Thursday, August 21, 2014

Super (2011)

SuperForget about Batman. The Crimson Bolt is now my hero. This movie was so great and they did such a great job for the limited budget they had. The story was touching and heartbreaking. I also enjoyed the amount of dark humor and comedy that came out too. Not to mention the violence that added to the point that you "Don't butt!" Rainn Wilson's character Frank D'Arbo touched my heart as well. So far the best character he has played in a long time. Also Ellen was fantastic as Libby. I loved her awkward, psychotic demeanor, it was a perfect collaboration. I wish I could give it an extra 5 stars.

As a fan of both excellent, bad, and trashy cinema (Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead, and Hudson Hawk are all proudly on the same shelf), I am naturally a fan of James Gunn. Like John Waters before him, Gunn's list of films and internet contributions offer a little bit of all three, blended in different doses: Slither, Scooby Doo, Tromeo & Juliet, PG Porn, Humanzee, etc.

Naturally, I was looking forward to Super, Gunn's take on the D.I.Y. superhero a la Kick Ass and the Watchmen graphic novel (the film took liberties with the abilities of what were supposed to be normal people + 1 superbeing). Even with high expectations, the film blew me away. Unable to see it in the theater due to my market, I was nonetheless allowed the privilege of seeing it through IFC OnDemand's "In Theaters" category, and was not disappointed. Gunn's trademark profanity laced insanity is certainly present -Ellen Page's psychopathic sidekick Libby would fit into any one of Gunn's films -but also present is the heart of his more sophisticated works like Slither. Sophisticated is an odd word to use when talking about films that feature tentacle rape scenes or holy roller superhero hallucination scenes, but there it is. What's special about Super is that on this outing, the gratuitous insanity or sexual issues are turned down (while still present) and the heart gets turned up, as well as the emotional resonance. Even the arguably craziest scene in the film, where Rain Wilson's Frank experiences a tentacular brain rape from God, is powerful and moving in a disturbing sort of way. This is no doubt in some part due to Gunn being a sufferer of a rare and real condition whereby he has experienced strange visions at random intervals all his life. The violence is over-the-top to be sure, but serves an emotional purpose as well as a comedic one. By the end of the film, you will find yourself rooting for a man who has been driven to a violent, clearly insane depth in his life, despite the fact that you would never want to meet him. Super may just be James Gunn's masterpiece: violent, trashy, crazy, hilarious, sad, real, and triumphant.

Buy Super (2011) Now

If you think this is just a Kick-Ass Rip Off then you are terribly wrong.

Super is really well executed and delivers a fresh experience.

I think there is some Troma Spirit in it...if you are into that this is a Must See.

Read Best Reviews of Super (2011) Here

It's a movie about a sad loser who decides to become a vigilante, because his wife left him to become some drug slut. The violence in this is intentionally designed to make you feel uncomfortable. Therefore, this movie is great. Yeah that's all I'm going to say about it.

Want Super (2011) Discount?

Super is very different from your usual superhero movie. It is a dark comedy and extremely violent. Frank D'Arbo (Rainn Wilson) is essentially a below average human being, who turns himself into a superhero in order to fight crime. However, his methods are questionable to say the least and that is where the violence comes into play. Frank gets overly violent for petty crimes, but it is his moral belief that he is doing good. This is where the film shines because it is what makes Frank an interesting and complex character. You could say Super is a character study in a sense. You actually sympathize with Frank because you understand that he is somebody who has a very tough life and his fuse has blown. This added with lots of hilarious bits is what makes the film great. The humor isn't so much dark humor as it is just humor surrounded by violence and a somewhat dark theme. So I think the comedy will appeal to a wide audience. Like most indie films, Super is like a breath of fresh air. Definite recommend.

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