were thinking when they dreamed it up.

Frozen Frolics: An odd 1930 cartoon that is not so classic, but it is a bit bizarre. Let's just say it's no Steamboat Willy.

There's also a new introduction on the DVD featuring Mike, Kevin and Bill.

The shorts are so amusingly odd that they kind of make fun of themselves, but Rifftrax certainly does add jokes worth hearing. If you're a MSTie and or a Rifftrax fan you won't want to miss this one. Recommended.

As the post-MST3K world goes, Rifftrax has just been too hit-or-miss for me. I've picked up a few titles (Carnival of Souls is one of my favorite B movies so I HAD to have that one). But seeing they put their live shows out on Blu-ray perked my interest enough to order this. Good thing too, because this has ended up being my favorite of the Rifftrax outings. The best part of the show isn't the feature's the short about grass (as in lawn), which is funny enough without the riffing.

I found the visual presentation to be a bit annoying. The image keeps alternating between the movie itself centered on the screen and the movie off to the left to fit images of the three riffers to the right in Brady windows. I found that to be distracting and unnecessary.

Still, the subject matter is ripe for riffing, and the laughs are frequent.

Buy Rifftrax: LIVE! Reefer Madness Now

A 1930s movie about (sic) the "Dangers Of Marijuana?" Be a little real, marijuana is about as "dangerous" as Shirley Temple or Tiny Tim. The ONLY "true" way to achieve any sort of "edification" ref "Reefer Madness" is to allow the Riff Trax guys, Mike, Kevin, and Bill, to explain the..."subtile nuances" of this FINE film to you. And the song they've composed which is available between the Riff Trax-enhanced version of (giggle) "Reefer Madness" and the original (yes, they both occupy the same DVD!) film is worth the price of admission, just by itself. MST3K may have gone to that great resting place in the sky where "Fridays," "Alf," "the Monkees," and "Car 54 Where Are You" now abide, but the Riff Trax guys do very well, keeping its spirit alive and quite well.

Read Best Reviews of Rifftrax: LIVE! Reefer Madness Here

Mystery Science Theater 3000 is something new to me. But it is fun. It is a movie, a bad one with a couple of guys riffing it. If you do not know what that is, well you know how when you watch a bad movie with your friends and you make fun of it through out the movie... well there you go. That is what a riff is. They say funny things about the mistakes in the movie, and bad acting and whatever else they find that is funny.

Want Rifftrax: LIVE! Reefer Madness Discount?

I love the Rifftrax Live dvds because they have all of the extra shorts too! Reefer Madness is hilarious with the riffs.

Save 41% Off

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