Monday, September 15, 2014

Yogi Bear (2010)

Yogi BearAll these people that are rating this movie as boring, expected, "I knew exactly where the plot is going" SERIOUSLY???? its YOGI BEAR, not a Tarintino movie. I personally LOVED this movie. Sure the jokes were corny, but that's why they were funny. The jokes were always corny on the original Yogi cartoon. I honestly thought I was going to hate this movie because of all the so called bad reviews it got. However, I decided to go see it anyway, at the discount 3d theater, and I laughed from beginning to end. My 9 year old son also was cracking up. It was a nice, clean, goofy family movie. What's so wrong about that? after we watched it at the movies, we went out and bought the blu ray combo and watched it again. I enjoyed it more the second time watching it in the comfort of my home. Don't listen to People's opinions, rent it if you must, but watch it and make up your OWN mind. If you are like any of the people at that theater that day, you will love it.

as for the blu ray dvd, it is beautiful and very clear. On this movie, I did not have enough money to buy the 3d version, but I did borrow it from a friend and it is AWSOME. This movie is BEST VIEWED IN 3D, its just much more fun that way. the regular blu ray is nice but its much more fun in 3D.

Well, I went to an advanced screening of the new Yogi Bear movie and I loved it. It is a very funny film with lots of laugh-out-loud moments. I took my 11 year old son with me and he enjoyed it just as much as I did. As we were leaving the cinema, we were both going back and forth over all the lines from the movie. I think the animators did a great job with Yogi and Boo Boo. Dan Ackroyd did a good job with Yogi and Justin Timberlake was fantastic as Boo Boo. Speaking of the little buddy, in the commercials Boo Boo seems a little smarmy but in the film he is the same ol' Boo Boo that we all know and love. The story line is pretty weak but the antics of Yogi and Boo Boo help make up for it.

As a matter of fact, the weakest part is the human actors. Yogi and Boo Boo were always dead on perfect and funny during their scenes. However, Tom Cavanagh is weak as Ranger Smith. Instead of chasing after Yogi and getting all upset at Yogi's antics, Tom took the opposite approach: Yogi will be Yogi and there's nothing I can do about it. Anna Faris is a good love interest for Ranger Smith. The first twenty minutes of the film, when they are setting up the plot, is the slowest part of the film because it is mostly Cavanagh, Faris and the villain, Mr. Mayor. Once the set up is done, though, it is pure antics and hilarity throughout the rest of the film.

I am very biased because I have been a big Huck and Yogi fan all of my life and it is great to see an H-B character in a big budget film that works. After the film, I turned to the guy next to me (not my son) and said, "What did you think?" His reaction was the same as mine that it was a great film and a terrific Yogi Bear movie. Everyone in the theater were laughing uproariously at the film and gave the film a huge applause at the end, so it wasn't just me.

I loathe the three TV films from the 80's (Yogi's Great Escape, Yogi Bear/Spruce Goose and Yogi/Space Bears). They were awful. Yogi's First Christmas is a just a step above these three but not by much. However, this film is probably the best Yogi Bear showing since "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear" and this is no exaggeration. I enjoyed every minute and my hat is off to Warner Brothers Pictures for making a terrific Yogi Bear movie.

Buy Yogi Bear (2010) Now

I loved Yogi cartoons when I was a kid, many moons ago. Wasn't sure what they would do to wreck that with an "updated" movie. Fortunately, they pretty much stuck to the original formula and produced and thoroughly predictable but thoroughly enjoyable movie.

We took our grandson and I expected to drift off or spend more time concentrating on the popcorn bucket than the actual movie. However, despite a massive headache at the start of the show, halfway through, I was back to the screen and had a great time. The live actors were a vague mystery to me. I have seen them all somewhere, someplace, but couldn't put my finger on who they were. When I got home and looked them up on IMDB, I had that "aha" moment. Anna Faris was the most recognizable.

I'll have to give Kudos to Dan Aykroyd as he really nailed Yogi's voice. I'll also give A for effort to Justin Timberlake, who did an admirable if slightly off Boo Boo.

I was able to predict virtually every single scene and event well in advance, yet it didn't bother me at all. I think the filmmakers delivered the spirit of the cartoon show from so long ago.

Wasn't perfect, but still not a bad way to pass time while I ate popcorn. All I know is Baby loved it. Highly recommended for kids and young at heart.

Read Best Reviews of Yogi Bear (2010) Here

Comment: I have to laugh when I hear these people reciting bogus information about 3D and the wearing of "goofy" glasses from so called "technical reporters" that formed their opinion based on a brief viewing in a crowded noisy convention, rather than living with a 3D TV in their homes for awhile. These same people will stand in line for hours and spend $18 apiece (not to mention the cast of food) to get in. That same 3D experience (or better) can be had any time they want (with their family) for the cost of one admission. This family movie is a case in point. It is family entertainment on all levels. The jokes are great... the story is "lesson learning"... and the 3D effect is wonderful with the occasional surprise. It is probably a little mild for teenagers and "tweensters" but if it's a wholesome funny politically correct family movie your looking for, this is it... it's "smarter than the average bear... right Boo Boo"?

Want Yogi Bear (2010) Discount?

I love this movie.

There's something about it, that doesnt get old. I have watched it about 15 times and still feel like I'm watching it for the first time, whenever I watch it again. It's like taking a fun trip to Jellystone over and over again.

What's not to like?

The movie is about forever friendship: Yogi and Boo Boo are charming, a great team, and compliment each other better than Abbott/Costello, Cheech/Chong, Laurel/Hardy, etc, and those were great teams.

The movie is about fun and adventure: Yogi and Boo Boo stop at nothing to swipe a pic-a-nic basket. If they have to fly, they will. If they have to hook up pic-a-nic tables themselves, to a vehicle and get the baskets that way, they'll do it.

They never give up, and there's a good natured lesson to be learned there.

The film is full of scenes of a sunshine filled Jellystone Park, it is a happy movie, a movie meant to entertain and provide fun to the audience and it hits a home run in doing that.

The scene where Yogi and Boo Boo dance and shake their groove things: Cute and Great.

The fireworks scene: Hilarious.

The "limo window challenged" Mayor: A riot.

The so called movie "critics" and less than stellar box office numbers notwithstanding, this is a great movie that the whole family will love.

It brings Yogi and Boo Boo to life like never before, and I love this movie more than the cartoons.

I hope there will be more movies.

Throw in a nerdy but funny Mr. Ranger and a funny, cute "Movie lady" played by the lovable Anna Faris, and what do you have?

A pic-a-nic basket full of goodies, and dreams that come true.

Verdict: Two pic-a-nic baskets up!!

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