Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wedding Crashers

Wedding CrashersJohn (Owen Wilson) & Jeremy (Vince Vaughn) are best buds. They've known each other for 17 years, work together, and in there spare time crash wedding parties; where they drink like sailors, mingle with unsuspecting relatives, and hit on single and willing brides maids every chance they get. They have a whole science to their crashing ( rules and all), and have become quite adept at the sport.

That all changes when they attend a wedding held by Secretary Cleary (Christopher Walken), whose daughter is getting hitched. During the lavish formal affair, Jeremy makes headway with Cleary's physcopath daughter Gloria ( a hilarious Isla Fisher), while John slowly maneuvers his way into the life of the Secretary's other daughter Claire (Rachel McAdams), who just happens to have a steady bo' of her own.

Eventually, after all the formalities-the two are privately invited back to the Secretary's estate, where they play touch football with the family, have formal dinners, sail out on the boat, & get hit on by the Secretary's sex starved wife (Jane Seymour) & his homosexual son Todd (Keir O'Donnell).

Its all very funny and sillybut the great chemistry by Wilson and Vaughn helps the film move at a steady pace. The supporting roles of McAdams and Fishler are nicely fleshed out as well. While no means a great movie, "The Wedding Crashers" is quite funny at times, and overall enjoyable.

Some people have called this a raunchy, gross-out comedy; although I noticed nothing of the sort. Besides the dialogue and a few breast shots, theres really nothing raunchy or gross-out about "Wedding Crashers" at all. It certainly wouldnt fall into the category of "Something About Mary" or the "American Pie" movies.

Vaughn and Wilson definitley shine throughout and appear to be having the time of their lives here....


There were other funny movies this year and this summer. Both "Batman Begins" and "Serenity" were extremely funny and well written in their own witty manners. "Wedding Crashers," however, was written to be a comedy, and I have to say that it takes funny to an entirely new level. Both Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson have been hilarious before, but the roles they nab in this flick seem to say they were born to star in this movie.

"Wedding Crashers" is that rare movie that combines the comedic excellence of the cast with a very strong, intelligent, hilarious script, and directing that executes the necessary direction flawlessly. Too often lately, I feel as though movie studios have shyed away from "R" rated comedies for many reasons. The "R" rating of course threatens who will actually see a movie, so I understand why studios often create "R" rated movies with caution. What I do not understand, however, is why, until "Wedding Crashers," intelligent, witty, adult-oriented "R" rated comedies seemed to have fallen completely off the radar. For the past 5 years or so, any comedy with an "R" rating (or often a PG-13 rating for that matter) had the rating because of disgusting, gross-out gags that forced laughs because of awkwardness and shock value. "Wedding Crashers" was a sigh of relief because it forced nothing. There were no unnecessary bodily function gags, there were no horribly moronically stupid characters. The movie worked because for the most part, everything seems believable. The characters come off as very real people in an improbable, but still possible situation, and interwined with a "cooky" love story, the comedy works really really well.

I cannot say enough about this film. I was laughing so hard the first 3 times I saw it that tears were streaming down my face. Time #4 I had to restrain myself so I could actually hear the punchlines to the jokes so I couldn't tear-up too much. This movie is great. The characters are great. They are funny, they are sweet, but somehow, they are real. And that is why this movie was so successful. We all have either been, or could see ourselves being Owen and Vince, and they were great. So were Isla and Rachel and Christopher and everyone really. This movie is awesome!

Buy Wedding Crashers Now

Wedding Crashers is the story of John (Owen Wilson) and Jeremy (Vince Vaughn), who work as arbitrators, mediating in difficult divorce cases. Each year these two lifelong best friends take the month of June off to infiltrate weddings of every description.

John and Jeremy are natural born shape-shifters, adapting to any circumstance. Armed only with vast quantities of bravado and an ethnically appropriate back-story, these guys are in search of an endless party and beautiful women. As a woman, I felt I should probably be offended on behalf of my sex at their "let's get in, seduce a lot of women and get out" mentality. However, they are so likeable and their tactics are so over-the-top and so shamelessly manipulative, you just can't help laughing. They are also the life of any party. Dancing with the flower girls, tying balloon animals for the kids and schmoozing with the elderly guests, they are also the first ones up for a vigorous hora or polka, pulling the more reticent guests up with them as they go.

As the wedding season closes out, John starts to lose some of his enthusiasm for the enterprise. These "one afternoon stands" are a bit like only eating dessert it might sound really good on paper but it will leave you feeling pretty lousy after a while. He's also beginning to feel that they are a little too old to be doing this sort of thing. Jeremy soon convinces John to crash just one more wedding the wedding of the daughter of U.S. Treasury Secretary, William Cleary (Christopher Walken).

Posing as venture capital high-rollers, John and Jeremy sneak past the Secret Service. John is immediately attracted to Claire (Rachel McAdams), one of the bride's sisters. Saving her from an embarrassingly dismal wedding toast, the two immediately click, but bad timing in the arrival of Sack (Bradley Cooper), Claire's ivy league, horse's rump of a boyfriend, prevent them from getting better acquainted.

Jeremy meanwhile more than meets his match in the form of the bride's other sister, Gloria (the delightfully demented Isla Fisher). After closing the deal (ahem) with Gloria, Jeremy finds himself unable to shake her off. Jeremy describes her to John as "completely off the reservation" and he's not wrong. She is the poster child for clingy and inappropriate behavior. It is interesting to see the 6'5" Vaughn equally attracted to and afraid of this tiny woman.

Jeremy is able to wangle a weekend invitation to the Cleary estate for John to spend more time with the woman of his dreams. The Cleary Clan are one strange bunch: a racist elderly matriarch, Grandma Mary Cleary (Ellen Albertini Dow), Secretary Cleary's sexually inappropriate wife, Kathleen (Jane Seymour), and his wound-way-too-tight artistic son, Todd (Keir O'Donnell).

John and Jeremy survive a game of homicidal touch football and one of the more wildly loony dinner parties ever put on film. You have to admire Jeremy. He is ready to leave almost immediately and endures the brunt of the Cleary Clan's unwholesome attention, but he hangs in there for his friend. After suffering a series of late night, unwelcome and increasingly abusive visits from the various deranged Cleary family members, Vaughn's hyper-verbal panic attacks are some of the funniest scenes in the movie.

Others have covered in great detail the lowbrow nature of the comedy. It is very politically incorrect. It may have you rolling your eyes or even groaning at times. (I suppose I am not that easily offended.) I didn't expect too much going in and was very pleasantly surprised. I found it to be a good natured, high octane romp. If you are willing to adjust your expectations accordingly, you may as well. Vaughn and Owens have a great chemistry. Vaughn's manic energy is a perfect counter to Owens' more laidback, wry style.

Will John be able to woo Claire away from Sack? Has Jeremy found the perfect woman in Gloria? Will they be exposed as the totally lying horndogs they are? (I don't want to spoil the movie for you.) I give it a solid 4-1/2 stars. It loses half a point for a slightly weak and tacked on feeling to the ending. I've never had this much fun at a wedding, and I didn't even have to buy a present.

Read Best Reviews of Wedding Crashers Here

This movie was about 30-45 minutes too long. It's like I saw two different movies shoved together so they could succeed in getting a two hour comedy movie released. I am a firm believer in the fact that I don't mind if a comedy is short in the 70-85 minute range as long as it's funny, and this one was that movie, but it just kept going and going. So, let's talk about the first half of the movie, or the 4-star part....Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn are professional wedding crashers, and they are extremely talented at it, they are sure to get every slightest detail down so no mistake can be made, and for a while everything is going fine, they are eating, drinking and freakin' everything in sight. All the while making us laugh....alot. The lies and the facial expressions these two come up with are just plain priceless. The chemistry between Vaughn and Wilson is perfect, as expected, what is this the 4th or 5th movie they've been in together?

Eventually, Wilson falls in love, breaking 1 of the some thousand wedding crashing rules, and to top it off, the woman Wilson fell in love with (the lovely Rachel McAdams) is the daughter of Christopher Walken, who just happens to be running for office. To add more crazyness to the plot, Vaughn's character nails another one of the daughters, who in turn falls in love with him. Got all that? Good, moving on....The dialogue between Wilson and Vaughn is very funny, most of the jokes work, and while a bit raunchy here and there, it fits well. Now here's where things start to fall apart, both with the movie and our heroe's.

The second part of the movie, or the 2-star part, goes all out on Hollywood cliches' We get the family bickering, the big 'fight' between Wilson and Vaughn, the speech during the wedding , it just seemed forced and that they just ran out of good jokes, so they recycled some old, lamer ones. I saw the ending coming a mile away and the edge and character the movie had is all but gone now.

So, I gave 4-stars and 2-stars, another bit of the 4-star part I rather enjoyed are the minor roles played by Jane Seymour, she plays Christopher Walken's drunk wife with new breasts, and Will Ferrell (surprised? nah, me either, I think there is an agreement with these 3 men along with Ben Stiller to appear in everyone of each other's movies. just a thought) as Chaz, the legendary wedding crasher Vaughn and Wilson are always quoting. He plays a man in his late 30's, still leaving with his mother, now crashing funerals cuz' it's so easy to get laid by a depressed chick, or so Ferrell says.

There are many subplots, most I didn't care for, but be sure and check out Vaughn's confession to a preist at the breakfeast table........priceless!!! and Jane Seymour's half-ass attempt at seducing Owen Wilson with her new ta-ta's, very funny!!

acting......4 stars, You know you can't go wrong with these two

directing....3 stars, 30-54 minutes too long

special effects...N/A, comedy here, not thrills and chills

comedy rating .....4 stars first 70 minutes, 2 stars after that

quality........3.5 stars, Decent picture quality, little grain, but great soundtrack

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this movie is one of the few movies that men and women will enjoy. i love this and this movie is a must own

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