Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Scream 4 (2011)

Scream 4Now a popular author of a self-help book, Sydney Prescott (Neve Campbell) returns to her hometown Woodsboro for a book tour.Sydney is quickly reunited with her good friends Sheriff Dewey Riley (DavidArquette), and Gail Weather (Courtney Cox) who have now married.When a new Ghost-face killer is on the loose , Gale, who once was a reporter, is given the chance to become a reporter again, but Sheriff Dewey and his loyal Deputy Judy Hicks (Marley Shelton) are sharing as little with her about the case as they possibly can. Since she wants to solve the case with him and find the killer as a team like they used to, but he doesn't want her to get hurt. Desperate for information, Gale teams up with Charlie Walker (Rory Culkin), a film geek that seems to know a lot about scary movies and remakes.

Sydney who is now under police protection due to that the killings started when she returned and since she's always the target of the Ghost-face killer; is basically protecting herself, while protecting her cousin Jill (Emma Roberts) and her friends from the new killer. Since Jill and her friends have been getting threatening calls from the killer and are a target as well.

With Scream 4, Director, Wes Craven, and screenwriter, Kevin Williamson, have a great time entertaining as well as scaring their audience. From the start the director and writer duo offer many clever twists and turns that are impossible to see coming. But sometimes the film is too goofy for it's own good as far as the laughs go. For instance, in a surreal and hilarious murder scene where someone takes forever to die, you'll laugh while also thinking "that's pretty stupid." Then in other scenes the movie can be so violent that it's disturbing with innocent teens brutally killed. So the comedy and violence isn't as well balanced as it is in the earlier films.

Still, Scream 4 is one of the best in the series since it will make you jump and a lot of the laughs are pretty clever, especially the ones about horror remakes.

I am a big fan of the Scream trilogy!!! Scream 4 brings back Courtney Cox, Neve Campbell and David Arquette as well as some well known young actors that balance very well throughout the entire movie. If you are a fan of this trilogy, you will definitely love the fourth installment. It gives you what you come to love about the other films of this great trilogy. I could even see them making another installment, Hopefully!!! I really enjoy these films and I know other fans will as well. Can't wait for the dvd!!!

Buy Scream 4 (2011) Now

I am a huge fan of the Scream franchise, so I have to be honest that when they announced this movie, and even as I walked into the theater to see it last night, I had my doubts that it would be any good. I was wrong! At first it seemed cheesy, but there was a reason and it turned out to be awesome! The kills were much more violent and to me that made it more intense than the previous three. The plot was the same as the the others, but they seemed to tackle it with enough action and violence to make it okay, and besides, why do we watch slasher movies? It seems to be that its our way of indulging in violence and mindless murder without actually either being in danger or going to prison. I thought this movie had the PERFECT mix of comedy and intensity that makes a movie like this great. I laughed as much as I was afraid and lets face it, that is how horror movies are today, a mix of comedy and horror and only a few movies ever balance that correctly. This one definitely did! I was surprised to find who the killers were and I think a part of that was due to the lack of character development on the new characters in the film. In the first Scream we had Billy and Stu constantly interacting with each other and in tiny places throughout the movie there were winks toward them as the killers, this film had nothing of the sort and I thought it had that going for it. Character development is important, but not necessarily in a slasher movie, and aside from that we already know who Sid, Gale, and Dewey are. The best things this movie had going for it were its comedic edge, action scenes, the killer was tougher, faster, and more psychotic, and it takes a tongue in cheek approach to today's horror blunders just as the first Scream did with the originals. In my opinion, this is one of the best in the series. I was not that impressed with Scream 2 or 3, but this one brought me back and I'm loving it. It did what Scream set out to do in 1996, make an awesome slasher movie that didn't rely on sex to push its story line along, and Scream and Scream 4 does it perfectly!!

Read Best Reviews of Scream 4 (2011) Here

...and loving it.

I'm sure like many of you when I heard they were doing a fourth movie my first thought was...why?

Let the franchise rest will ya?

I was wrong and I'm REALLY glad I was wrong as this installment is the best one since the first.

Better than two or three easily.

I don't know what it was really.

It felt like an old friend had come back.

It was great to see Campbell and the whole crew back again.

The magic in most franchises simply cannot be recaptured but in this case, it feels like the magic never left.

All the horror, the jumps, the music, the snide humor is all there in all its glory.

I loved it.

I'm so sad to see this isn't doing that well in theaters. I hope positive word of mouth helps keep this movie going for a while.

Everything you wanted another Scream movie to be, this is it.

Highly recommended.

Want Scream 4 (2011) Discount?

Upon hearing that Scre4m got the greenlight, I was ecstatic. Scream has been my favorite movie franchise for the past 7 years or so, and needless to say my expectations for Scre4m were incredibly high. I will spare you the simple plot description has so many others have already provided. There will be some light spoilers in this review, but nothing that will ruin the movie for you. Let's start with the opening scene. Brilliant. There are three "acts" to the beginning of the movie and they do not disappoint. At least, the first two "acts" do not. That's not to say the third "act" is necessarily bad, but it's not nearly on par with the first two. I will not spoil the scene but I will say this. There is no way you can ever top the original opening scene to "Scream". The sequel did a good job at putting an interesting twist on it, while the opening scene in the third film failed to impress. The opening scene in this film is most similar to the second film, but with an interesting twist. The commentary that the now famous "opening scene girls" have about the current state of horror movies is not only absolutely hilarious, but incredibly accurate. And I will say that the scene with Kristen Bell and Anna Paquin is one of my favorite in the entire series.

On to the meat of the movie. There is an incredible balance of screen time and importance between the original cast members and the new cast. Courteney Cox is back to her Scream roots, with some excellent "one-liners." David Arquette has never been my favorite part of the series, but he brings back his Dewey charm that the series could not live without. However the real star here is Neve Campbell. Up until the fourth film, I was much more a "Gale supporter" than a "Sidney supporter." That is not to say I had anything against Sidney, but Gale was always the character that I loved to hate. Coming into this film, I was not sure where they could go with Sidney's story, as I thought it was completed nearly perfectly at the end of the original trilogy. However, seeing Sidney as a new strong character who has to deal with these attacks on her life, for the fourth time now is what made this movie. Neve's acting in this film is as perfect as can be, and as viewers, we feel her emotions when sees Ghostface back in action. The look on her face when she sees the masked killer for the first time in 10 years is incredibly heartbreaking. What I love about Sidney in this film is that this time around she is the one chasing after Ghostface. She is sick of the bulls***. I will not spoil any more of Sidney's character arc in this film, but it exceeded my expectations by far.

On to the new cast. Emma Roberts(playing Sidney's cousin Jill Roberts) does a very good job here. I will not say she was perfect, but she did a solid job, better than most thought we would get from Emma. Hayden Panittiere however is clearly the new "fan-favorite." She's funny, she's witty, she's sassy, she's hot. Say what you want about her short hair-cut, but it fits the character perfectly. I will not spoil the scene featured heavily in the previews in which she rattles off a seemingly endless list of nearly every horror remake of the past 10 years, but know this. EPIC. Hands down my favorite scene of the series. The rest of the cast does a fine job as well. My only problem being the character of Judy Hicks, the flirtatious deputy played by Marley Shelton. It has nothing to do with the acting, but everything to do with the writing of this character. Clearly this is a character that Ehren Kruger came up with in re-writes as opposed to Kevin Williamson. However as the film goes on, her dialogue and actions become less exaggerated and annoying. Many people complained about the acting of Kate Roberts(Sidney's Aunt) played by Mary McDonnell, however I thought her to be exceptional, despite the fact that many of her scenes were clearly left on the cutting room floor.

The final 30 minutes of the film are out of control. My jaw was on the floor the entire time. It is comprised of great acting, great dialogue, and an incredibly relevance to today's society. But enough of that.

My ONLY serious qualm with this film is how much was cut out. This is made clear by the fact that half of what we were shown in previews was not in the film. I do think some of the characters could have been a bit more developed with a few more scenes(the infamous cut scene of the new cast around the same fountain as the cast of the original Scream.) Hopefully, on the blu-ray there will be an option to view an "extended" cut of the movie. Overall, I rank this movie as equal to the first film, which both have a slight edge over Scream 2. As for how it compares to Scream 3, well let's just say I try to forget how horrible that movie was.

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